Acoustic vibration performance of birch veneer-metal copper mesh composites
摘要:目的 传统实木乐器音板的选材和用材都十分严格,然而当下我国优质木材资源紧缺,资源需求压力较大,开发可用作乐器音板的复合材料是缓解木材需求压力的有效途径。方法 试验制备了双层、5层桦木单板分别与金属铜网复合的两种厚度复合材料。在分析复合材料尺寸稳定性的基础上,利用双通道快速傅里叶变换频谱分析仪测试其声学振动性能,研究桦木单板铺装方向、金属铜网添加位置与添加层数对声学振动性能的影响,并采用综合评分法比较了复合材料与西加云杉的声学性能。结果 加入金属网后制备的双层、5层桦木单板复合材料的抗湿胀系数最高分别为80.00%与88.09%,胶合界面的增加提升了复合材料的抗湿胀系数。桦木单板铺装方向影响复合材料的EL/ER值,以单板纹理平行铺装的双层单板复合材料EL/ER值为29.09,以单板纹理交错铺装的双层单板复合材料EL/ER值为0.99。加入2层金属铜网的5层复合材料,具有接近西加云杉的振动效率品质和更为优秀的音色,其抗湿涨系数平均值达到87.61%、纵向比动弹性模量达到20.20 GPa、声辐射品质常数达到6.13 m/(Pa·s3)、声阻抗为3.29 Pa·s/m、E/G值达到29.63。结论 通过与西加云杉木材的比较表明,复合材料的声学振动性能基本能达到一般乐器的要求,并且具有良好的尺寸稳定性,是传统实木音板的良好替代材料。Abstract:Objective The selection and use of traditional solid wood musical instrument soundboards are very strict. However, at present, there is a shortage of high-quality wood resources in our country, and the pressure on resource demand is relatively high. The development of composite materials that can be used as musical instrument soundboards is an effective way to alleviate the pressure on wood demand.Method 2-layer and 5-layer birch veneer composite materials with two thicknesses and metal copper meshes were prepared in the experiment. On the basis of analyzing the dimensional stability of composite, the acoustic vibration performance of the composite was tested by the dual channel Fast Fourier Transform Spectrum Analyzer (FFT), and the effects of the direction of birch veneer pavement, the location and number of layers of metal copper mesh on the acoustic vibration performance were studied. The acoustic performance of the composite was compared with that of Sitka spruce by the comprehensive scoring method.Result The highest coefficient of moisture expansion resistance of double layer and five layer birch veneer composites prepared with metal mesh was 80.00% and 88.09%, respectively. The increase of bonding interface improved the coefficient of moisture expansion resistance of the composites. The direction of birch veneer pavement affected the EL/ER value of composite materials. The EL/ER value of double-layer veneer composite materials paved with parallel veneer texture was 29.09, and the EL/ER value of double-layer veneer composite materials paved with interlaced veneer texture was 0.99. The 5-layer composite added with two layers of metal copper mesh had a vibration efficiency quality close to that of Sitka spruce and a better timbre. Its moisture resistance coefficient reached 87.61%, the longitudinal specific dynamic modulus of elasticity reached 20.02 GPa, the sound radiation quality constant reached 6.13 m/(Pa·s3), the sound impedance was 3.29 Pa·s/m, and the E/G value reached 29.63.Conclusion The comparison with Sitka spruce shows that the acoustic vibration performance of the composite material can basically meet the requirements of general musical instruments, and it has good dimensional stability, which is a good substitute for traditional solid wood soundboards.
表 1 复合材料纵向尺寸膨胀率与抗湿胀系数
Table 1 Longitudinal dimensional expansion rate and moisture expansion coefficient of composites
Birch veneer双层单板复合材料
Double-layer veneer composite5层单板复合材料
Five-layer veneer compositeD0 D90 F B D J G 纵向尺寸膨胀率
Longitudinal dimensional expansion rate/%2.10 0.45 0.42 0.27 0.26 0.26 0.24 0.25 抗湿胀系数
Anti swelling coefficient/%78.57 80.00 87.14 87.61 87.61 88.57 88.09 表 2 双层复合材料前5阶共振频率
Table 2 First fifth resonance frequency of double-layer composite
Hz 材料
1st resonance
frequency (f1)2阶共振频率
2nd resonance
frequency (f2)3阶共振频率
3rd resonance
frequency (f3)4阶共振频率
4th resonance
frequency (f4)5阶共振频率
5th resonance
frequency (f5)D0 380 1 030 2 040 3 230 4 650 D90 160 400 870 1 390 2 120 表 3 双层单板复合材料与西加云杉的声学性能基本参数
Table 3 Average values of basic parameters of acoustic properties of double-layer veneer composites and Sitka spruce
Materialρ/(g·cm−3) R/
(m·Pa−1·s−3)Z/(Pa·s·m−1) Esp/GPa EL/GPa ER/GPa EL/ER λ A tan δ × 103 vL/(m·s−1) vR/(m·s−1) D0 0.67(0.012) 7.60(0.163) 3.46(0.079) 26.51
(0.651)17.75(0.597) 0.61(0.003) 29.09 0.029(0.001) 822.03(17.642) 9.24(0.387) 5 128(71) 457
(13)D90 0.63(0.013) 3.09(0.087) 1.22(0.014) 3.76
(0.023)2.37(0.019) 2.40(0.017) 0.99 0.025(0.007) 379.26(10.734) 8.15(0.235) 1 942(15) 1 966
Sitka spruce0.49 10.11 2.4 24.08 11.8 1.29 9.15 4953 1651 注:ρ为试样的密度;R为纵向试样的声辐射品质常数;Z为纵向试样的声阻抗;Esp为纵向试样的比动弹性模量;EL为纵向试样的动弹性模量;ER为径向试样的动弹性模量;EL/ER为纵向试样与径向试样的动弹性模量之比;λ为纵向试样的对数衰减系数;A为纵向试样的声转换率;tan δ为纵向试样的损耗角正切值;vL为纵向试样的声速;vR为径向试样的声速;()中数值该组数据的标准偏差。Notes: ρ is the density of specimen; R is the sound radiation quality constant of the longitudinal sample; Z is the acoustic impedance of the longitudinal sample; Esp is the specific dynamic elastic modulus of the longitudinal specimen; EL is the dynamic elastic modulus of the longitudinal specimen; ER is the dynamic elastic modulus of radial specimen; EL/ER is the ratio of dynamic elastic modulus of longitudinal specimen and radial specimen; λ Is the logarithmic attenuation coefficient of the longitudinal sample; A is the sound conversion rate of the longitudinal sample; tan δ is the tangent value of the loss angle of the longitudinal sample; vL is the sound velocity of the longitudinal sample; vR is the sound velocity of the radial sample; standard deviation of this group of data for the value in brackets. 表 4 5层复合材料前5阶频率
Table 4 First fifth order frequency of five-layer composite
Hz 材料 Material f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 A 320 880 1 660 2 640 3 720 B 320 870 1 650 2 560 3 570 C 340 920 1 730 2 700 3 760 D 370 1 030 1 940 3 030 4 240 F 310 890 1 670 2 620 3 720 J 330 860 1 540 2 420 3 440 G 350 960 1 800 2 840 4 000 表 5 4项声学性能指标权重
Table 5 Weight factors of 4 acoustic performance indexes
Esp/GPa R/(m·Pa−1·s−3) Z/(Pa·s·m−1) E/G 0.36 0.29 0.25 0.10 表 6 复合材料与西加云杉声学性能指标对比
Table 6 Comparison of acoustic properties between composites and Sitka spruce
材料 Material ρ/(g·cm−3) E/GPa Esp/GPa R/(m·Pa−1·s−3) Z/(Pa·s·m−1) E/G D 0.74 14.86(0.36) 20.02(0.47) 6.13(0.12) 3.29(0.04) 29.63(0.52) 西加云杉 Sitka spruce 0.49 11.80 24.20 10.11 2.16 13.60 注:括号中数值为该组数据的标准偏差。 Note:the values in brackets are the SD of this group of data. -
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