

    Analysis of small-scale spatial pattern of Endoclita excrescens based on SADIE and SPPA

    • 摘要:
        目的  柳蝙蛾是一种多食性的森林害虫,在我国东北地区对水曲柳危害严重。在小尺度上研究柳蝙蛾的空间格局,可为精准管理提供基础信息。
        方法  本文将柳蝙蛾蛀孔数及其寄主树木水曲柳胸径作为标记的空间点过程的标记,使用基于距离指数的空间分析(SADIE)来分析标记空间格局和空间关联性。使用L函数来检验水曲柳分布的空间随机性,使用标记条件均值函数来度量标记与点之间的独立性,使用标记变异函数和Stoyan标记相关函数来度量标记的空间相关性。每个样方划分成2种不同密度的小样方来利用SADIE研究水曲柳分布与蛀孔的空间关联性。
        结果  两个样地中柳蝙蛾蛀孔均呈显著的聚集分布。样地G1的斑块和间隙分别处于样地的两端,而样地G2的斑块和间隙混杂在一起。样地G1中,在4.0 ~ 4.8 m和14.5 ~ 16.0 m 距离上存在显著的蛀孔数少的树与其他蛀孔少的树互为邻居的格局。样地G2中,在8.5 ~ 9.0 m距离上存在上述格局。标记变异函数分析表明,两个样地中的空间自相关性均不显著。水曲柳的空间格局及其胸径的空间格局均与柳蝙蛾蛀孔的空间格局成强烈的关联性,表明这两个因素均影响柳蝙蛾蛀孔空间格局的形成。SADIE分析及L函数分析均表明水曲柳的空间格局为聚集性。标记条件均值函数分析表明,标记(蛀孔数)不依赖于点(水曲柳位置)。
        结论  柳蝙蛾蛀孔在水曲柳林中的空间分布呈聚集性。水曲柳的空间格局及其胸径的空间格局均影响柳蝙蛾蛀孔的空间格局。


        Objective  The swift moth, Endoclita excrescens (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae), is a polyphagous forest insect causing great damages to Manchurian ash (Fraxinus mandshurica) in the Northeast China. The spatial patterns of the moth at fine-scale were investigated in this study, which will provide basic information for precision-targeted management.
        Method  Spatial analysis by distance indices (SADIE) was employed to measure spatial aggregation and spatial association of the count of bored holes and the DBH (diameter at breast height) of the host-tree, which were marks of a marked spatial point pattern. The spatial randomness of the distribution of ash tree was tested by the L function. The independence between mark and point was tested by the conditional mean function. Mark variogram and Stoyan mark correlation function were used to measure spatial autocorrelation. Each sample plot was divided into quadrats to calculate SADIE aggregation indices and clustering indices. Two density plans were used to devide the sample plot.
        Result  Results from SADIE indicated that bored holes significantly aggregated in the two sample plots (G1 and G2). In sample plot G1, patches and gaps were separated and located at the two ends of the sample plot, respectively; while in sample plot G2, patches and gaps were mixed. In sample plot G1, trees with small number of bored holes were significantly close to other trees with small number of bored holes at distances of 4.0−4.8 m or 14.5−16.0 m; while in sample plot G2, same spatial patterns were identified at distances of 8.5−9.0 m. The results from mark variogram functions showed that there were no significant spatial autocorrelations at small distances in both sample plots. The spatial patterns of the ash tree and its DBH were strongly associated with the patterns of bored holes, respectively, indicating both of them play roles in the spatial pattern formation of bored holes. Results from either SADIE spatial aggregation index or L function suggested that the host trees were spatially aggregated. And the results from conditional mean of the mark function showed that the mark (count of bored holes) was independent on the point (tree location).
        Conclusion  The spatial pattern of the bored hole of the swift moth is aggregation in the stand of ash. Both the location and size of host trees shape the spatial patterns of bored holes.


