

    Tree diversity effects on soil carbon content in forest ecosystems, China

    • 摘要:
      目的 植物和土壤真菌是驱动森林土壤碳养分循环的主要生物因素,植物多样性假说认为树种多样性能够显著改变土壤真菌多样性,然而二者的交互作用如何影响土壤碳、氮含量尚不清楚,本研究旨在探索不同气候带森林生态系统树种多样性与真菌多样性影响土壤碳、氮含量的耦合机制。
      方法 通过收集我国热带、亚热带、暖温带和中温带4个森林生态系统树种多样性、土壤碳、氮含量和土壤真菌多样性数据,针对处理组(多个树种)和对照组(单一树种)共计214组数据进行整合分析,使用随机效应模型计算多样性效应值,并分析不同气候带森林生态系统影响树种多样性效应值的生物和非生物变量的解释权重。
      结果 不同气候带森林土壤碳、氮含量对树种多样性存在差异性响应,随着纬度梯度增高树种多样性对土壤碳、氮含量的影响逐渐减弱;热带和亚热带森林较强的树种多样性效应主要源于海拔和土壤酸碱度、而非土壤真菌群落多样性,但是暖温带和中温带森林土壤真菌多样性则是调控树种多样性对土壤碳、氮含量影响的重要因素之一。
      结论 我国不同气候带森林生态系统的土壤碳、氮含量对于树种多样性的响应格局,一定程度上解释了局域尺度研究中森林树种多样性对土壤碳库影响机制的分歧,同时也说明树种多样性的变化对于热带和亚热带森林土壤碳库的影响可能更为剧烈。


      Objective Plants and soil fungi are key biotic components in forest ecosystems, playing a crucial role in regulating soil carbon and other nutrient cycling. According to plant diversity hypothesis, plant diversity can pronouncedly modify soil microbial diversity and community composition. However, we know little of how plant richness and fungal diversity interactively influence soil organic carbon and total nitrogen. In this study, we aimed to investigate the coupling mechanism between tree richness and fungal diversity in shaping soil carbon and nitrogen across tropical, subtropical, warm-temperate and mid-temperate forests.
      Method We collected the data of altitude, air temperature, soil properties (including soil carbon (C), nitrogen (N), C/N ratio), as well as fungal diversity from plots with both the tree species mixtures and monocultures. In total, 214 sets of data were used to conduct the meta analysis, with a random-effect model calculating effect size. Additionally, the explanatory weights of biotic and abiotic variables influencing the effect of tree richness were analyzed.
      Result We found that the responses of soil C and N contents to tree richness varied across forest ecosystems, with the strength of tree richness effects on soil C and N contents gradually diminishing from tropical to mid-temperate forest ecosystems. Moreover, the effects of tree richness on soil C and N contents in tropical and subtropical forest ecosystems were primarily driven by altitude and soil pH, rather than soil fungal diversity. In contrast, cascading effects of tree richness on soil C and N contents were observed via modulating soil fungal diversity in warm-temperate and mid-temperate forest ecosystems.
      Conclusion The findings highlight the variability in the responses of soil C and N contents to tree richness across different climatic zones, promoting our understanding of the mechanisms by which tree species richness affects soil C sequestration.


