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蔡凌豪. 基于POI数据的北京市公园服务建筑设施类型及数量分布研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2022, 44(4): 124-137. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20220122
引用本文: 蔡凌豪. 基于POI数据的北京市公园服务建筑设施类型及数量分布研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2022, 44(4): 124-137. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20220122
Cai Linghao. Study on the types and quantity distribution of park service building facilities in Beijing based on POI data[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2022, 44(4): 124-137. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20220122
Citation: Cai Linghao. Study on the types and quantity distribution of park service building facilities in Beijing based on POI data[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2022, 44(4): 124-137. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20220122


基金项目: 住房和城乡建设部研究开发项目(2020-K-057),国家重点研发计划(2019YFD1100402)

    蔡凌豪,博士生,讲师。主要研究方向:现代园林设计理论、风景园林建筑设计、数字景观。Email:oldstory@126.com 地址:100083北京市海淀区清华东路35号北京林业大学园林学院

  • 中图分类号: S759.91

Study on the types and quantity distribution of park service building facilities in Beijing based on POI data

  • 摘要:
      目的  服务建筑设施是公园开展游憩服务、科教文化活动的重要载体。我国公园设计规范对公园内的建筑设施有着严格的指标控制。本文意图全景式地分析北京公园服务建筑设施的类型、数量分布和空间分布指征,总结规律,发现问题,以期对我国公园的规划设计和建设,城市更新中公共空间和设施的优化布局提供依据。
      方法  采集北京市309个主要公园内的兴趣点(POI)数据和兴趣面(AOI)数据,采用统计归纳法对比分析公园内服务建筑设施的总体分布特征,以空间均匀度指标来衡量公园服务建筑设施空间布局的特征及游客获得设施服务的便捷度;分析各公园中各类别服务建筑设施的种类、数量及空间分布指征;以单源最短路径算法统计北京公园公共厕所的空间分布合理性。
      结果  研究认为,北京公园的服务建筑设施总体缺乏,数量严重不足,空间分布不均衡,公园之间水平差异度大。距市区较远的大尺度郊野公园和森林公园,服务建筑设施尤其缺乏,布局稀疏,大部分公园的设施集聚程度高,空间均匀度不够;餐饮建筑服务设施与购物服务设施的种类设置不合理;缺乏科教文化设施。
      结论  研究认为长期以来对公园服务建筑设施建设的政策限制,已经影响了公园的游憩服务功能、文化功能和科普教育功能的有效发挥,影响了公园作为绿色综合体的城市功能复合属性,也制约了土地集约化高效利用的未来城市发展模式。我国的城市更新和公园建设,应当制定灵活的公园服务建筑设施控制指标和管理体系,增加服务建筑设施种类,适度引入社会资本,主动引入科教文化服务设施,优化建筑服务设施空间布局。
      Objective  Service building facilities are important carriers for the park to carry out recreational services, science, education and cultural activities. China’s park design code has strict index control over the building facilities in the park. The purpose of this paper was to analyze the types, quantity distribution and spatial distribution indicators of service buildings and facilities in Beijing parks, summarize the laws and find problems, in order to provide basis for the planning, design and construction of parks and the optimal layout of public space and facilities in urban renewal in China.
      Method  Collecting point of interest (POI) data and area of interest (AOI) data from 309 major parks in Beijing, the overall distribution characteristics of service building facilities in the park can be compared and analyzed by statistical induction, and using the spatial uniformity index to measure the spatial layout characteristics of park service building facilities and the convenience of tourists to obtain facilities and services; analyzing the types, quantity and spatial distribution indicators of various types of service building facilities in each park. The single source shortest path algorithm was used to calculate the rationality of spatial distribution of public toilets in Beijing park.
      Result  The study supposed that the service building facilities in parks in Beijing were generally lacking, the quantity was seriously insufficient, the spatial distribution was not balanced, and the level difference between parks was large. The large-scale country parks and forest parks far away from the urban center, especially lack of service building facilities, sparse layout, most of the parks had a high degree of facility concentration and space uniformity was not enough. The types of food & beverages building service facilities and shopping service facilities were not reasonable, lacking of scientific, educational and cultural facilities.
      Conclusion  The policy limit for park service building infrastructure that has executed for a long time, has seriously affected the effective play of recreation service function, cultural function and popular science education function of the park, has affected the complex property of urban function of the park as a green complex, also has restricted the land intensive utilization of urban development mode in the future. This paper puts forward five strategies, such as establishing flexible control index and management system of park service building facilities, increasing the amounts of types of service building facilities, appropriately introducing social capital, actively introducing science/culture & education service facilities, and optimizing the spatial layout of building service facilities.
  • 图  1   北京市研究公园空间分布

    Figure  1.   Spatial distribution of research parks in Beijing

    图  2   公园服务建筑设施分布的Voronoi模式图

    Figure  2.   Voronoi diagram of the distribution of park building services

    图  3   研究公园面积频次分布

    Figure  3.   Frequency distribution of the area of studied park

    图  4   北京公园服务建筑设施分类数量比较

    Figure  4.   Classification and quantity comparison of service building facilities in Beijing parks

    图  5   北京市公园服务设施空间均匀度值分布

    Figure  5.   Distribution of spatial evenness value of park service facilities in Beijing parks

    图  6   北京市公园餐饮服务建筑设施数量分布

    Figure  6.   Quantity distribution of food & beverages service building facilities in parks in Beijing

    图  7   北京市公园餐饮建筑服务设施类型分布

    Figure  7.   Type distribution of food & beverages service building facilities in parks in Beijing

    图  8   北京市公园餐饮服务建筑设施数量及空间分布

    Figure  8.   Quantity and spatial distribution of food & beverages service building facilities in parks in Beijing

    图  9   北京市公园购物服务建筑设施数量分布

    Figure  9.   Quantity distribution of park shopping service building facilities in parks in Beijing

    图  10   北京市公园购物服务建筑设施数量分布

    Figure  10.   Type distribution of park shopping service building facilities in parks in Beijing

    图  11   北京市公园购物服务建筑设施数量及空间分布

    Figure  11.   Quantity and spatial distribution of park shopping service building facilities in parks in Beijing

    图  12   北京市公园游憩服务建筑设施数量分布

    Figure  12.   Quantity distribution of park recreation service building facilities in parks in Beijing

    图  13   北京市公园游憩服务建筑设施类型分布

    Figure  13.   Type distribution of park recreation service building facilities in parks in Beijing

    图  14   北京市公园游憩服务设施数量及空间分布

    Figure  14.   Quantity and spatial distribution of park recreation service building facilities in parks in Beijing

    图  15   北京市公园科教文化设施类型分布

    Figure  15.   Type distribution of science/culture & education service facilities in parks in Beijing

    图  16   北京市公园科教文化服务设施数量及空间分布

    Figure  16.   Quantity and spatial distribution of science/culture & education service facilities in parks in Beijing

    图  17   北京市公园公共厕所平均间距的频次分布

    Figure  17.   Frequency distribution of average distance between public toilets in parks in Beijing

    图  18   北京市公园公共厕所平均间距的空间分布

    灰色区域代表符合规范的0~500 m公厕平均间距。The grey area represents the average spacing of 0 − 500 m public toilets in accordance with the specification.

    Figure  18.   Spatial distribution of average space between public toilets in parks in Beijing

    表  1   采集的兴趣点(POI)数据分类

    Table  1   Classification of collected points of interest (POI) data

    类别 Category小类 Sub-category
    Public facility
    Public toilet, wheelchair accessible toilet
    Catering service facility
    Chinese food restaurant, foreign food restaurant, fast food restaurant, coffee shop, cold drink shop, et al
    Shopping service facility
    Convenience store, shopping plaza, comprehensive market, culture and sports store, franchise store, et al
    Recreation service facility
    Information consulting center, visitor center, ticket office, photography and printing shop, tourists service place, et al
    Science/culture & education service
    Museum, exhibition hall, art gallery, library, science & technology museum, planetarium, cultural palace, archives hall, scientific research institution, et al
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    表  2   研究公园总体数据

    Table  2   Overall data of studying parks in Beijing

    Park quantity
    Total area/ha
    Number of service building facility
    Quantitative area ratio/(number·ha−1)
    Ratio of facility to park
    30929 0283 1110.11610.1
    注:数量面积比中公园面积为陆域面积。Note: in the quantity area ratio, the park area is land area.
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    表  3   设施数量前20的北京公园列表

    Table  3   List of Beijing parks with the top 20 facilities

    Number of facility
    Park name
    Facility quantity-area ratio
    Number of facility
    Park name
    Facility quantity-area ratio
    1 363 北京世园公园
    Beijing International Horticultural
    Exposition Park
    0.64 11 67 世界公园
    Beijing World Park
    2 261 朝阳公园
    Chaoyang Park
    0.92 12 64 北海公园
    Beihai Park
    3 245 北京奥林匹克森林公园
    Beijing Olympic Forest Park
    0.35 13 61 大运河森林公园
    Grand Canal Forest Park
    4 181 北京欢乐谷
    Beijing Happy Valley
    3.66 14 49 香山公园
    Fragrant Hill Park
    5 141 颐和园
    Summer Palace
    0.46 15 45 八大处公园
    Badachu Park
    6 101 石景山游乐园
    Beijing Shijingshan Amusement Park
    2.67 16 45 天坛公园
    Temple of Heaven Park
    7 87 圆明园遗址公园
    The Old Summer Palace Ruins Park
    0.26 17 44 北京大兴野生动物园
    Beijing Daxing Wildlife Park
    8 84 北京园博园
    Beijing Garden Exposition Park
    0.17 18 42 北京植物园
    Beijing Botanical Garden
    9 75 北京动物园
    Beijing Zoo
    1.02 19 41 日坛公园
    Ritan Park
    10 67 南宫世界地热博览园
    Nangong World Geothermal Expo Park
    1.87 20 39 中华民族园
    Chinese Ethnic Culture Park
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