

    Spatiotemporal dynamics and climate impact of vegetation NPP in the northern Shanxi Province region based on the improved CASA model

    • 摘要:
        目的  探究晋北地区气候和植被类型等因子对植被净初级生产力(NPP)的影响,对于明晰干旱半干旱地区植被对气候变化的响应,以及保障生态脆弱地区植被恢复和可持续发展具有重要参考价值。
        方法  基于改进的CASA模型模拟了晋北地区2000—2020年植被NPP,量化了其时空分布格局、变化趋势和空间变异性,并分析了研究期间气候因素与植被NPP的相关关系。
        结果  2000—2020年研究区植被NPP年均值(以C计)介于225.28 ~ 484.09 g/m2之间,平均值为349.76 g/m2,年均增速为8.75 g/m2。植被NPP年均值呈现出东高西低、南高北低的格局, NPP年均值主要集中在200 ~ 400 g/m2,占研究区总面积的65.15%,各植被类型NPP年均值的大小为:林地(691.79 g/m2) > 灌丛(492.97 g/m2) > 耕地(378.39 g/m2) > 草地(343.85 g/m2) > 未利用地(277.45 g/m2) > 建设用地(223.96 g/m2)。研究区植被NPP各变异程度面积比例大小顺序:稳定性一般(46.4%) > 稳定(30.9%) > 稳定性较差(17.9%) > 非常稳定(4.8%),稳定性在空间尺度上呈现出由东南向西北逐渐递减的趋势。研究期间植被NPP与降水呈显著正相关关系,与温度相关性不显著,与太阳辐射整体呈正相关关系。
        结论  研究期间晋北地区植被NPP呈现出波动上升的趋势,空间分布异质性明显,整体波动性较大。在降水、气温和太阳辐射3个气象因子中,降水和太阳辐射均会影响植被NPP变化,其中降水对晋北地区植被NPP年均值的影响最为显著。


        Objective  The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of factors such as climate and vegetation types on the net primary productivity (NPP) of vegetation in the northern Shanxi Province of northern China, and to clarify the response of vegetation to climate change in arid and semi-arid regions, and to ensure vegetation restoration and sustainable development in ecologically fragile areas. It has important reference value.
        Method  Based on the improved CASA (Carnegie-Ames-Stanford approach) model, this paper simulates vegetation NPP in northern Shanxi Province from 2000 to 2020, quantifies its temporal and spatial distribution pattern, changing trend and spatial variability, and analyzes the correlation between climatic factors and vegetation NPP.
        Result  The annual values of vegetation NPP (calculated by C) in the study area ranged from 225.28 to 484.09 g/m2 from 2000 to 2020, with a mean value of 349.76 g/m2 and the average annual growth rate was 8.75 g/m2. The annual values of vegetation NPP showed a pattern of high in the east and low in the west, and high in the south and low in the north. The annual values of NPP were mainly concentrated in the range of 200−400 g/m2, accounting for 65.15% of the total area of the study area, and the magnitude of NPP annual values of each vegetation type was woodland (691.79 g/m2) > scrub (492.97 g/m2) > cropland (378.39 g/m2) > grassland (343.85 g/m2) > unused land (277.45 g/m2) > construction land (223.96 g/m2). The area proportion of each degree of variation of vegetation NPP in the study area from large to small was general stability (46.4%) > stable (30.9%) > less stable (17.9%) > very stable (4.8%), and the stability showed a decreasing trend from southeast to northwest in spatial scale. Vegetation NPP showed a significant positive correlation with precipitation, an insignificant correlation with temperature, and a negative correlation with solar radiation.
        Conclusion  The vegetation NPP in northern Shanxi Province shows a fluctuating upward trend during the study period, with obvious heterogeneity in spatial distribution and overall volatility. Among the three meteorological factors, precipitation, temperature and solar radiation, both precipitation and solar radiation can affect the NPP of vegetation, and precipitation has the most significant impact on the NPP of vegetation in northern Shanxi Province.


