Spatiotemporal variation of land use in counties of the upper reaches of the Beiluo River and its impact on runoff and sediment
Abstract:ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to investigate the favorability of land use changes in identifying the causes of runoff and sediment variations, providing guiding significance for the implementation and improvement of watershed soil and water conservation and ecological protection policies.
MethodThe research selected the upper reaches of the Beiluo River as the study area and utilized the GEE and PIE-Engine platforms to acquire land use and fraction vegetation cover (FVC) data from 1990 to 2020. Descriptions of land use in various counties in the upper reaches of the Beiluo River were conducted from four aspects: land class transitions, FVC, land use intensity (LUI), and landscape pattern (average patch area, AREA_MN; largest patch index, LPI; landscape shape index, LSI; aggregation index, AI). Additionally, the correlation between land use and runoff-sediment was explored by integrating runoff and sediment data.
Result(1) After 2000, there was a shift from farmland to grassland and forests in the upper reaches of the Beiluo River, with a reduction in area by 79.05%. The transition from “farmland to forest” was concentrated in the southeast of Wuqi County, while “farmland to grassland” was most densely distributed in Dingbian County, Shaanxi Province of northwestern China. (2) From 2000 to 2020, the FVC in the basin increased rapidly, with Wuqi County having an overall higher FVC than Dingbian County. The change in land use intensity in Dingbian County lagged behind that of Wuqi County, but both exhibited a significant decreasing trend from 2010 to 2020. (3) Around 2000, the reduction rates of annual runoff and sediment transport were 46.68% and 81.83%, respectively. Coefficient of sediment inflow from 2000 to 2020 (0.42) was less than that from 1990 to 2000 (0.80). (4) Under the same runoff volume, sediment transport from 2000 to 2020 was much lower than that from 1990 to 2000. FVC showed a significant negative correlation with runoff-sediment, while forest AREA_MN and AI were significantly positively correlated with runoff. Forest LPI, LSI were significantly negatively correlated with runoff, and forest LSI was negatively correlated with sediment transport.
ConclusionThe runoff and sediment in the upper reaches of the Beiluo River are closely related to the structural layout of land use. Different counties exhibit significant differences in land cover and land use intensity. Under the driving force of returning farmland to forest (grassland), the overall trend of land in this region contributes to the reduction of runoff sediment. The research results will provide reference for the study of the relationship between watershed land use and runoff sediment on the Loess Plateau.
- the Beiluo River /
- land use intensity /
- vegetation coverage /
- landscape pattern /
- runoff sediment
表 1 土地强度分级
Table 1 Classification of land use intensity
项目 Item 不透水
Impermeable land农田
Land use intensity level6 5 4 3 2 1 表 2 景观指数描述
Table 2 Landscape index description
Landscape index生态学意义 Ecological significance 平均斑块面积
Average patch area (AREA_MN)反映景观结构,取值越小,景观破碎度程度越高
Reflecting the landscape structure, the smaller the value is, the higher the degree of landscape fragmentation is最大斑块指数
Max. patch index (LPI)最大斑块面积占总景观面积的百分比,反映人类干扰的强度和频率
This index is the percentage of the max. patch area to the total landscape area, reflecting the intensity and frequency of human disturbance景观形状指数
Landscape shape index (LSI)当景观形状为圆形或者正方形时,LSI = 1,当景观中斑块形状不规则或偏离正方形时,LSI值增大
When the landscape shape is circular or square, LSI = 1. When the patch shape in the landscape is irregular or deviates from the square, the LSI value increases聚合度指数
Aggregation index (AI)反映不同景观类型斑块之间的连通性,取值越小,景观越离散
Reflecting the connectivity between different landscape type patches, the smaller the value is, the more discrete the landscape is表 3 1990—2020年土地利用年际统计特征
Table 3 Inter annual statistical characteristics of land use from 1990 to 2020
km2 土地利用类型
Land use type1990 2000 2010 2020 1990—2020 面积 Area 面积 Area 变化量 Variation 面积 Area 变化量 Variation 面积 Area 变化量 Variation 变化量 Variation 农田 Farmland 276.84 387.95 111.11 301.12 −86.83 81.29 −219.83 −195.55 森林 Forest 0.34 1.34 1.00 3.86 2.52 23.13 19.27 22.79 草地 Grassland 3 183.78 3 072.39 −111.39 3 155.61 83.22 3 354.50 198.89 170.72 水体 Waters 0.82 0.55 −0.27 0.37 −0.18 0.45 0.08 −0.37 荒地 Wasteland 0.77 0.10 −0.67 0.05 −0.05 1.27 1.22 0.50 不透水Impermeable land 4.71 4.93 0.22 6.25 1.32 6.62 0.37 1.91 表 4 水沙与FVC及部分景观参数Pearson相关分析
Table 4 Pearson correlation analysis of runoff and sediment, FVC, and some landscape parameters
项目 Item FVC 森林 Forest 不透水 Impermeable land LPI LSI AREA_MN AI LPI AREA_MN AI 年径流量 Annual runoff −0.422* −0.422* −0.492** 0.094 0.475** −0.543** −0.456** −0.477** 年输沙量 Annual sediment discharge −0.380* −0.330 −0.379* 0.119 0.431* −0.473** −0.358* −0.373* 注:*表示显著性水平P < 0.05,**表示显著性水平P < 0.01。Notes: * indicates a significant level of P < 0.05, ** indicates a significant level of P < 0.01. -
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