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杨柳, 刘君昂, 周国英, 何苑皞, 段翔, 周洁尘

杨柳, 刘君昂, 周国英, 何苑皞, 段翔, 周洁尘. 气候变化下中国油茶毒蛾潜在分布区模拟预测[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2024, 46(6): 93-105. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20230034
引用本文: 杨柳, 刘君昂, 周国英, 何苑皞, 段翔, 周洁尘. 气候变化下中国油茶毒蛾潜在分布区模拟预测[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2024, 46(6): 93-105. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20230034
Yang Liu, Liu Jun’ang, Zhou Guoying, He Yuanhao, Duan Xiang, Zhou Jiechen. Simulation and prediction of potential distribution area of Euproctis pseudoconspersa under climate change in China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2024, 46(6): 93-105. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20230034
Citation: Yang Liu, Liu Jun’ang, Zhou Guoying, He Yuanhao, Duan Xiang, Zhou Jiechen. Simulation and prediction of potential distribution area of Euproctis pseudoconspersa under climate change in China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2024, 46(6): 93-105. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20230034


基金项目: 湖南省林业科技创新资金项目(XLK202101-2)。

    杨柳。主要研究方向:植物有害生物综合治理。Email:981367866@qq.com 地址:411206 湖南省湘潭市雨湖区楠竹山镇湘林村湘潭市林业科学研究所


    周国英,教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向:植物检疫。Email:zgyingqq@163.com 地址:410004 湖南省长沙市韶山南路498号中南林业科技大学林学院。

  • 中图分类号: S763

Simulation and prediction of potential distribution area of Euproctis pseudoconspersa under climate change in China

  • 摘要:



    基于油茶毒蛾在中国的有效地理分布数据和生物气候数据,利用MaxEnt生态位模型和ArcGIS软件,模拟预测油茶毒蛾在当前气候条件的潜在分布,以及SSP1-2.6、SSP2-4.5和SSP5-8.5 3种气候情景下2050年和2070年油茶毒蛾在中国潜在适生区分布范围,并分析了制约其适生区分布的主导环境因子。


    (1)影响油茶毒蛾适生区分布的主导环境因子为最干月降水量、年降水量、最冷月最低温度和温度日较差月均值。当最干月降水量28 ~ 148 mm、年降水量1 290 ~ 2 080 mm、最冷月最低温度1.0 ~ 10.1 ℃、温度日较差月均值7.2 ~ 8.5 ℃时最适宜油茶毒蛾的生存。(2)当前气候条件下,油茶毒蛾总适生区面积约占我国国土面积的20.0%,主要分布在我国南方的长江中下游地区和华南地区,高度适生区面积为64.2 × 104 km2,中度适生区面积为61.8 × 104 km2,低度适生区面积为66.0 × 104 km2。(3)在未来两个时期和3种气候情景下,油茶毒蛾适生区面积出现不同程度的扩大,新增适生区面积在9.3 × 104 ~ 33.0 × 104 km2之间,地理分布中心迁移距离在24.4 ~ 125.1 km之间。气候变暖越明显,油茶毒蛾的潜在分布区面积增加越多,地理分布中心点的迁移距离越远。




    Camellia oleifera is a woody oleiferous plant with high economic and ecological value. Euproctis pseudoconspersa is one of the main pests of Camellia oleifera, which seriously restricts the yield and quality of C. oleifera. In order to provide scientific basis for early warning and specific prevention and control of the Euproctis pseudoconspersa, the potential distribution of E. pseudoconspersa was simulated and predicted in this study.


    Based on the distribution data and biological climate data of E. pseudoconspersa in China, MaxEnt model and ArcGIS software were used to predict the suitable area for E. pseudoconspersa in China under the current climate, and the distribution range and potential suitable area of E. pseudoconspersa in China in the 2050 and 2070 under SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 climate change scenarios, and then the dominant environmental variables affecting the distribution of its potential suitable area were analyzed.


    (1) The dominant environmental variables affecting the distribution of suitable habitat of E. pseudoconspersa were precipitation of the driest month, annual precipitation, min. temperature of the coldest month, and the mean diurnal range (mean of monthly (max. temp – min. temp)). The optimum conditions were precipitation of the driest month of 28−148 mm, annual precipitation of 1 290−2 080 mm, the min. temperature of the coldest month of 1.0−10.1 ℃, and mean diurnal range of 7.2−8.5 ℃. (2) Under the current climate conditions, the total suitable area of E. pseudoconspersa accounted for 20.0% of China’s land area, mainly distributed in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and South China, with a high suitable area of 642 000 km2, a medium suitable area of 618 000 km2, and a low suitable area of 660 000 km2. (3) In the next two periods and three climate scenarios, the suitable area of Camellia oleifera moth will be enlarged to different degrees, with the newly increased area of 93 000−330 000 km2 and the migration distance of geographical distribution center between 24.4−125.1 km. The more obvious the climate warming was, the more the potential distribution area increased, and the farther the geographical distribution center moved.


    E. pseudoconspersa has a wide range of habitats in China, including almost all the provinces in southern China. In the future climate change scenario, the suitable habitat of E. pseudoconspersa will expand northward, westward and other high latitude inland areas. Therefore, it is suggested that relevant departments should make plans and policies in advance to strengthen the observation and control of E. pseudoconspersa, so as to reduce its losses to Camellia oleifera industry.

  • 图  1   油茶毒蛾危害点19个环境因子贡献率及相关性分析

    Figure  1.   Contribution rate and correlation analysis of 19 environmental variables of Euproctis pseudoconspersa hazard points

    图  2   油茶毒蛾MaxEnt模型下ROC曲线

    Figure  2.   ROC curve of E. pseudoconspersa under MaxEnt model

    图  3   建模环境因子刀切图分析

    Figure  3.   Jacknife plot analysis of modeling environmental factors

    图  4   适生分布对主要环境因子的响应曲线

    Figure  4.   Response curves of suitable distribution to main environmental factors

    图  5   当前油茶毒蛾适生区分布情况

    基于自然资源部标准地图服务网站GS(2020)4619号标准地图制作,底图边界无修改。下同。Based on the standard map production of the Ministry of Natural Resources’ GS(2020)4619 standard map service website, the basemap boundaries have not been modified. The same below.

    Figure  5.   Current distribution condition of suitable area for C. oleifera

    图  6   油茶毒蛾不同时期在中国的潜在适生区面积

    Figure  6.   Potential suitable area distribution of E. pseudoconspersa in China under different climate scenarios

    图  7   油茶毒蛾不同气候情景下在中国的适生分布区

    Figure  7.   Suitable distribution area of E. pseudoconspersa in China under different climate scenarios

    图  8   未来气候变化情景下油茶毒蛾空间分布格局变化

    Figure  8.   Changes in spatial distribution pattern of E. pseudoconspersa in China under future climate change scenarios

    表  1   WorldClim2 数据中的气候变量

    Table  1   Bioclimatic variables of WorldClim2

    名称 Name 描述 Description 单位 Unit
    Bio1 年平均温度 Annual mean temperature
    Bio2 温度日较差月均值 Mean diurnal range (mean of monthly (max. temp − min. temp))
    Bio3 等温性 Isothermality (Bio2/Bio7) (× 100)
    Bio4 温度季节性变化标准差 Temperature seasonal change (standard deviation × 100)
    Bio5 最热月最高温度 Max. temperature of the warmest month
    Bio6 最冷月最低温度 Min. temperature of the coldest month
    Bio7 温度年际变化 Temperature annual range (Bio5 − Bio6)
    Bio8 最湿季平均温度 Mean temperature of the wettest quarter
    Bio9 最干季平均温度 Mean temperature of the driest quarter
    Bio10 最热季平均温度 Mean temperature of the warmest quarter
    Bio11 最冷季平均温度 Mean temperature of the coldest quarter
    Bio12 年降水量 Annual precipitation mm
    Bio13 最湿月降水量 Precipitation of the wettest month mm
    Bio14 最干月降水量 Precipitation of the driest month mm
    Bio15 降水量变异系数 Coefficient of variation of precipitation mm
    Bio16 最湿季降水量 Precipitation of the wettest quarter mm
    Bio17 最干季降水量 Precipitation of the driest quarter mm
    Bio18 最热季降水量 Precipitation of the warmest quarter mm
    Bio19 最冷季降水量 Precipitation of the coldest quarter mm
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    表  2   物种潜在分布变化矩阵

    Table  2   Matrix of potential distribution changes of species

    未来气候情景 Future climate scenario 当前气候情景 Current climate scenario
    适生 Suitable 非适生 Unsuitable
    适生 Suitable 保留适生区 Reserved suitable area 新增适生区 New-added suitable area
    非适生 Unsuitable 缩减适生区 Reduction of suitable area 非适生区 Unsuitable area
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    表  3   环境因子贡献率和置换重要值

    Table  3   Contribution rate and permutation importance of environmental variables

    Environmental variable
    Contribution rate/%
    Permutation importance value/%
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    表  4   不同时期几何中心(质心)迁移距离及适生区变化

    Table  4   Migration distance of geometric center (centroid) and change of the suitable area in different periods

    Climate scenario
    Migration distance of
    Unsuitable area/
    (104 km2)
    New-added suitable area/
    (104 km2)
    Reserved suitable area/
    (104 km2)
    Reduction of suitable area/
    (104 km2)
    当前 Current
    2050SSP1-2.6 24.4 758.7 9.3 191.8 0.2
    2050SSP2-4.5 61.3 741.0 27.0 191.9 0.1
    2050SSP5-8.5 71.4 739.4 28.6 192.0 0.0
    2070SSP1-2.6 50.1 746.1 21.9 192.0 0.0
    2070SSP2-4.5 38.9 751.0 17.1 192.0 0.0
    2070SSP5-8.5 125.1 735.0 33.0 191.9 0.1
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