

    Overexpression of Populus euphratica PeCSP1 negatively regulating salt tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana

    • 摘要:
        目的  冷激蛋白(CSPs)是普遍存在于原核和真核生物中的一类蛋白,能够参与冷、干旱和盐等非生物胁迫。在胡杨中,冷激蛋白的抗逆功能还少有研究。本文旨在通过研究胡杨PeCSP1在植物耐盐性中的作用,进一步揭示植物耐盐的生理与分子机制。
        方法  参照NCBI数据库信息,使用primer5设计引物,利用Mega7软件进行多重序列比对及进化树分析,利用荧光定量PCR检测基因表达量。以转基因株系PeCSP1(OE1、OE2),野生型,转空载体为材料,对各基因型拟南芥进行不同盐浓度处理,从生理生化及分子生物学角度研究胡杨PeCSP1在盐胁迫中的响应机制。
        结果  胡杨PeCSP1与毛果杨PtCSP1蛋白序列相似度高,亲缘关系较近。在短期盐胁迫下,胡杨叶片PeCSP1基因下调表达。在NaCl(75、100、125 mmol/L)处理后,过表达PeCSP1拟南芥植株种子萌发率和根长的下降幅度高于野生型(WT)和转空载体(VC),而且转基因拟南芥根细胞中Na+含量显著高于WT和VC。盐胁迫下,WT和VC抗氧化酶(SOD、POD、CAT)的活性显著上升,酶活提高的幅度明显高于OE1、OE2。在土培条件下,盐处理12 d后,转基因株系的最大光量子效率未有明显下降,但相对电子传递效率、实际光合量子产量和叶绿素含量受到的抑制作用高于WT和VC。
        结论  过表达胡杨PeCSP1负调控拟南芥耐盐性。


        Objective  Cold shock proteins (CSPs) exist in prokaryotes and eukaryotes and can participate in cold, drought and salt stress. However, the role of CSPs in Populus euphratica is not well understood under abiotic stress. The paper aims to further reveal the physiological and molecular mechanisms of plant salt tolerance by studying the role of P. euphratica PeCSP1 in plant salt tolerance.
        Method  Referring to the NCBI database information, primer5 was used to design primers, Mega7 software was used for multiplex sequence alignment and evolutionary tree analysis, and quantitative PCR was used to detect gene expression. The transgenic lines PeCSP1 (OE1, OE2), wild type and vector control were used as materials, and the response mechanism of PeCSP1 in salt stress was studied from the perspectives of physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology.
        Result  The P. euphratica PeCSP1 was homologous to CSP1 of Populus trichocrapa. PeCSP1 gene in leaves of P. euphratica was down-regulated under short-term salt stress. The decrease of seed germination rate and root length of PeCSP1-overexpressed Arabidopsis thaliana were higher than those of wild-type (WT) and vector control (VC) after NaCl treatment (75, 100, 125 mmol/L), and the content of Na+ in roots of transgenic A. thaliana was significantly higher than that of WT and VC after salt treatment. Under salt stress, the activity of SOD, POD and CAT was significantly increased in WT and VC, but the salt stimulation of antioxidant enzymes was much less pronounced in OE1 and OE2. After 12 d of salt treatment, the maximum photoquantum efficiency (Fv/Fm) was not decreased in soil-cultured seedlings of OE1 and OE2, but relative electron transfer rate (ETR), actual photosynthetic quantum yield (ΦPSⅡ) and chlorophyll content of transgenic lines showed a high reduction than WT and VC.
        Conclusion  Overexpression of P. euphratica PeCSP1 negatively regulates the salt tolerance of A. thaliana.


