Response and mechanism of plant leaf nitrogen and phosphorus resorption efficiency to nutrient addition in an alpine meadow
Abstract:ObjectiveThe purpose of our study was to reveal the response and mechanism of plant leaf nutrient resorption efficiency to nitrogen and phosphorus addition and their interaction, and to clarify the diversity of plant nutrient use strategies in alpine meadows.
MethodTo answer this question, we performed an experiment of N and P addition in an alpine meadow, measured leaf nutrient resorption efficiency in four dominant species (Elymus nutans, Deschampsia cespitosa, Artemisia roxburghiana, Potentilla anserina).
Result(1) N addition had positive effects on leaf N resorption efficiency (NRE) in graminoids, but the leaf NRE of forbs was not affected by N addition, while it did not affect P resorption efficiency (PRE) among four plant species. (2) P addition had no significant effect on the leaf NRE of all plants and the leaf PRE of two forbs, but increased the leaf PRE of graminoids. (3) N and P addition together reduced leaf NRE in E. nutans, A. roxburghiana and P. anserina, but increased NRE in D. cespitosa. Moreover, the combination of N and P addition had not significant effect on leaf PRE of four plants.
ConclusionOverall, our study indicates that alpine plants adopt three nutrient resorption strategies for more nutrient supply: full resorption (increase green leaf nutrient but no change in senescent leaf), partial resorption (more increase in green leaf nutrient than senescent leaf) and no resorption (similar increase in green and senescent leaf nutrient). These findings provide implications for understanding the diversity and complementarity of nutrient internal circulation strategies in alpine plants.
图 2 4种植物叶片氮重吸收效率对氮添加(N)、磷添加(P)和氮磷同时添加(N + P)的响应
^、*分别表示在 P < 0.1、0.05水平上处理与对照差异显著。下同。^, * indicate a significant treatment effect compared with control treatment at P < 0.1, 0.05 level, respectively. The same below.
Figure 2. Responses of nitrogen resorption efficiency in four plant species leaves to nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) addition and their combined treatments (N + P)
图 3 氮添加(N)、磷添加(P)和氮磷同时添加(N + P)对4种植物绿叶和凋落叶氮含量的影响
不同小写字母表示差异显著(P < 0.05)。下同。Different lowercase letters indicate a significant difference between control and treatment (P < 0.05). The same below.
Figure 3. Effects of nitrogen addition (N), phosphorus addition (P) and their combined treatments (N + P) on nitrogen concentration ingreen and senescent leaves of four plant species
图 4 4种植物叶片磷重吸收率对氮添加(N)、磷添加(P)和氮磷同时添加(N + P)的响应
***表示在 P < 0.001水平上处理与对照差异显著。*** indicates a significant difference between treatment and control at P < 0.001 level.
Figure 4. Responses of phosphorus resorption efficiency in four plant species to nitrogen addition (N), phosphorus addition (P) andtheir combined treatments (N + P)
表 1 氮、磷添加及其交互作用对4种植物绿叶和凋落叶的养分含量以及氮和磷重吸收率影响的两因素方差分析
Table 1 Two-way ANOVA on the effects of nitrogen and phosphorous addition on green and senescent leaf nutrient concentration and nutrient resorption efficiency
物种 Species 指标 Index 氮添加
N addition磷添加
P addition氮磷交互作用
N × P interaction垂穗披碱草
Elymus nutans绿叶氮含量 Green leaf nitrogen content 9.503** 0.481 0.886 凋落叶氮含量 Senescent leaf nitrogen content 0.823 6.819* 0.488 氮重吸收率 Nitrogen resorption efficiency 0.766 39.198*** 15.953** 绿叶磷含量 Green leaf phosphorus content 6.794* 131.218*** 0.053 凋落叶磷含量 Senescent leaf phosphorus content 1.327 30.389*** 14.597** 磷重吸收率 Phosphorus resorption efficiency 12.460** 12.290** 22.770*** 发草
Deschampsia cespitosa绿叶氮含量 Green leaf nitrogen content 25.652*** 0.227 3.900 凋落叶氮含量 Senescent leaf nitrogen content 0.117 0.472 3.071 氮重吸收率 Nitrogen resorption efficiency 24.287*** 0.161 19.047*** 绿叶磷含量 Green leaf phosphorus content 21.625*** 28.256*** 1.834 凋落叶磷含量 Senescent leaf phosphorus content 2.227 18.638** 0.988 磷重吸收率 Phosphorus resorption efficiency 5.350* 0.009 6.918* 灰苞蒿
Artemisia roxburghiana绿叶氮含量 Green leaf nitrogen content 1.217 3.466 2.466 凋落叶氮含量 Senescent leaf nitrogen content 29.555*** 6.503* 2.600 氮重吸收率 Nitrogen resorption efficiency 0.701 2.203 0.580 绿叶磷含量 Green leaf phosphorus content 10.669** 56.367*** 2.207 凋落叶磷含量 Senescent leaf phosphorus content 9.194* 54.704*** 2.674 磷重吸收率 Phosphorus resorption efficiency 0.313 1.532 0.005 鹅绒委陵菜
Potentilla anserina绿叶氮含量 Green leaf nitrogen content 7.005* 1.971 0.017 凋落叶氮含量 Senescent leaf nitrogen content 72.432*** 1.885 8.259* 氮重吸收率 Nitrogen resorption efficiency 8.840* 5.448* 4.439 绿叶磷含量 Green leaf phosphorus content 0.734 67.760*** 0.950 凋落叶磷含量 Senescent leaf phosphorus content 0.353 33.474*** 1.900 磷重吸收率 Phosphorus resorption efficiency 4.163 1.476 0.762 -
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