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周浩宇, 彭林, 张厚江, 宗圆圆, 王群, 石金山, 麻润杰

周浩宇, 彭林, 张厚江, 宗圆圆, 王群, 石金山, 麻润杰. 金中都水关遗址木结构含水率及其影响因素[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2023, 45(5): 143-154. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20220499
引用本文: 周浩宇, 彭林, 张厚江, 宗圆圆, 王群, 石金山, 麻润杰. 金中都水关遗址木结构含水率及其影响因素[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2023, 45(5): 143-154. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20220499
Zhou Haoyu, Peng Lin, Zhang Houjiang, Zong Yuanyuan, Wang Qun, Shi Jinshan, Ma Runjie. Moisture content and its influencing factors of wood structures at Shuiguan Site in Jinzhongdu Watergate Site of Beijing[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2023, 45(5): 143-154. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20220499
Citation: Zhou Haoyu, Peng Lin, Zhang Houjiang, Zong Yuanyuan, Wang Qun, Shi Jinshan, Ma Runjie. Moisture content and its influencing factors of wood structures at Shuiguan Site in Jinzhongdu Watergate Site of Beijing[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2023, 45(5): 143-154. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20220499


基金项目: 北京市科学计划公益应用类项目(Z090506016609002),金中都水关遗址木结构病害调查横向项目(2021HXFWGXY012)

    周浩宇。主要研究方向:木材无损检测。Email:zhy13223926158@163.com 地址:100083 北京市海淀区清华东路35号北京林业大学工学院


    张厚江,博士,教授。主要研究方向:木材无损检测。Email:hjzhang6@bjfu.edu.cn 地址:同上

  • 中图分类号: TU366.2;TS67;K246.4

Moisture content and its influencing factors of wood structures at Shuiguan Site in Jinzhongdu Watergate Site of Beijing

  • 摘要:
      目的  金中都水关遗址现存的木结构面临腐朽的威胁,含水率是决定木材是否发生腐朽的关键因素,研究水关遗址木结构自身的含水率情况以及影响因素,旨在为金中都水关遗址木结构以及同类型地下木结构的保护和修缮提供依据和参考。
      方法  于2021年9月26日检测木结构不同位置的木材含水率,监测2021年9月—2022年9月全年木结构不同位置木材、土壤含水率及环境温湿度变化,探测地下水,进行木材在土壤中平衡含水率实验等。汇总所得数据,分析影响木结构含水率的因素及其影响作用。
      结果  遗址木结构露出地面的部分,含水率处于14.6% ~ 23.6%;遗址木结构埋在土壤中的部分,含水率处于30.0% ~ 183.3%;空气温度、湿度全年变化范围分别为13 ~ 24 ℃、27.0% ~ 80.0%,受四季影响明显;遗址土壤含水率在1.5% ~ 18.0%之间,深度越大,土壤含水率越高;地下水水位低于遗址过水道地面10.0 m以上;遗址木材在土壤中的平衡含水率与土壤含水率线性正相关,决定系数达到0.939 9。
      结论  遗址木结构露出地面的部分,含水率处于木材腐朽发展停止的范围,含水率变化主要受空气的四季温湿度变化影响;遗址木结构埋在土壤中的绝大部分,含水率处于木材腐朽发展的范围,影响其含水率的因素主要为土壤含水率;地下水对遗址木结构含水率几乎无影响。
      Objective  The surviving wooden structures at the Jinzhongdu Watergate Site are suffering from decay, and the moisture content of the wood is a key factor in determining decay, therefore, the study of the moisture content of the wooden structure of the watergate site and the factors affecting it aims to provide a basis and reference for the conservation and repair of the wooden structures of the Jinzhongdu Watergate Site as well as the underground wooden structures of the same type.
      Method  The researchers detected the moisture content of wood at different locations of wooden structures on September 26, 2021, and had monitored the changes in wood and soil moisture content and environmental temperature and humidity at different locations of wood structures for the whole year from September 2021 to September 2022. Groundwater was detected, and experiments on the equilibrium water content of wood in soil were conducted to summarize the obtained data , and analyze the factors affecting the moisture content of wood structures and their influencing effects.
      Result  The moisture content of the exposed part of the wooden structures of the site ranged from 14.6% to 23.6%. The part of the wooden structures of the site was buried in the soil, with moisture content in the range of 30.0%−183.3%. The air temperature and humidity at the site ranged in 13−24 ℃ and 27.0%−80.0% throughout the year, respectively, and were significantly affected by the seasons. The soil moisture content of the site ranged from 1.5% to 18.0%, and the greater the depth was, the higher the soil moisture content was. The groundwater level was more than 10.0 m below the streamway surface of the site. The equilibrium moisture content of site wood in soil was linearly and positively correlated with soil moisture content, with a coefficient of determination of 0.939 9.
      Conclusion  The moisture content of the exposed part of the wooden structures of the site is in a state that the development of wood decay has stopped, and the moisture content is mainly affected by the seasonal changes in air temperature and humidity. The majority of the wooden structures in the site is buried in the soil, and their moisture content is within the range of wood decay and development. The main factor affecting their moisture content is the soil moisture content. Groundwater has almost no effect on the water content of the wooden structures of the site.
  • 图  1   金中都水关遗址平面简图、现场照片和木结构三维模型图

    1. 擗石桩 Stone fixed timber pile;2. 衬石枋 Stone lined square;3. 基础木桩 Foundation timber pile

    Figure  1.   Plan sketch, on-site photos, and 3D model of wooden structures of the Shuiguan Site in Jinzhongdu Watergate Site

    图  2   木结构含水率取样及现场检测点位示意图

    红色为取样试件,蓝色为检测试件。Sampling specimens are in red and measuring specimens are in blue.

    Figure  2.   Diagram of wooden structure moisture content sampling and measurement points

    图  3   地下水钻探点位示意图

    Figure  3.   Diagram of groundwater drilling points

    图  4   监测系统结构图

    Figure  4.   Structure diagram of monitoring system

    图  5   监测点位置和传感器安装示意图

    Figure  5.   Monitoring point location and sensor installation diagram

    图  6   气干木材在土壤中的平衡含水率实验照片

    Figure  6.   Photos of the experiment on the equilibrium moisture content of air-dried wood in soil

    图  7   饱水木材在土壤中的平衡含水率实验照片

    Figure  7.   Photos of the experiment on the equilibrium moisture content of waterlogged wood in soil

    图  8   遗址埋深以及所在北京市丰台区地下水埋深

    Figure  8.   Burial depth of the site and groundwater depth of Fengtai District, Beijing, where the site is located

    图  9   木结构含水率监测结果

    Figure  9.   Monitoring results of moisture content in wooden structures

    图  10   土壤含水率监测结果

    Figure  10.   Monitoring results of soil moisture content

    图  11   位置P3土壤温度监测结果

    Figure  11.   Monitoring results of soil temperature at location P3

    图  12   空气温湿度监测结果

    Figure  12.   Monitoring results of air temperature and humidity

    图  13   位置P2衬石枋含水率与空气温湿度的关系

    Figure  13.   Relationship between the moisture content of stone lined square at position P2 and the air temperature and humidity

    图  14   位置P3擗石桩含水率与空气温湿度的关系

    Figure  14.   Relationship between the moisture content of stone fixed timber in position P3 and air temperature and humidity

    图  15   气干木材在土壤中的平衡含水率实验结果

    Figure  15.   Experimental results of equilibrium moisture content of air dried wood in soil

    图  16   饱水木材在土壤中的平衡含水率实验结果

    Figure  16.   Experimental result on the equilibrium moisture content of waterlogged wood in soil

    图  17   遗址木材平衡含水率与土壤含水率关系

    Figure  17.   Relationship between wood equilibrium moisture content and soil moisture content at the site

    表  1   木结构含水率取样点位和测试结果

    Table  1   Sampling points and measurement results of moisture content of wooden structures

    Name of measurement specimen
    Sampling or measurement point position
    Moisture content/%
    41号擗石桩-1 Stone fixed timber pile No. 41-1 地表下1.5 m 1.5 m below the surface 100.0
    41号擗石桩-2 Stone fixed timber pile No. 41-2 地表下1.0 m 1.0 m below the surface 69.2
    41号擗石桩-3 Stone fixed timber pile No. 41-3 地表下0.5 m 0.5 m below the surface 48.5
    41号擗石桩-4 Stone fixed timber pile No. 41-4 地表上 On the surface 17.7
    基础桩C2B1-3-1 Foundation timber pile C2B1-3-1 地表下0.5 m 0.5 m below the surface 63.6
    基础桩C2B1-4-1 Foundation timber pile C2B1-4-1 地表下0.5 m 0.5 m below the surface 183.3
    基础桩C2B3-2-2-1 Foundation timber pile C2B3-2-2-1 地表下1.0 m 1.0 m below the surface 21.8
    基础桩C2B3-2-2-2 Foundation timber pile C2B3-2-2-2 地表下0.5 m 0.5 m below the surface 17.9
    基础桩C2B3-15-8 Foundation timber pile C2B3-15-8 地表下1.5 m 1.5 m below the surface 41.3
    衬石枋C2B3-2 Stone lined square C2B3-2 地表上 On the surface 14.6
    衬石枋C2B3-12 Stone lined square C2B3-12 地表下0.5 m 0.5 m below the surface 55.7
    衬石枋C2B3-14 Stone lined square C2B3-14 地表下0.5 m 0.5 m below the surface 35.0
    衬石枋C2B3-15 Stone lined square C2B3-15 地表下0.5 m 0.5 m below the surface 72.2
    衬石枋C2B3-16 Stone lined square C2B3-16 地表下0.5 m 0.5 m below the surface 30.0
    79号擗石桩 Stone fixed timber pile No. 79 地表上 On the surface 20.4
    122号擗石桩 Stone fixed timber pile No. 122 地表上 On the surface 23.6
    衬石枋C2B1-6-1 Stone lined square C2B1-6-1 地表上 On the surface 17.2
    衬石枋C2B3-5 Stone lined square C2B3-5 地表上 On the surface 22.9
    衬石枋C3B4-6-1 Stone lined square C2B1-6-1 地表上 On the surface 17.7
    7号擗石桩 Stone fixed timber pile No. 7 地表上 On the surface 22.3
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    表  2   木材平衡含水率与土壤含水率对照表

    Table  2   Comparison of equilibrium moisture content of wood and soil moisture content

    Data source
    Moisture content of soil/%
    Equilibrium moisture content of wood/%
    41号擗石桩地表下1.5 m
    1.5 m below the surface of the stone fixed timber pile No. 41
    41号擗石桩地表下1.0 m
    1.0 m below the surface of the stone fixed timber pile No. 41
    41号擗石桩地表下0.5 m
    0.5 m below the surface of the stone fixed timber pile No. 41
    基础桩C2B3-2-2地表下1.0 m
    1.0 m below the surface of the foundation timber pile C2B3-2-2
    基础桩C2B3-2-2地表下0.5 m
    0.5 m below the surface of the foundation timber pile C2B3-2-2
    实验用饱水木构件 Waterlogged wooden component for experiment1.014.0
    实验用气干木构件 Air-dried wooden component for experiment6.548.6
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  • 收稿日期:  2023-03-21
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  • 网络出版日期:  2023-04-26
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