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姚尧, 刘志佳, 陈瑶, 何林韩, 高建民

姚尧, 刘志佳, 陈瑶, 何林韩, 高建民. 热解自活化法制备竹箨活性炭及其砷吸附性能[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2023, 45(10): 149-158. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20230162
引用本文: 姚尧, 刘志佳, 陈瑶, 何林韩, 高建民. 热解自活化法制备竹箨活性炭及其砷吸附性能[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2023, 45(10): 149-158. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20230162
Yao Yao, Liu Zhijia, Chen Yao, He Linhan, Gao Jianmin. Preparation of activated carbon from bamboo shoot shell by pyrolysis self-activation method and its arsenic adsorption performance[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2023, 45(10): 149-158. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20230162
Citation: Yao Yao, Liu Zhijia, Chen Yao, He Linhan, Gao Jianmin. Preparation of activated carbon from bamboo shoot shell by pyrolysis self-activation method and its arsenic adsorption performance[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2023, 45(10): 149-158. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20230162


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(31971742)。

    姚尧。主要研究方向:生物质基吸附材料。Email:yaoyao4196@foxmail.com 地址:100083北京市海淀区清华东路35号北京林业大学材料科学与技术学院


    陈瑶,博士,副教授。主要研究方向:碳材料及功能性改良、生物质资源综合利用。Email:ychen@bjfu.edu.cn 地址:同上。

  • 中图分类号: S644.2;TQ424.1;X523

Preparation of activated carbon from bamboo shoot shell by pyrolysis self-activation method and its arsenic adsorption performance

  • 摘要:





    活化温度1 050 ℃、活化时间30 min时,竹箨活性炭孔隙结构排列整齐致密,比表面积达到1 251.7 m2/g,孔容为0.697 cm3/g,微孔比表面积比率和微孔孔容比率分别为60.9%和64.0%,平均孔径为0.448 nm,主要由微孔和少量介孔组成,孔径远大于砷酸根离子(AsO4 3−)和亚砷酸分子(H3AsO3)的空间构型尺寸,有利于对As(Ⅲ)和As(Ⅴ)的吸附。反映石墨化程度的R 值为1.340,表面具有丰富的含氧官能团,对As(Ⅲ)的最大吸附量为3.87 mg/g,对As(Ⅴ)的最大吸附量为3.17 mg/g。对比文献中不同活性炭的比表面积和砷吸附容量,竹箨活性炭表现出一定优势。




    This paper aims to explore an efficient arsenic removal activated carbon material using bamboo shoot shell residue from bamboo processing.


    Bamboo shoot shell was used as the raw material, while microwave heating was employed as the heat source. Activated carbon from bamboo shoot shell was prepared through catalytic pyrolysis self-activation technique at different activation temperatures and times. The microstructure, specific surface area, pore structure, graphitization degree, surface elements, and functional groups of the activated carbon were characterized to reveal the influence of activation time and temperature on its microstructure. The arsenic adsorption performance of the activated carbon was investigated, and the differences in specific surface area and arsenic adsorption capacity were compared among different preparation methods.


    At an activation temperature of 1 050 ℃ and activation time of 30 min, the activated carbon exhibited an orderly and dense pore structure. The specific surface area reached 1 251.7 m2/g, with a pore volume of 0.697 cm3/g. The ratio of micropore specific surface area and the ratio of pore volume were 60.9% and 64.0%, respectively. The average pore diameter was 0.448 nm, primarily composed of micropores and a small amount of mesopores. The pore size was much larger than the spatial configuration dimensions of arsenate ions (AsO4 3−) and arsenous acid molecules (H3AsO3), which facilitated the adsorption of As(Ⅲ) and As(V). The graphitization degree (R) was 1.340, and the surface contained abundant oxygen-containing functional groups. The maximum adsorption capacity for As(Ⅲ) was 3.87 mg/g, while for As(V), it was 3.17 mg/g. Compared with the specific surface area and arsenic adsorption capacity of activated carbon in previous literature, the bamboo strip activated carbon demonstrated certain advantages.


    Properly increasing the activation temperature and extending the activation time are beneficial for the formation of surface micropores, thereby enhancing the arsenic adsorption capacity. However, excessively high activation temperature and prolonged activation time can cause the collapse of pore structure, resulting in reduced specific surface area, micropore ratio, and reduce arsenic adsorption capacity. This research provides a simple and environmentally friendly method for the preparation of efficient arsenic removal activated carbon materials, offering promising arsenic treatment performance in water bodies.

  • 图  1   不同工艺条件下竹箨活性炭的SEM图

    a. 950 ℃, 15 min; b. 950 ℃, 30 min; c. 950 ℃, 45 min; d. 950 ℃, 60 min; e. 1 000 ℃, 15 min; f. 1 000 ℃, 30 min; g. 1 000 ℃, 45 min; h. 1 000 ℃, 60 min; i. 1 050 ℃, 15 min; j. 1050 ℃, 30 min; k. 1 050 ℃, 45 min; l. 1 050 ℃, 60 min; m. 1 100 ℃, 15 min; n. 1 100 ℃, 30 min; o. 1 100 ℃, 45 min; p. 1 100 ℃, 60 min.

    Figure  1.   SEM images of activated carbon from bamboo shoot shell under different process conditions

    图  2   不同加热温度对竹箨活性炭比表面积(a)和孔容(b)的影响

    Figure  2.   Effects of different heating temperatures on the specific surface area (a) and pore volume (b) of activated carbon frombamboo shoot shell

    图  3   不同加热温度下竹箨活性炭的N2吸附–脱附等温线(a)和孔径分布(b)图

    Figure  3.   N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms (a) and pore size distribution (b) of activated carbon from bamboo shoot shell at different heating temperatures

    图  4   不同加热时间对竹箨活性炭比表面积(a)和孔容(b)的影响

    Figure  4.   Effects of different heating times on the specific surface area (a) and pore volume (b) of activated carbon from bamboo shoot shell

    图  5   不同加热时间竹箨活性炭的N2吸附–脱附等温线(a)和孔径分布(b)图

    Figure  5.   N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms (a) and pore size distribution (b) of activated carbon from bamboo shoot shell at different heating times

    图  6   不同加热温度(a)和加热时间(b)的竹箨活性炭的拉曼光谱图

    Figure  6.   Raman spectra of activated carbon from bamboo shoot shell at different heating temperatures (a) and heating times (b)

    图  7   竹箨活性炭的XPS谱图

    Figure  7.   XPS spectra of activated carbon from bamboo shoot shell

    图  8   不同活化条件下竹箨活性炭对As(Ⅲ)(a)和As(Ⅴ)(b)的吸附量

    Figure  8.   Adsorption capacity of activated carbon from bamboo shoot shell on As (Ⅲ) (a) and As (V) (b) under different activation conditions

    表  1   不同加热温度下竹箨活性炭的比表面积和孔隙结构参数

    Table  1   Specific surface area and pore structure of activated carbon from bamboo shoot shell at different heating temperatures

    Heating condition
    Specific surface area/(m2·g−1
    Ratio of micropore
    specific surface area/%
    Pore volume/(cm3·g−1
    Ratio of micropore
    Average pore
    950 ℃,30 min 772.2 177.6 949.8 81.3 0.379 0.144 0.523 72.5 0.427
    1 000 ℃,30 min 843.8 135.1 978.9 86.2 0.416 0.143 0.559 83.2 0.413
    1 050 ℃,30 min 762.6 489.1 1 251.7 60.9 0.446 0.251 0.697 64.0 0.448
    1 100 ℃,30 min 605.7 656.1 1 261.8 48.0 0.449 0.268 0.717 62.6 0.457
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    表  2   不同加热时间竹箨活性炭的比表面积和孔隙结构参数

    Table  2   Specific surface area and pore structure of activated carbon from bamboo shoot shell at different heating times

    Specific surface area/(m2·g−1
    Ratio of micropore
    specific surface are/%
    Pore volume/(cm3·g−1
    Ratio of
    micropore volume/%
    Average pore
    1 050 ℃,15 min 1 136.3 711.3 245.0 62.6 0.638 0.415 0.223 65.0 0.438
    1 050 ℃,30 min 1 251.7 762.6 489.1 60.9 0.697 0.446 0.251 64.0 0.448
    1 050 ℃,45 min 1 517.8 572.9 944.9 37.7 0.859 0.486 0.373 56.6 0.463
    1 050 ℃,60 min 1 571.4 375.5 1 195.9 23.9 0.947 0.488 0.461 51.5 0.471
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    表  3   活性炭砷吸附量对比研究

    Table  3   Comparative study on arsenic adsorption capacity of activated carbon

    Specific surface
    Arsenic adsorption capacity/(mg·g−1
    Preparation method
    Data source
    As(Ⅲ) As(Ⅴ)
    黄麻活性炭 Jute stick activated carbon 1 624 4.50 H2O Asadullah等,2014[21]
    Asadullah et al, 2014
    黄麻活性炭 Jute stick activated carbon 750 5.50 H3PO4
    Iron-loaded activated carbon
    1 266 9.70 FeSO4 + H3PO4
    Granular activated carbon
    2.87 2.30 Fe + Mn Nikic等,2019[22]
    Nikic et al, 2019
    Activated carbon from bamboo shoot shell
    1 251.7 3.87 3.17 热解自活化
    Pyrolysis self-activation
    本研究 Our research
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  • 收稿日期:  2023-06-27
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