

    Timber assortment structure and outturn model for final felling stands of Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations

    • 摘要:
        目的  明晰杉木主伐林分的材种结构规律并构建合理的林分出材率模型,为我国杉木人工林木材产量提高、营林技术提升以及经营方案优化提供科学依据。
        方法  根据福建省6个国有林场近15年的杉木人工林492块伐区调查数据,选用林分平均胸径、平均高、年龄、蓄积量、密度、立地质量等林分因子,探讨林分规格材、非规格材、经济材、薪材、商品材、废材6种材种出材率对各因素的响应。在此基础上筛选影响材种出材率的主要林分因子,构建杉木主伐林分材种出材率模型,并对模型进行适用性评价。
        结果  杉木主伐林分的各林分因子中,林分平均胸径和平均高对各材种出材率的影响最大,且远高于其他林分因子,其次为林分蓄积量、年龄和密度,立地质量的影响相对较小。以林分平均胸径和平均高为自变量构建杉木主伐林分的规格材、经济材、薪材出材率模型,模型拟合及检验效果均良好,以此为基础构建非规格材、商品材、废材出材率模型。对不同径阶的各材种出材率模型进行预测误差计算,预测误差均较小,且误差分布较为均匀。
        结论  本研究揭示了杉木主伐林分的材种结构规律及其影响因子,建立的出材率模型体系可用于杉木主伐林分的出材率测算,为杉木人工林合理生产计划的制定提供支持。


        Objective  It is an important premise to clarify the timber assortment structure of Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations and build a reasonable outturn model, aiming to increase the wood yield, improve the forest management techniques and optimize the management plan for Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations.
        Method  Based on the 492 felling areas of Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations from 6 state-owned forest farms in Fujian Province of eastern China in the past 15 years, the response of 6 timber assortment outturn (i.e., dimension timber, non-dimension timber, commercial timber, fuel wood, merchantable timber, refuse wood) to each factor, including average DBH, average height, stand age, stand volume, stand density and site quality, was investigated. On this basis, the main stand factors affecting the yield of timber species were screened, the timber outturn model for final felling stands of Cunninghamia lanceolata was constructed and the applicability of the model was evaluated.
        Result  Among the stand factors of Cunninghamia lanceolata final felling stands, average DBH and average height showed much larger influence than other stand factors on the outturn of each timber assortment, followed by stand volume, age and density, and the influence of site quality was relatively small. The dimension timber, commercial timber and fuel wood timber assortment outturn model system using average DBH and average height as predictive variables showed good fitting and validating results. Based on this, the timber assortment outturn model of non-dimension timber, merchantable timber and refuse wood timber assortment outturn model was constructed. The prediction errors of the timber assortment outturn for different diameter classes were small and stable.
        Conclusion  This study reveals the timber assortment structure rule, as well as its influencing factors for Cunninghamia lanceolata final felling stands. The model system can be used to calculate the timber assortment yield of Cunninghamia lanceolata final felling stands, and provide support for the formulation of rational production plan of Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations.


