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唐鹏, 张建军, 李阳, 魏广阔, 胡亚伟, 赵炯昌

唐鹏, 张建军, 李阳, 魏广阔, 胡亚伟, 赵炯昌. 极端降雨对晋西黄土区不同土地利用方式下的浅层滑坡形态特征和空间分布影响[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2023, 45(10): 109-117. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20230070
引用本文: 唐鹏, 张建军, 李阳, 魏广阔, 胡亚伟, 赵炯昌. 极端降雨对晋西黄土区不同土地利用方式下的浅层滑坡形态特征和空间分布影响[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2023, 45(10): 109-117. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20230070
Tang Peng, Zhang Jianjun, Li Yang, Wei Guangkuo, Hu Yawei, Zhao Jiongchang. Effects of extreme rainfall on the morphological characteristics and spatial distribution of shallow landslides under different land use patterns in the loess region of western Shanxi Province, northern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2023, 45(10): 109-117. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20230070
Citation: Tang Peng, Zhang Jianjun, Li Yang, Wei Guangkuo, Hu Yawei, Zhao Jiongchang. Effects of extreme rainfall on the morphological characteristics and spatial distribution of shallow landslides under different land use patterns in the loess region of western Shanxi Province, northern China[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2023, 45(10): 109-117. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20230070


基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2022YFE0104700)。

    唐鹏。主要研究方向:森林水文。Email:tp17305447719@163.com 地址:100083 北京市海淀区清华东路35号北京林业大学水土保持学院


    张建军,教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向:水土保持与森林水文研究。Email:zhangjianjun@bjfu.edu.cn 地址:同上。

  • 中图分类号: S761;S157.1

Effects of extreme rainfall on the morphological characteristics and spatial distribution of shallow landslides under different land use patterns in the loess region of western Shanxi Province, northern China

  • 摘要:





    (1)极端降雨在3个小流域内共诱发425处浅层滑坡,总体积为82 000 m3。其中农地小流域179处,体积为43 138 m3,人工林小流域196处,体积为33 489 m3,次生林小流域50处,体积为5 373 m3。(2)核密度分析表明农地小流域浅层滑坡密集程度最高,核密度峰值达到714处/km2,且多位于侵蚀沟坡和农地间的斜坡上,次生林小流域的浅层滑坡多沿沟谷分布,人工林小流域浅层滑坡整体沿西北—东南走向的山脊线呈带状分布。(3)农地小流域浅层滑坡主要集中在20° ~ 50°坡度范围和以正东、东南为主的阳坡;次生林小流域滑坡主要分布在40° ~ 50°坡度范围,且受到坡向的影响较小;人工林小流域滑坡集中分布在50° ~ 60°坡度和以正东、正西为主的坡向。




    This paper aims to explore the influence of extreme rainfall on the morphological characteristics and spatial distribution of shallow landslides under different land use patterns.


    In this paper, the morphological characteristics and spatial distribution of shallow landslides were investigated by UAV photogrammetry after the extreme rainfall from October 3 to 6, 2021 in the Small Watershed of Caijiachuan Farmland, secondary forest and plantation in Jixian County, Shanxi Province of northern China.


    (1) Extreme rainfall induced 425 shallow landslides in three small watersheds, with a total volume of 82 000 m3. Among them, there were 179 landslides with a volume of 43 138 m3 in the small watershed of farmland, 196 landslides with a volume of 33 489 m3 in the small watershed of planted forests, and 50 landslides with a volume of 5 373 m3 in the small watershed of secondary forest. (2) The analysis of kernel density showed that the shallow landslides in the small watershed of farmland had the highest density, and the peak of kernel density reached 714 per km2, and most of them were located on the erosion slope and the slope between farmlands. Most of the shallow landslides in the small watershed of secondary forest were distributed along ravines, and the shallow landslides in the small watershed of plantation were distributed in strips along the northwest-southeast ridge line. (3) Shallow landslides in small watershed of farmland were mainly concentrated in the slope range of 20°−50° and the slope direction mainly due east and southeast. Landslides in small watersheds of secondary forests were mainly distributed in slopes of 40°−50° and were less affected by slope aspects. Landslides in the small watershed of plantation were concentrated in the slope of 50°−60° and the slope aspects mainly due east and west.


    This survey shows that vegetation can effectively reduce the shallow landslides caused by extreme rainstorms in small watershed scale, especially the secondary forest has a better effect on preventing shallow landslides. Therefore, under the background of global climate change, it is of great significance to build imitation natural vegetation on the Loess Plateau to improve the function of soil and water conservation.

  • 图  1   蔡家川流域概况

    Figure  1.   General situation of Caijiachuan Watershed

    图  2   浅层滑坡分区图

    Figure  2.   Shallow landslide zoning map

    图  3   蔡家川小流域每小时降雨量和累计降雨量

    Figure  3.   Rainfall per hour and accumulated rainfall in Caijiachuan Small Watershed

    图  4   浅层滑坡的核密度分布

    Figure  4.   Distribution of kernel density of shallow landslide

    图  5   不同坡度、坡向下浅层滑坡数量与体积

    N. 正北;NE. 东北;E. 正东;SE. 东南;S. 正南;SW. 西南;W. 正西;NW. 西北。N, due north; NE, northeast; E, due east; SE, southeast; S, due south; SW; southwest; W, due west; NW, northwest.

    Figure  5.   Quantity and volume of shallow landslides with different slopes and aspects

    表  1   小流域概况

    Table  1   General situation of small watershed

    Watershed type
    Land use type
    Slope length
    Farmland small watershed
    Level terrace, orchard
    85 0.71 282.10 3.06 70.60 ~ 290.47
    Secondary forest small watershed
    Secondary forest dominated by Populus davidiana,
    Betula dahurica and Quercus wutaishanica
    99 1.93 272.46 7.46 41.40 ~ 215.42
    Plantation small watershed
    Plantation dominated by Pinus tabuliformis,
    Robinia pseudoacacia and Platycladus orientalis
    92 1.50 329.26 5.85 53.48 ~ 228.18
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    表  2   现场测量与遥感解译滑坡体体积对比表

    Table  2   Comparison table of landslide volume between field measurement and remote sensing interpretation

    Field measurement volume/m3
    Remote sensing interpretation volume/m3
    Relative error/%
    注:R代表人工林小流域,N代表农地小流域,数字代表浅层滑坡序号。Notes: R stands for plantation watershed, N stands for farmland watershed, and the number stands for shallow landslide serial No.
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    表  3   不同土地利用类型浅层滑坡特征参数

    Table  3   Characteristic parameters of shallow landslides of different land use types

    Land use type
    Average elevation
    农地 Farmland 179 252 43 617 262.75 43 138 259.87 19.09 24.89 0.88
    Secondary forest
    50 26 9 097 185.65 5 373 109.65 15.83 30.48 0.52
    196 131 36 316 186.24 33 489 171.74 18.33 22.36 0.81
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  • 收稿日期:  2023-03-29
  • 修回日期:  2023-06-13
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