Remote sensing recognition of pine wilt disease in Pinus massoniana forest combined with microwave and optical time-series images
方法利用厘米级分辨率无人机影像标记样本,联合Sentinel-1 C波段微波和Sentinel-2光学时间序列数据,构建基于极端梯度提升算法的松材线虫病害监测模型。分别评估微波模型、光学模型和微波与光学联合模型在松材线虫病监测方面的性能,以及最优模型在不同环境因子下的表现。
结果(1)联合了微波和光学的模型精度(总体精度为80.62%,Kappa 系数为0.61)略高于单一光学模型的精度(总体精度为79.58%,Kappa系数为0.59),并明显高于单一微波模型的精度(总体精度为68.87%,Kappa系数为0.36),说明了微波与光学时间序列联合数据在松材线虫病害监测中具有优势;(2)模型通常在缓坡、阳坡、低海拔、高覆盖度条件下展现出更高精度。
Abstract:ObjectiveLarge-scale and accurate monitoring of pine wilt disease (PWD) plays an important role in forest epidemic prevention and management. Existing studies often use single-phase data, resulting in greater uncertainty in the accuracy of monitoring PWD, which is easily affected by forest background and non-host trees. In addition, single data have the limitation of insufficient characterization of disease characteristics. For example, passive optical data focus on describing the horizontal structure of forest canopy, and are easily affected by cloud and rain, resulting in missing data; Active microwave data are sensitive to forest vertical structure and moisture content, but there are problems such as high noise, low pigment sensitivity and large terrain impact. Therefore, the combination of active microwave and passive optical time-series images is expected to reduce the impact of environmental factors while tracking the time-series change characteristics of the same forest stand, which helps to improve the accuracy and robustness of PWD monitoring.
MethodFirst, using centimeter-level resolution drone images to obtain samples. Based on extreme gradient boosting algorithm, PWD monitoring models were constructed by combining Sentinel-1 C-band microwave and Sentinel-2 optical time-series images. The performance of microwave model, optical model, combined microwave and optical model in the monitoring of PWD was evaluated respectively. At the same time, compare the performance of the optimal model under different environment conditions.
Result(1) The accuracy of combined microwave and optical model (overall accuracy = 80.62%, Kappa coefficient = 0.61) was slightly higher than that of the single optical model (overall accuracy = 79.58%, Kappa coefficient = 0.59), but significantly higher than that of the single microwave model (overall accuracy = 68.87%, Kappa coefficient = 0.36), and its showed the value of combined microwave and optical time-series data in the monitoring of PWD. (2) The analysis of different environment conditions showed that the model generally exhibited higher accuracy under gentle slope, sunny slope, low altitude, and high coverage conditions.
ConclusionThis study makes full use of multi-source remote sensing satellite data and provides new technical support for large-scale accurate monitoring of PWD.
图 6 不同光学植被指数组合条件下的时序监测模型总体精度与Kappa系数比较
[OPT]指全部光学植被指数组合,[OPT2]指由GARI、NDMI、RDVI和DSWI组成的光学植被指数组合,“−”表示从指数组合中移除单个指数。[OPT] represents all optical vegetation index group, [OPT2] represents the optical vegetation index group composed of GARI, NDMI, RDVI and DSWI, “−” represents removing a single index from the index group.
Figure 6. Comparison of overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient of time-series monitoring models based on different optical vegetation index group
图 7 不同微波与光学植被指数组合条件下的时序监测模型总体精度与Kappa系数比较
[OS]指全部微波和光学植被指数组合,[OS2]指由DSWI、σVV和σVH组成的植被指数组合,“−”表示从指数组合中移除单个指数。[OS] represents all microwave and optical vegetation index group, [OS2] represents the vegetation index group composed of DSWI,σVV and σVH, “−” represents removing a single index from the index group.
Figure 7. Comparison of overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient of time-series monitoring models based on different microwave and optical vegetation indices group
表 1 本研究所使用的微波与光学植被指数及其计算公式
Table 1 Microwave and optical vegetation indices used in this study and their formula
植被指数 Vegetation index 计算公式 Formula 参考文献 Reference 病害水分胁迫指数 Disease-water stress index (DSWI) B8+B3B11+B4 [31] 绿度大气阻抗植被指数 Green atmospherically resistant index (GARI) B8−(B3−1.7×(B2−B4))B8+(B3−1.7×(B2−B4)) [32] 修改型归一化差异水体指数 Modified normalized difference water index (MNDWI) B3−B11B3+B11 [33] 归一化燃烧比 Normalized burn ratio (NBR) B8−B12B8+B12 [34] 归一化差异湿度指数 Normalized difference moisture index (NDMI) B8−B11B8+B11 [35] 归一化差异植被指数 Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) B8−B4B8+B4 [36] 重整化差异植被指数 Renormalized difference vegetation index (RDVI) B8−B4√B8+B4 [37] 极化比 Polarization ratio (PR) σVV−σVH [38] 雷达植被指数 Radar vegetation index (RVI) 4/(10σVV−σVH10+1) [39] 注:B2、B3、B4、B8、B11和B12分别代表蓝、绿、红、近红、短波红外1和短波红外2波段反射率;σVV和σVH分别为同极化和交叉极化下后向散射系数。Notes: B2, B3, B4, B8, B11 and B12 represent the reflection values of the blue band, the green band, the red band, the near infrared band, the short-wave infrared band 1, and the short-wave infrared band 2, respectively. σVV and σVH represent the co-polarized and cross-polarized backscattering coefficient. 表 2 单一微波数据的时序模型分类精度
Table 2 Classification accuracy of time-series monitoring model using individual microwave data
Index group总体精度
Overall accuracy/%Kappa系数
Kappa coefficient制图精度 Producer’s accuracy/% 用户精度 User’s accuracy/% 健康类 Healthy 受害类 Diseased 健康类 Healthy 受害类 Diseased [SAR] 68.87 0.36 54.71 80.92 70.93 67.73 注:[SAR]指全部微波植被指数组合。Note: [SAR] represents all microwave vegetation index group. 表 4 不同微波与光学植被指数组合条件下的时序监测模型制图精度与用户精度比较
Table 4 Comparison of producer accuracy and user accuracy of time-series monitoring models based on different microwave and optical vegetation index group
% 指数组合
Index group制图精度
Producer accuracy用户精度
User accuracy健康类
Diseased[OS] 81.61 77.48 75.52 83.20 [OS]−PR 81.61 78.24 76.15 83.33 [OS]−RVI 82.06 77.48 75.62 83.54 [OS2] 83.86 77.86 76.33 85.00 表 5 不同环境因子条件下的时序监测模型的制图精度与用户精度比较
Table 5 Comparison of producer accuracy and user accuracy of time-series monitoring models under different environment conditions
% 环境因子
Environment factor制图精度
Producer accuracy用户精度
User accuracy健康类
Diseased陡坡 Steep slope 87.25 88.75 87.84 88.20 缓坡 Gentle slope 93.59 93.56 93.86 93.27 阳坡 Sunny slope 93.71 91.09 90.11 94.36 阴坡 Shady slope 89.48 91.22 91.45 89.21 高海拔 High altitude 87.50 85.71 86.19 97.07 低海拔 Low altitude 93.93 96.60 96.39 94.28 密林 Dense forest 92.07 92.17 91.79 92.44 疏林 Sparse forest 89.07 89.73 90.23 88.51 表 3 不同光学植被指数组合条件下的时序监测模型制图精度与用户精度比较
Table 3 Comparison of producer accuracy and user accuracy of time-series monitoring models based on different optical vegetation index group
% 指数组合
Index group制图精度
Producer’s accuracy用户精度
User’s accuracy健康类
Diseased[OPT] 73.99 75.95 72.37 77.43 [OPT]−MNDWI 80.27 75.57 73.66 81.82 [OPT]−NBR 76.68 77.10 74.03 79.53 [OPT]−NDVI 74.44 80.15 76.15 78.65 [OPT2] 78.03 78.24 75.32 80.71 [OPT2]−GARI 78.92 77.86 75.21 81.27 [OPT2]−NDMI 80.72 77.48 75.31 82.52 [OPT2]−RDVI 79.82 77.86 75.42 81.93 DSWI 81.61 77.86 75.83 83.27 -
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