Soil erodibility under the influence of preferential flow in the gully system of the Jinsha River Dry Hot Valley
摘要:目的 为探究金沙江干热河谷冲沟系统优先流影响下的土壤可蚀性差异规律,揭示冲沟发育区土、水相互作用机理,为干热河谷地区水土流失治理及生态恢复提供理论依据。方法 在干热河谷典型冲沟发育区选择完整冲沟作为研究对象,基于染色示踪、土壤抗冲抗蚀及土壤理化试验,利用主成分分析等统计分析方法获取土壤优先流、土壤可蚀性指标及其相关关系,明晰集水区、沟壁、沟床、沟底完整冲沟系统土壤优先流特征,探究优先流和土壤可蚀性之间的关系。结果 干热河谷冲沟优先流类型以“大孔隙流”为主,伴随“指流”和“漏斗流”,优先流百分数呈集水区 > 沟壁 > 沟床 > 沟底,说明冲沟上游优先流发育程度高于下游。冲沟内优先流区有机质含量、土壤含水率均高于基质流区,机械组成黏粒、粉粒、砂粒配比优先流区优于基质流区,土壤密度优先流区低于基质流区。冲沟内优先流区土壤抗冲系数小于基质流区,表明优先流会使土壤稳定性降低,抗蚀指数呈优先流区大于基质流区,说明土壤水分溶质运移会使局部土壤抗蚀性提高。冲沟系统土壤可蚀性因子(K)与优先流百分数、优先流区染色面积比、最大染色深度均呈正相关关系,同时主成分分析显示以上3个因子是影响土壤可蚀性的主要因子。结论 优先流发育程度高的土层中优先流区K值总是大于基质流区,在优先流发育不足土层中则相反,优先流发育一定程度上会提高土壤可蚀性。Abstract:Objective This paper aims to explore the patterns of soil erodibility variation under the influence of preferential flow in the gully system of Jinsha River Dry Hot Valley, and in doing so, revealing the interaction mechanism between soil and water in the gully development area, so as to provide a theoretical basis for soil and water loss control and ecological restoration in dry hot valleys.Method A complete gully in a typical gully development area of the dry hot valley was selected as the research object. Based on dye tracing, soil erosion resistance and soil physicochemical experiments, statistical analysis methods such as principal component analysis (PCA) were used to obtain the soil preferential flow, soil erodibility indicators and their correlations, clarify the soil preferential flow characteristics of the complete gully system at the catchment area, gully wall, gully bed and gully bottom, as well as explore the correlation between preferential flow and soil erodibility.Result The findings showed that the preferential flow in the gully of the dry hot valley was mainly “macropore flow”, accompanied by “finger flow” and “funnel flow”. Preferential flow percentages in catchment > gully wall > gully bed > gully bottom. This indicated that the development degree of preferential flow in the upstream of the gully was higher than that in the downstream. Moreover, the gully’s preferential flow area also featured higher organic matter and soil moisture contents, better mechanical composition (clay, silt and sand), and lower soil bulk density relative to those in the matrix flow area. Also to take note is that the soil anti-scour coefficient in the gully’s preferential flow area was smaller compared with that in the matrix flow area, suggesting that the preferential flow can reduce soil stability. Furthermore, the erosion resistance index of each gully section in the preferential flow area was higher than that in the matrix flow area, indicating that soil water and solute transport can improve local soil erosion resistance. The soil erodibility factor (K) of the gully system was positively correlated with the percentage of preferential pathway, the dry coverage of preferential pathway and the maximum dyed depth. Additionally, PCA showed that the above three factors were all the main factors affecting soil erodibility.Conclusion In soil layers with high preferential flow development, the K in the preferential flow area is always higher than that in the matrix flow area, which is contrary to the soil layer with insufficient preferential flow development. This implies that the development of preferential flow improves soil erodibility to some extent.
- dry hot valley /
- gully /
- preferential flow area /
- matrix flow area /
- soil erodibility
图 3 土壤基本特性
A、B、C、D分别代表集水区、沟壁、沟床、沟底,R、W分别代表优先流区和基质流区。不同小写字母表示同一土层不同样地间显著性差异(P<0.05)。同表2。 A, B, C, D represent the catchment area, gully wall, gully bed, gully bottom, respectively; R, W represent the preferential flow area and the matrix flow area, respectively. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different sites in the same soil layer (P < 0.05). Same as table 2.
Figure 3. Basic soil properties
图 8 优先流和基质流区土壤可蚀性K值变化图
大写字母不同表示不同土层差异显著(P < 0.05),小写字母不同表示不同分区差异显著(P < 0.05)。Different capital letters indicate significant differences between varied soil layers (P < 0.05), different lowercase letters indicate significant differences between different partitions (P < 0.05).
Figure 8. Variation of soil corrosion K values in the preferential flow area and matrix flow area
表 1 样地基本情况
Table 1 Basic situation of the sample plots
Sample point坡度
Soil water content/%密度
Bulk density/(g·m−3)土壤质地 Soil texture/% 黏粒 Clay 粉粒 Silt 砂粒 Sand 集水区 Catchment area 7 1 109.54 80 10.36 1.56 10.33 37.29 52.38 沟壁 Gully wall 15 1 104.10 40 16.12 1.80 9.57 33.07 57.36 沟床 Gully bed 12 1 096.19 65 13.54 1.43 4.70 19.75 75.55 沟底 Gully bottom 6 1 092.33 75 5.14 1.43 4.62 15.06 80.32 表 2 冲沟区不同部位土壤垂直剖面优先流指标统计分析
Table 2 Statistical analysis of preferential flow indexes of soil vertical profile in different parts of the gully area
优先流指标 Preferential flow index 样地名称 Sample plot name 集水区 Catchment area 沟壁 Gully wall 沟床 Gully bed 沟底 Gully bottom 染色面积比 Dyeing area ratio/% 27.85 ± 0.56d 42.93 ± 1.49b 50.55 ± 3.89a 40.02 ± 2.77bc 基质流深度 Matrix flow depth/cm 4.69 ± 1.66d 11.06 ± 1.44bc 16.93 ± 2.75a 13.28 ± 0.88ab 最大染色深度 Maximum dyeing depth/cm 42.47 ± 0.91a 41.96 ± 1.21a 43.45 ± 1.34a 38.40 ± 1.92a 优先流区染色面积比 Dyeing area ratio of preferential flow area/% 18.90 ± 4.33a 23.34 ± 3.98a 18.61 ± 2.40a 12.46 ± 1.74b 优先流百分数 Percentage of preferential flow/% 64.68 ± 2.78a 46.96 ± 3.58b 32.08 ± 2.32c 31.55 ± 2.45c 注:表中数据为“平均值 ± 标准差”。 Note: data in the table are “mean ± standard deviation”. 表 3 优先流指标与土壤可蚀性相关分析
Table 3 Correlation analysis between preferential flow indicators and soil erodibility
Soil erodibility index优先流指标 Preferential flow index 相关系数
Correlation coefficientP K 染色面积比 Dyeing area ratio (X1) −0.453 0.078 基质流深度 Matrix flow depth (X2) −0.634 0.008 最大染色深度 Maximum dyeing depth (X3) 0.588 0.017 优先流区染色面积比 Dyeing area ratio of preferential flow area (X4) 0.522 0.038 优先流百分数 Percentage of preferential flow (X5) 0.668 0.005 表 4 优先流指标对K值影响的主成分分析
Table 4 Principal component analysis of the impact of preferential flow index on K value
Principal component特征值
Variance contribution rate/%方差累计贡献率
Cumulative contribution
rate of variance/%X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 1 3.58 59.64 59.64 −0.37 −0.45 0.30 0.31 0.51 2 1.58 26.38 86.02 0.56 0.32 0.51 0.54 −0.06 3 0.51 8.43 94.45 −0.14 0.13 0.60 −0.63 −0.28 -
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