

    Comparative study on tree, shrub and herb composition and carbon sink function between coniferous and broadleaved forests in Northeast China

    • 摘要:
        目的  针叶林和阔叶林构成了北半球高纬度地区森林的主体,科学区分二者林分特征和碳汇功能差异预期助力基于林型差异的精准林分管理和多样性保护。
        方法  本文以东北大、小兴安岭地区森林为研究对象,共调查野外1 275块乔木样地(针叶林698块,阔叶林577块),详细记录植物科、属、种、乔灌草植株大小与密度、地理位置(经纬度、海拔、坡向、坡位、坡度),计算优势种相对多度、多样性特征、地上碳储量,并以树种耐逆境特征与耐分解特征为基础,评价生物量碳汇功能的稳定性。
        结果  (1)针叶林共有植物479种,隶属于79科228属,阔叶林共有植物546种,隶属于81科,255属。针、阔叶林乔、灌、草优势种变化明显,以乔木种类差异最大:针叶林以落叶松、红松、樟子松更多,而阔叶林以白桦、山杨和蒙古栎等多度更高。针叶林灌木以越橘和绣线菊为主,较阔叶林高1.6 ~ 2.3倍。整体来看乔木多达90%指标针阔叶林差异显著,而灌木为65%,草本为35%。(2)针叶林树更高更粗,较阔叶林高1.5 m、胸径粗2.4 cm,但密度较阔叶林低15%;灌木高度与盖度林分间差异不明显,针叶林草本植物高度较矮、但密度更高。(3)针叶林的碳储量、耐分解稳定性显著高于阔叶林,分别高25.54%和43.24%,但环境稳定较阔叶林低8%(P < 0.05)。相比阔叶林,禾本科在针叶林重要性从7.5%增加10.2%。相比而言,同期林业普查碳储量数据可能低估林分生物量碳密度35%左右。(4)与历史数据相比,针、阔叶林乔木高度均降低数米,林分密度高700 ~ 1 000 株/hm2,重要林下资源植物减少明显,保守估计森林层厚度年降低量10 cm以上,生态服务功能损失值得警惕。(5)与邻国俄罗斯相比,我国森林珍贵的常绿松类、云杉和冷杉树种占比很低,而落叶松和杨桦占比过大,生物量碳储量与俄罗斯最低质量森林相当。
        结论  本研究基于大量野外样方调查对东北森林带核心区域针、阔叶林乔灌草植物组成、个体大小与碳汇功能的差异进行了细致刻画,并与历史数据和邻国俄罗斯数据进行了比较。相关结果为东北地区的森林管理提供了基础数据,建议深入开展林分树种组成变化的长期生态学意义与生态风险管控研究,加强基于林分差异的精准管理,并继续加强保护力度,提升生态服务功能,助力国家双碳目标实现。


        Objective  Coniferous forests (CF) and broadleaved forests (BF) constitute the bulk forests in the northern hemisphere at high latitudes. This paper aims to precisely identify their differences in stand characteristics, distribution and carbon sink functions, favoring forest-type-oriented precise management and diversity conservation.
        Method  In this research, we surveyed 1 275 sample plots (CF, 698; BF, 577) in the Greater and Lesser Khingan Mountains of Northeast (NE) China. We recorded the plant families, genus, species, plant size, density, and geographical location (latitude, longitude, elevation) and calculated the relative abundance of dominant species, aboveground carbon stock, and carbon stability. Comparisons with historical data and neighbor Russia were also performed.
        Result  (1) The plant resources of coniferous forests were 79 families, 228 genera, and 479 species; the broadleaved forest had 81 families, 255 genera, and 546 species. The key species of CF and BF varied significantly with the most remarkable differences in the tree layer. CF had more Larix gmelinii, Pinus koraiensis, and Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica, while BF had more Betula platyphylla, Populus davidiana, and Quercus mongolica. Shrub layers were dominated by Vaccinium vitis-idaea and Spiraea salicifolia in CF, which were 1.6−2.3 times higher than BF; CF had a higher proportion of Carex spp. in herbs. As a whole, > 90% of the indicators of trees differed significantly between the two forests, while 65% of shrubs and only 35% of herbs had significant differences. (2) The CF trees were taller and thicker, i.e., 1.5 m taller and 2.4 cm thicker DBH than the BF, but the density of the CF was 15% lower than the BF. The shrub layer did not differ significantly, and the herb layer showed that the CF plants were shorter in height but densely distributed. (3) CF had 25.54% and 43.24% higher carbon stock density and recalcitrant stability than BFs, respectively, but environment stability was 8% lower (P < 0.05) than BF. On average, the national forest inventory-based method underestimated the biomass carbon density by 35% compared with our detailed survey data. (4) Historical data comparison showed that tree height declined nearly half, tree density increased by 700−1 000 tree/ha, forest plant resources declined evidently in the past 50-years; total forest layer depth declined at a rate over 10 cm/year, cautioning the losses of forest ecological services. (5) Compared with neighbor Russia data, our forests had fewer evergreen pine, spruce, and abies, but a higher percentage of larch and birch, and carbon storage density of both CF and BF were at the lowest regime of the Russian forests.
        Conclusion  Based on over a thousand sample plots and reference data, this paper gives detailed statistics of forest resources in NE China, with special emphasizing coniferous and broadleaved forest types and comparing historical data. Our finding provides an essential data update for forest management in NE China, highlighting the importance of in-depth studies on the significance and risk control of long-term plant species alternations. In the future forest conservation process, precise management based on forest-type differences should be advocated. Much longer strict conservation policy is needed for the co-enhancement of different ecological functions of forests to fulfill the carbon neutrality strategy of China.


