

    Nondestructive testing of the decay condition of ancient building roof boarding based on infrared thermal imaging

    • 摘要:
        目的  望板是木结构古建筑屋顶的重要组成部分,由于屋顶漏雨、渗水等原因,望板与苫背接触的隐藏区域易发生腐朽损坏。本研究基于红外热成像原理开展腐朽望板检测理论和实验研究,以期为基于红外热成像的古建筑望板腐朽状况无损检测和评估技术的形成奠定前期基础。
        方法  首先,分析古建筑望板的传热过程,推导腐朽区和非腐朽区望板内表面平均温差的计算公式;然后,选取4种腐朽等级的望板试件,制作实验装置,通过参考法用红外热像仪测定了试件发射率,并进行4种腐朽等级望板试件内表面温度变化的检测实验。
        结果  理论研究结果表明:在得知望板的木材密度、比热容的基础上,可计算出红外检测望板腐朽状况的最佳检测时间。试验结果表明:同一时刻,望板腐朽等级越高,其内表面温度越高,红外图像颜色越深;腐朽望板与正常望板内表面间的温差随着加热的开始会逐渐变大,但达到一定程度后,温差会随加热时间进一步增长而变小。试验测得的腐朽望板红外最佳检测时间与理论计算得到的最佳检测时间有良好的一致性。望板腐朽最佳检测时间不受望板两侧温差、环境温度等影响,一般为20 ~ 30 min。望板两侧温差越大,腐朽望板与正常望板内表面间的温差越大,红外检测效果越好。
        结论  理论和实验结果均表明,基于红外热成像对古建筑望板腐朽状况进行无损检测是可行的。


        Objective  The roof boarding is an important part of the roof of ancient wooden structure building. Due to rain leakage, water seepage and other reasons, the hidden area where the roof boarding contacts the back of the tarpaulin is prone to decay and damage. Based on the principle of infrared thermal imaging, this paper carries out theoretical and experimental research on decayed roof boarding detection, which lays a preliminary foundation for the formation of nondestructive detection and evaluation technology for decayed ancient building roof boarding based on infrared thermal imaging.
        Method  Firstly, the heat transfer process of ancient building roof boarding was analyzed, and the calculation formula of average temperature difference between the internal surfaces of roof boarding in decayed area and non-decayed area was deduced; then, four kinds of decay grade of roof boarding specimens were selected, experimental devices were made, the reference method was used to measure the emissivity of specimens with infrared thermal image, and the detection experiment of the temperature change of internal surface of four decay grade roof boarding specimens was conducted.
        Result  The theoretical research results showed that the best detection time of infrared detection of roof boarding decay condition could be calculated based on the knowledge of wood density and specific heat capacity. The experimental results showed that at the same time, the higher the decay level of the roof boarding was, the higher the temperature of its internal surface was and the darker the color of the infrared image was; the internal surface temperature difference between the decayed roof boarding and the normal roof boarding will gradually increase with the start of heating. But it will decrease with the further increase of heating time after reaching a certain extent. The best infrared detection time of measured decay roof boarding in the experiment was in good agreement with the best detection time calculated theoretically. The best detection time for the decay roof boarding was not affected by the temperature difference between the two sides of roof boarding and the ambient temperature, which was generally 20−30 min. The greater the temperature difference between the two sides of the roof boarding was, the greater the temperature difference between the internal surfaces of the decayed roof boarding and the normal roof boarding was, and the better the infrared detection effect was.
        Conclusion  The theoretical and experimental results show that it is feasible to detect the decay condition of ancient building roof boarding based on infrared thermal imaging.


