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王忆文, 索奥丽, 高钰, 王博, 陈锋, 刘晓东

王忆文, 索奥丽, 高钰, 王博, 陈锋, 刘晓东. 四川西昌云南松林地表可燃物载量及影响因素研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2023, 45(10): 100-108. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20220398
引用本文: 王忆文, 索奥丽, 高钰, 王博, 陈锋, 刘晓东. 四川西昌云南松林地表可燃物载量及影响因素研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2023, 45(10): 100-108. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20220398
Wang Yiwen, Suo Aoli, Gao Yu, Wang Bo, Chen Feng, Liu Xiaodong. Surface fuel load and influencing factors of Pinus yunnanensis forest in Xichang City, Sichuan Province of southwestern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2023, 45(10): 100-108. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20220398
Citation: Wang Yiwen, Suo Aoli, Gao Yu, Wang Bo, Chen Feng, Liu Xiaodong. Surface fuel load and influencing factors of Pinus yunnanensis forest in Xichang City, Sichuan Province of southwestern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2023, 45(10): 100-108. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20220398


基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2020YFC1511601)。

    王忆文。主要研究方向:森林防火。Email:396241231@qq.com 地址:100083 北京市海淀区清华东路35号北京林业大学生态与自然保护学院


    刘晓东,教授。主要研究方向:森林防火。 Email:xd_liu@bjfu.edu.cn 地址:同上。

  • 中图分类号: S762.3;S791.257

Surface fuel load and influencing factors of Pinus yunnanensis forest in Xichang City, Sichuan Province of southwestern China

  • 摘要:



    以四川省西昌市云南松林为研究对象,依据林分因子(树高、胸径、郁闭度、平均活枝高)和地形因子(海拔、坡度、坡向、坡位)设置16块20 m × 30 m标准地,调查样地内不同类型地表可燃物(草本、灌木、地表枯叶、1时滞枯枝、10时滞枯枝、100时滞枯枝),结合室内实验结果计算可燃物载量,运用冗余分析明确可燃物载量与林分因子和地形因子的响应关系,运用多元线性回归分析进一步确定各类地表可燃物载量的主要影响因素。


    (1)云南松林地表总可燃物载量范围为7.82 ~ 33.53 t/hm2,平均为22.25 t/hm2,易燃可燃物载量平均为10.68 t/hm2,占地表总可燃物载量的48.00%。(2)冗余分析结果表明:云南松林地表总可燃物载量与郁闭度呈正相关(P < 0.01),与海拔呈负相关(P < 0.05),阴坡云南松地表总可燃物和易燃可燃物载量高于阳坡(P < 0.01)。(3)多元线性回归分析表明:云南松林地表总可燃物和易燃可燃物载量的主要影响因素均为坡向。




    This paper aims to study the surface fuel load and influencing factors of Pinus yunnanensis forest in Xichang City, Sichuan Province of southwestern China to provide a basis for the scientific fuel management and reduce forest fire risk level.


    P. yunnanensis forest in Xichang City was taken as the research object. A typical and representative P. yunnanensis forest was selected to set up 16 standard plots with the size of 20 m × 30 m, and the surface load of different type fuels (herbs, shrubs, surface withered leaves, 1 h time-lag dead twigs, 10 h time-lag dead twigs, 100 h time-lag dead twigs) were investigated in the sample plots. RDA redundancy analysis and multivariable linear regression analysis were used to determine the relationship between fuel load and stand factors (DBH, tree height, average undershoot height, canopy density) and topographic factors (altitude, slope, slope aspect, slope position), and to determine the key influencing factors of surface fuel load.


    (1) The total surface fuel load of P. yunnanensis forest was 7.82−33.53 t/ha, with an average of 22.25 t/ha. The average combustible load was 10.68 t/ha, accounting for 48.00% of the total surface fuel load. (2) RDA analysis showed that total fuel load was positively correlated with canopy density (P < 0.01), and negatively correlated with altitude (P < 0.05). The total and flammable fuel load of P. yunnanensis on shady slope was higher than that on sunny slope (P < 0.01). (3) Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that slope aspect was the main factor affecting the total combustible and combustible load of P. yunnanensis.


    The fuel load of P. yunnanensis forest was affected by both the topographic factors, mainly including slope aspect, and altitude and the stand factors mainly including canopy density. In the aerial seeding forest area of P. yunnanensis in Xichang City, the total surface fuel load is high, and the proportion of combustible fuel is large, so there is a large fire hazard.

  • 图  1   研究区概况图

    Figure  1.   Overview of the study area

    图  2   地表可燃物载量与地形和林分因子的RDA排序

    蓝色箭头表示响应变量;红色箭头表示解释变量。Blue arrow indicates the response variable; red arrow indicates the explanatory variable.

    Figure  2.   RDA ranking of surface fuel load with topographic andstand factors

    图  3   云南松各类地表可燃物模型的标准化回归系数

    Figure  3.   Standardized regression coefficients of various surface fuel load models of P. yunnanensis forest

    表  1   云南松林地表各类可燃物载量 t/hm2

    Table  1   Various surface fuel load of Pinus yunnanensis forest t/ha

    Sample plot No.
    HESHSW1 h10 h100 hFFTF易燃可燃物占比
    Proportion of flammable fuel/%
    注:HE. 草本;SH. 灌木;SW. 地表枯叶;1 h. 1时滞枯枝;10 h. 10时滞枯枝;100 h. 100时滞枯枝;FF.易燃可燃物(又称细小可燃物,指地表枯叶和1时滞枯枝[34]);TF. 地表总可燃物。下同。Notes: HE, herb; SH, shrub; SW, surface withered leaf; 1 h, 1 h time-lag dead twigs; 10 h, 10 h time-lag dead twigs; 100 h, 100 h time-lag dead twigs; FF, flammable fuel also is known as fine fuel, which refers to dead leaves and 1 h time-lag dead twigs on the surface[34]; TF, total surface fuel. The same below.
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    表  2   地形和林分因子在RDA中前瞻性选择的结果

    Table  2   Results of forward selection of topographic and stand factors in RDA

    Factor type
    坡向 Slope direction (SD)0.006**7.328.4
    郁闭度 Canopy density (CD)0.008**5.218.7
    海拔 Altitude (AL)0.044*4.815.9
    坡位 Slope position0.2961.26.2
    平均树高 Average tree height0.5360.51.7
    平均胸径 Average DBH0.4740.72.5
    坡度 Slope0.7120.31.1
    Average live branch height
    注:**代表P < 0.01;*代表P < 0.05。Notes: ** means P < 0.01; * means P < 0.05.
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    表  3   云南松地表各类可燃物载量与影响因子的逐步回归结果

    Table  3   Stepwise regression results of various types of surface fuel loads and environmental factors of P. yunnanensis forests

    Type of fuel
    Stepwise regression equation
    HE Y1 = 25.782 − 0.005X1 − 0.255X2 + 1.858X4 − 0.446X7 − 0.566X8 0.629 3 < 0.001
    SH Y2 = 16.265 − 0.004X1 − 0.576X3 − 2.784X4 + 16.872X5 0.897 5 < 0.001
    SW Y3 = 10.655 − 1.144X3 + 1.959X4 0.477 8 < 0.001
    1 h Y4 = −2.022 − 0.034X2 + 0.021X3 + 0.037X6 + 0.056X7 0.749 3 < 0.001
    10 h Y5 = 4.158 − 0.001X1 − 0.332X4 0.548 1 < 0.001
    100 h Y6 = −1.692 + 0.001X1 − 2.409X5 + 0.281X8 0.761 6 < 0.001
    FF Y7 = 10.589 − 1.107X3 + 2.166X4 0.486 6 < 0.050
    TF Y8 = −66.113 − 0.011X1 − 0.546X3 + 0.249X7 0.569 4 < 0.001
    注:X1.海拔;X2坡度;X3.坡向;X4坡位;X5郁闭度;X6.平均胸径;X7.平均树高;X8.平均活枝高。Notes: X1, altitude; X2, slope; X3, slope direction; X4, slope position; X5, canopy density; X6, average DBH; X7, average tree height; X8, average live branch height.
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  • 收稿日期:  2022-09-29
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