Creation and comprehensive evaluation of Populus deltoides germplasm resources
方法以美洲黑杨无性系Ⅰ-69为母本,D324为父本杂交,获得22个美洲黑杨杂种无性系。以母本Ⅰ-69杨为对照开展苗期试验和造林试验,进行无性系测定,对苗高、苗木胸径、第1年 ~ 第8年的树高和胸径、干形、冠型等性状进行遗传变异分析、主成分分析等,综合选择美洲黑杨优异种质。
结果苗高、苗木胸径、第1年 ~ 第8年的树高和胸径以及第8年的材积、冠幅、分枝度、通直度和冠高比在无性系间差异显著,分枝角度、枝下高和分枝粗度在无性系间差异不显著;各性状遗传变异系数变化范围为3.49% ~ 23.98%;苗高、胸径、树高、材积、冠幅和分枝度的重复力在0.679 8 ~ 0.940 5之间,属于高重复力,受到较强遗传控制。美洲黑杨无性系的生长、干形、冠形性状间存在不同程度的相关性,第8年胸径、树高、材积、冠幅和冠高比两两间的遗传相关系数较高,均呈极显著正相关。主成分分析表明:前3个主成分的累计贡献率达86.85%;其中第1主成分的贡献率为57.04%,胸径、树高、材积、冠幅和冠高比对第1主成分的贡献最大,可作为无性系的评价指标;第1主成分值超过对照Ⅰ-69的有616、607、609、623和624共5个无性系。
- 杂交;育种;美洲黑杨 /
- 种质资源 /
- 创制 /
- 综合评价
Abstract:ObjectiveIn order to further enrich the breeding resources of Populus deltoides, new germplasms with excellent comprehensive characters were created through intraspecific hybridization breeding of P. deltoides.
MethodA total of 22 hybrid clones of P. deltoides were obtained by crossbreeding between P. deltoides ‘Ⅰ-69/55’ as the female parent and P. deltoides ‘D324’ as the male parent. The nursery stage and afforestation experiments were carried out with the female P. deltoides ‘Ⅰ-69/55’ as control. These clones were tested, and genetic variation analysis and principal component analysis were performed for seedling height and DBH, tree height and DBH from 1st to 8th year, 8th year stem shape, crown type and other characters, so as to comprehensively select excellent P. deltoides germplasms.
ResultThere were significant differences in seedling height and DBH, tree height and DBH from 1st year to 8th year, 8th year volume, crown width, branch degree, straightness and crown-height ratio among clones, but no significant differences in branch angle, subbranch height and branch thickness among clones. Moreover, the coefficient of genetic variation of each character ranged from 3.49% to 23.98%. In addition, the repeatability of seedling height, DBH, tree height, volume, crown width and branch degree were
0.6798 −0.9405 , which belonged to high repeatability and was under strong genetic control. Furthermore, there were different degrees of correlation between growth, stem, and crown traits of P. deltoides clones. The genetic correlation coefficients between DBH, tree height, volume, crown width and crown-height ratio in the 8th year were relatively high, showing a highly significant positive correlation. Additionally, principal component analysis showed that the cumulative contribution rate of the top three principal components was 86.85%, of which the contribution rate of the first principal component was 57.04%, and the DBH, tree height, volume, crown width and crown-height ratio contributed the most to the first principal component, which could be used as the evaluation index of clones. There were five clones, i.e. 616, 607, 609, 623, and 624, whose first principal component value exceeded the control P. deltoides ‘Ⅰ-69/55’.ConclusionThere are abundant genetic variations in the intraspecific hybrid clones of P. deltoides. The created five clones have excellent characteristics such as fast growth, straight trunk, large crown width and high crown-height ratio, and the comprehensive traits are better than those of control P. deltoides ‘Ⅰ-69/55’. So they are excellent germplasms.
表 1 通直度、分枝度、分枝角度和分枝粗度调查评判标准及分值
Table 1 Evaluation criteria and score of straightness, branching degree, branching angle and branching thickness
性状 Trait 分值 Score 1 2 3 4 通直度
Straightness完全通直 Completely straight 树干有1段稍弯曲 Trunk with one slightly curved section 树干有2段稍弯曲 Trunk with two slightly curved segments 树干有2段以上明显弯曲 Trunk with two or more distinctly curved segments 分枝度
Branching degree主干高度1/4以下有1个或几个较大分枝 One or several larger branches below 1/4 of trunk height 主干高度1/4 ~ 1/2处有1个或几个较大分枝 One or several larger branches at 1/4 to 1/2 of trunk height 主干高度1/2 ~ 3/4处有1个或几个较大分枝 One or several larger branches at 1/2 to 3/4 of trunk height 主干高度3/4以上有1个或几个较大分枝 One or several larger branches over 3/4 of trunk height 分枝角度
Branching angle/(°)< 30 [30,45) [45, 60) ≥60 分枝粗度
Branching thickness分枝细小,轮生枝不明显
Branches are small and the verticillate branches are not obvious分枝粗度中等
Medium branching thickness轮生枝较粗,明显影响主干生长 Verticillate branches are thicker, significantly affecting the growth of main stem 两个主梢 Two main tips 表 2 无性系的胸径、树高及其方差分析
Table 2 DBH, tree height and their variance analysis of clones
Item胸径 DBH/cm 高度 Height/m 苗
Seedling1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a 苗
Seedling1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a 均值
Mean2.3 3.8 6.5 8.0 9.1 9.8 10.4 11.4 4.0 4.8 6.2 7.6 8.4 9.0 9.5 10.0 SD 0.39 0.42 0.63 0.84 0.94 1.01 1.15 1.21 0.56 0.50 0.47 0.64 0.78 0.92 0.96 1.07 变幅
Amplitude1.3 ~
3.02.6 ~
4.44.9 ~
7.85.5 ~
9.16.9 ~
10.47.7 ~
11.38.4 ~
11.99.1 ~
13.12.8 ~
4.73.8 ~
5.85.1 ~
7.16.5 ~
9.07.0 ~
9.87.3 ~
10.87.7 ~
11.28.1 ~
Range2.7 1.8 2.9 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.5 4.0 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.8 3.5 3.5 3.6 F 11.755** 4.42** 3.188** 4.115** 4.283** 4.964** 5.208** 5.421** 16.795** 7.306** 3.169** 3.524** 4.211** 4.53** 4.556** 5.257** 注:1a ~ 7a代表第1年到第7年。*表示在0.05 水平上差异达到显著,**表示在 0.01 水平上差异达到极显著。下同。Notes: 1a−7a represent the 1st to 7th year. * means significant difference at the level of 0.05, ** means extremely significant difference at the level of 0.01. The same below. 表 3 无性系第8年各生长性状及其方差分析
Table 3 Growth traits and their variance analysis of clones in the 8th year
Tree height/m材积
Under branch
Mean12.1 10.6 0.058 8 3.1 2.4 2.7 1.4 3.0 0.709 1.9 SD 1.18 1.21 0.016 5 0.26 0.22 0.56 0.18 0.30 0.042 2 0.22 变幅
Amplitude9.8 ~ 13.7 8.6 ~ 12.6 0.032 1 ~ 0.085 2 2.6 ~ 3.5 2.1 ~ 3.0 2.0 ~ 4.0 1.2 ~ 2.1 2.6 ~ 3.8 0.590 ~ 0.795 1.3 ~ 2.2 极差
Range3.9 4.0 0.053 1 1.9 1.2 2.0 0.9 1.2 0.205 0.9 F 5.506** 7.089** 6.599** 3.847** 1.165 3.123** 1.628* 1.411 2.133* 1.120 表 4 无性系各性状的遗传参数
Table 4 Genetic parameters for each trait of clones
Environmental variance遗传方差
Genetic variance表型方差
Phenotypic variance遗传变异系数
PCV/%苗木胸径 Seedling DBH 0.914 9 0.053 8 0.144 8 0.158 2 16.54 17.29 1a DBH 0.773 8 0.159 3 0.136 3 0.176 1 9.72 11.04 2a DBH 0.686 3 0.501 2 0.274 2 0.399 5 8.06 9.72 3a DBH 0.757 0 0.682 8 0.531 7 0.702 4 9.12 10.48 4a DBH 0.766 5 0.822 4 0.675 0 0.880 6 9.03 10.31 5a DBH 0.798 5 0.946 8 0.960 4 1.197 1 10.00 11.16 6a DBH 0.808 0 1.015 8 1.068 6 1.322 5 9.94 11.06 7a DBH 0.815 5 1.085 0 1.199 2 1.470 4 9.61 10.64 8a DBH 0.818 4 1.019 7 1.148 5 1.403 4 8.86 9.79 苗高 Seedling height 0.940 5 0.074 9 0.295 8 0.314 5 13.60 14.02 1a树高 1a tree height 0.863 1 0.126 3 0.199 1 0.230 6 9.30 10.00 2a树高 2a tree height 0.684 4 0.278 2 0.150 9 0.220 4 6.27 7.57 3a树高 3a tree height 0.716 2 0.463 7 0.292 6 0.408 5 7.12 8.41 4a树高 4a tree height 0.762 5 0.572 7 0.459 8 0.602 9 8.07 9.24 5a树高 5a tree height 0.779 2 0.754 0 0.665 4 0.853 9 9.06 10.27 6a树高 6a tree height 0.780 5 0.807 4 0.717 9 0.919 7 8.92 10.09 7a树高 7a tree height 0.809 8 0.872 9 0.928 9 1.147 1 9.64 10.71 8a树高 8a tree height 0.858 9 0.821 1 1.249 9 1.455 2 10.55 11.38 材积 Volume 0.847 5 0.000 2 0.000 2 0.000 3 23.98 29.42 冠幅 Crown width 0.740 1 0.072 3 0.051 5 0.069 6 7.32 8.51 分枝角度 Branching angle 0.141 6 0.168 7 0.007 0 0.049 2 3.49 9.24 分枝度 Branching degree 0.679 8 0.394 4 0.209 3 0.307 9 16.94 20.55 通直度 Straightness 0.385 7 0.080 5 0.012 6 0.032 8 8.01 12.94 枝下高 Under branch height 0.291 3 0.225 7 0.023 2 0.079 6 5.08 9.40 冠高比 Crown-height ratio 0.531 2 0.003 3 0.001 0 0.001 8 4.46 5.98 分枝粗度 Branching thickness 0.107 1 0.173 8 0.005 2 0.048 7 3.79 11.62 表 5 第8年各性状表型相关和遗传相关分析
Table 5 Phenotypic and genetic correlation analysis of various traits in the 8th year
thickness胸径 DBH 1 0.886** 0.968 ** 0.999** 0.405 0.140 −0.128 0.213 0.867** 0.264 树高 Tree height 0.842** 1 0.976** 0.678** 0.316 0.184 −0.076 0.330 0.850** 0.503* 材积 Volume 0.966** 0.947** 1 0.852** 0.348 0.120 −0.081 0.262 0.896** 0.355 冠幅 Crown width 0.779** 0.527** 0.674** 1 1** 0.136 −0.267 0.079 0.840** −0.164 分枝角度
Branching angle0.174 0.183 0.178 0.279 1 0.271 0.997** −0.293 0.525** −0.145 分枝度
Branching degree0.114 0.126 0.104 0.095 0.078 1 −0.578** −0.940** 0.694** −0.518 * 通直度 Straightness −0.074 −0.021 −0.042 −0.139 0.213 −0.239 1 1** −1** 0.025 枝下高
Under branch height0.156 0.141 0.159 0.094 −0.124 −0.394 0.504* 1 −0.189 0.172 冠高比 Crown-height ratio 0.624** 0.722** 0.682** 0.479* 0.247 0.376 −0.375 −0.559** 1 0.433* 分枝粗度
Branching thickness0.100 0.160 0.140 0.020 −0.020 −0.190 0.160 0.080 0.050 1 注:加粗的为遗传相关系数,加下划线为表型相关系数,*表示在0.05 水平上显著相关,**表示在 0.01 水平上极显著相关。Notes: the bold is genetic correlation coefficient, and the underline is phenotypic correlation coefficient. * means significant correlation at 0.05 level , ** means extremely significant correlation at 0.01 level. 表 6 第8年7个性状的主成分分析
Table 6 Principal component analysis of 7 traits in the 8th year
项目 Item 主成分1 Component 1 主成分2 Component 2 主成分3 Component 3 特征值 Eigenvalue 3.993 1 1.317 3 0.769 0 贡献率 Contribution rate/% 57.04 18.82 10.99 累计贡献率 Cumulative contribution rate/% 57.04 75.86 86.85 胸径 DBH 0.472 5 0.172 7 −0.047 6 树高 Tree height 0.453 8 0.143 0 0.168 7 材积 Volume 0.480 0 0.182 5 0.044 1 冠幅 Crown width 0.379 4 0.110 2 −0.290 8 分枝度 Branching degree 0.129 7 −0.639 7 0.638 0 通直度 Straightness −0.122 1 0.644 9 0.684 0 冠高比 Crown-height ratio 0.405 9 −0.281 4 0.088 4 表 7 各无性系综合得分排序
Table 7 Ranking of comprehensive scores for each clone
Comprehensive score排名
Comprehensive score排名
Comprehensive score1 616 2.717 1 9 630 1.158 4 17 620 −1.321 7 2 607 2.524 2 10 621 0.515 4 18 611 −1.509 7 3 609 2.264 2 11 629 0.354 3 19 613 −1.859 7 4 623 2.244 9 12 614 −0.033 2 20 610 −1.950 3 5 624 2.205 2 13 628 −0.051 3 21 627 −2.800 1 6 Ⅰ-69 2.139 0 14 633 −0.324 7 22 612 −3.370 1 7 622 1.649 0 15 608 −0.707 5 23 631 −4.457 7 8 632 1.506 1 16 626 −0.892 0 -
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