Effects of neighboring tree diversity and competition on tree growth in natural spruce-fir forests
Abstract:ObjectiveThis study aimed to investigate the effects of neighboring tree diversity and forest competition intensity on the tree growth in natural spruce-fir forests, providing a scientific basis for the structure management of spruce-fir forests.
MethodData from two fixed-sample surveys of a natural spruce-fir forest in Changbai Mountain of northeastern China in 2015 and 2018 were used to analyze the relationship between neighboring tree diversity, competition, and tree growth by a structural equation model.
Result(1) The neighboring tree diversity indexes for species, diameter classes, and tree height of the natural spruce-fir forests in the study area were all around 1.04. It indicated an overall even distribution of these three indexes, high degree of species mixture, and complex stand structure. (2) The total impact coefficients for species, diameter-classe, tree-height neighboring tree diversity indexes and the competition index on volume increment in the model were −0.001, 0.166, 0.073 and −0.489, respectively. It indicated that competition was the key factor affecting tree growth. (3) The increases in diameter-class and tree-height diversities both had positive effects on tree growth, with a direct effect of diameter-class diversity, and an indirect effect of tree-height diversity. The species diversity had a directly negative effect and an indirectly positive effect, exhibiting an overall negative effect. The increase of species diversity reduced competition intensity of trees in a stand, while the increase of tree-height diversity might lead to a differentiation of stand structure, which further promoted the growth of individual trees in a stand. (4) Growth pressure of trees in the research area may mainly come from trees of the same diameter-class. Small-diameter trees had poorer growth conditions and greater competition pressure, while large-diameter and medium-diameter trees were opposite.
ConclusionSelective cutting of the trees within the same or similar diameter-classes, and improving the level of diameter-classe and tree-height diversity within a stand, can reduce the competition level, promote individual tree growth, and enhance the productivity of spruce-fir stands.
天然林林分结构复杂,物种丰富,林分内树木的生长受到许多因素的影响,如光照、水分等,而个体间为争夺有限的资源所引起的竞争是影响树木生长的重要因素,研究表明林分内的单木生长会受到邻体竞争的影响,竞争强度与林木生长一般为负相关关系[1]。竞争指数是现有研究中衡量邻域间竞争强度大小的指标,主要分为与距离有关和与距离无关两类[2]。由于天然林林分结构相对复杂,与距离有关的竞争指数更能反映林木间的竞争关系[3],由 Hegyi[4]提出的简单竞争指数最常见,应用最广泛。
林分结构多样性可由物种多样性和大小多样性来表征,很大程度上由相邻木的空间关系所决定[8]。结构化经营是在对象木与其相邻木构建的空间结构单元内,通过比较对象木与邻近木之间的树种、大小分布等差异,并结合邻近木空间位置,计算树种与结构多样性[9]。用邻近木多样性指数表达空间结构单元多样性,揭示林分内部物种与结构的变化[10],具有明显的生物学意义,并对林分精准经营、定量分析有重要意义。空间结构单元大小由邻近木的数量和位置决定,多样性指数的准确性一般会随空间结构单元大小的增大而变化,计算难度与分类复杂程度也随之增加[11],且过大的空间结构单元会导致邻近木的数量增多,进而使得部分无关的林木参与多样性与竞争指数计算。在前人[11−12]的研究中空间结构单元常选4 ~ 5株邻近木,得到的结果较为可靠。
结构方程模型(structural equation model,SEM)是基于研究者的先验知识,预先设定系统内因子间的依赖关系,能模拟多个因子间复杂关系的复合统计分析模型[13]。SEM对数据输入和参数化要求低,生成的路径图可以判别因子间相互关系的强度,并能对整体模型进行拟合和判断,反映自变量与因变量之间的直接和间接关系[14]。在多因子关系的研究方面,结构方程模型目前已得到广泛应用。舒树淼等[15]使用结构方程模型探究了云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)次生林林木大小多样性与立地条件、林分结构的关系,结果发现立地条件对林木大小多样性的影响除直接作用外还存在间接作用。
1. 研究区概况和研究方法
1.1 研究区概况
研究区位于吉林省汪清县金沟岭林场(43°22′N,130°10′E),林场经营面积为16 286 hm2。林区地貌属低山丘陵,海拔550 ~ 1 200 m,属季风性气候,全年平均气温为3.9 ℃,年降水量600 ~ 700 mm,森林覆盖率达98%,以天然云冷杉林为主。研究区植被属于长白山区系,乔木树种以鱼鳞云杉(Picea jezoensis)、红皮云杉(Picea koraiensis)、臭冷杉(Abies nephrolepis)和红松(Pinus koraiensis)为主,其他树种有白桦(Betula platyphylla)、山杨(Populus davidiana)、色木槭(Acer pictum)、青楷槭(Acer tegmentosum)、枫桦(Betula costata)、紫椴(Tilia amurensis)、花楷槭(Acer ukurunduense)、水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica)、黄檗(Phellodendron amurense)等;主要灌木包括胡枝子(Lespedeza bicolor)、绣线菊(Spiraea salicifolia)等;主要草本植物为薹草(Carex tristachya)和山芹菜(Spuriopimpinella brachycarpa)等。
1.2 数据来源
研究采用吉林汪清林业局金沟岭林场云冷杉林固定样地2015与2018年固定样地调查数据。样地位于45林班14小班,海拔662 m,坡度8º,坡向为东北坡,坡位中上,郁闭度0.84,样地大小为100 m × 100 m。记录胸径 ≥ 5 cm树木的树种名称、树高、胸径和冠幅,并以样地西南角为原点,东西方向为x轴,南北方向为y轴,采用相对坐标(x,y)的方式记录样地内乔木坐标。
调查结果(2018年)如表1所示,样地内共有乔木树种15种,树种组成为4冷2云1红1青1枫1椴+白−色−花。林分平均胸径为14.8 cm,平均树高为11.2 m,株数密度为1 290株/hm2。林分的优势树种臭冷杉、云杉(鱼鳞云杉、红皮云杉)和红松,共703株,占总株数的54.5%。它们的平均胸径分别为16.5、19.9和20.9 cm,平均树高分别为11.5、12.1和12.0 m。
表 1 林分树木生长状况Table 1. Tree growth status in the stand树种
Tree species密度/(株·hm−2)
Average DBH/cm平均高
Average height/m平均材积/(m3·hm−2)
Average volume/(m3·ha−1)平均材积生长量/(m3·hm−2)
Average volume
increment/(m3·ha−1)臭冷杉 Abies nephrolepis 458 16.5 11.5 0.19 0.011 鱼鳞云杉 Picea jezoensis
红皮云杉 Picea koraiensis150 19.9 12.1 0.29 0.015 红松 Pinus koraiensis 95 20.9 12.0 0.33 0.013 紫椴 Tilia amurensis 113 11.7 9.8 0.09 0.005 青楷槭 Acer tegmentosum 108 9.9 9.9 0.11 0.008 枫桦 Betula costata 155 10.8 11.3 0.07 0.006 白桦 Betula platyphylla 56 17.3 13.2 0.18 0.018 花楷槭 Acer ukurunduense 33 7.9 8.8 0.05 0.004 色木槭 Acer pictum 25 12.6 11.1 0.09 0.005 黄檗 Phellodendron amurense 4 15.2 11.8 0.11 0.011 青杨 Populus cathayana 3 15.6 12.5 0.14 0.042 水曲柳 Fraxinus mandshurica 2 7.0 7.1 0.02 0.001 蒙古栎 Quercus mongolica 1 10.2 8.8 0.04 0.006 春榆 Ulmus japonica 1 5.5 7.8 0.01 0.002 其他 Others 86 9.8 10.1 0.06 0.004 合计或均值 Total or average 1 290 14.8 11.2 0.17 0.010 林分内林木株数总体上随径阶增大而减少,呈反“J”型曲线,符合异龄林直径分布规律;8 cm径阶株数最多,而后随径阶增大株数开始减少,至34 cm径阶后趋于平缓;中小径阶占比较高,大径阶林木较少(图1)。
1.3 研究方法
1.3.1 空间结构单元的确定
空间结构单元是对象木及其几个最邻近木共同组成的一个整体。空间结构单元内,树种、林木大小、间距等组成差异,可以反映林木竞争与多样性特征。白宇等[12]研究结果表明邻近木空间单元为 4 株(1 株对象木加 3 株邻近木)可以取得较高的物种多样性;Man等[10]在安大略省东北部混交林的研究中也选择了4株树为邻近木空间结构单元,取得了较好的研究成果。本研究也将邻近木空间结构单元大小确定为4株树(图2)。
图 2 邻近木空间结构单元Pi为对象木,i为对象木序号,Pi1、Pi2、Pi3为Pi的最邻近木。圆圈大小表示胸径,圆圈类型表示树种。Pi is the subject tree, i is an order number of subject tree, Pi1, Pi2 and Pi3 are the nearest neighbours. The size of circle is proportional to the size of trees, and circle type indicates tree species.Figure 2. Spatial structural unit of neighboring trees1.3.2 边缘效应的消除
由于样地边缘可能会出现假邻近木或对象木,对研究结果产生一定影响,因此需消除边缘效应。经计算样地内所有空间结构单元的对象木与最邻近木的最大距离为9.85 m,因此设置距样地边界10 m的缓冲区(图3),缓冲区内所有林木不作为对象木。样地内核心区对象木共646株(不包括复测枯损的树木)。
1.3.3 多样性指数的计算
Hs=−1n∑ni=1∑rj=1PijlnPij (1) 式中:Pij是第i个对象木及其k个最邻近木组成的空间结构单元内第j个树种所占的比例,r是最邻近木树种的总数(r ≤ k + 1),n为对象木株数。
同理,分别按2 cm径阶距和2 m树高距对样地内树木的径阶、树高进行整化,则公式中的Pij即为第i个对象木及其k个最邻近木组成的空间结构单元内第j个径阶或树高所占的比例,依次可以推导出径阶多样性指数(Hd)与树高多样性指数(Hh)。
1.3.4 竞争指数的计算
单木竞争指数是衡量林分内单木竞争情况的指数,一般利用胸径、树高、冠幅大小以及对象木与相邻木的距离来量化单木的竞争环境和对生长的影响[16]。将空间结构单元内的邻近木作为竞争木,选用简单竞争指数(competition index,CI)、树冠投影面积竞争指数(distance weighted crown cross-section index,BDC)[17]和树冠竞争指数(crown competition index,CCI)[18]来衡量林木所受竞争压力的大小,计算公式如表2所示。
表 2 单木竞争指数Table 2. Individual tree competition index指数 Index 公式 Formula 说明 Remark Hegyi竞争指数[4]
Hegyi competition index (CI)CIi=∑ni=1(DjDi⋅1Dij) Di为对象木i胸径,Dj为邻近木j的胸径,Dij为对象木与邻近木之间的距离,n为邻近木数量,n = 3
Di is DBH of subject tree i, Dj is DBH of neighbouring tree j, and Dij is distance between subject tree and neighbouring tree, n is number of neighbouring tree, n = 3树冠投影面积竞争指数[17] Crown cross-sectional competition index (BDC) BDCi=∑ni=1(CjCi⋅1Dij) Ci是对象木的树冠投影面积,Cj为邻近木树冠投影面积
Ci is projected crown area of subject tree and Cj is projected crown area of neighbouring tree树冠竞争指数[18]
Crown competition index (CCI)CCIi=∑ni=1(HjHi⋅¯Wi+¯Wj−Dij¯Wi) Hi为对象木树高,Hj为邻近木的树高,¯Wi为对象木的平均冠幅半径,¯Wj 为邻近木的平均冠幅半径
Hi is height of subject tree, Hj is height of neighbouring tree, ¯Wi is average crown radius of subject tree, ¯Wj is average crown radius of neighbouring tree1.3.5 结构方程模型构建与评价
选用克朗巴哈系数(Cronbach’s alpha coefficient)法对各指标层数据进行信度检验,一般认为克朗巴哈系数 > 0.7时信度良好[20]。采用KMO(Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin)检验和Bartlett球形检验进行数据效度检验,当KMO > 0.7且Bartlett球形检验为0时效度良好;0.5 < KMO ≤ 0.7,效度可以接受[21]。
采用平均适配度指数χ2/df、均方根误差(root mean squared error,RMSE)和增值适配度指数规范拟合指数(normed fit index,NFI)、相对拟合指数(relative fit index,RFI)、非规范拟合指数(tucker-lewis coefficien,TLI)对模型适配度进行检验。一般认为χ2/df介于1到3之间,RMSE小于0.05,NFI、RFI、TLI均大于0.9,模型适配度良好[22−23]。
各指数计算通过R 3.6.2、Excel 2019完成,数据处理与分析使用SPSS 26.0、Amos 26.0完成。
2. 结果与分析
2.1 邻近木多样性指数与竞争指数的株数分布
表 3 各竞争指数的统计Table 3. Statistics of each competition index竞争指数
Competition index最小值
Min. value最大值
Max. value平均值 ± 标准误
Mean ± SE标准差
SD标准化后的平均值 ± 标准误
Standardized mean ± SE标准化后的标准差
Standardized SDCCI 0 11.321 2.965 ± 0.066 1.673 0.262 ± 0.006 0.148 BDC 0.055 221.545 9.382 ± 0.793 0.564 0.038 ± 0.004 0.091 CI 0.187 168.515 6.391 ± 0.544 13.825 0.038 ± 0.003 0.082 2.2 各径级林木邻近木多样性、竞争指数与生长情况
根据样地调查数据分析结果,林分的直径为反“J”型分布,根据《森林资源规划设计调查技术规程》(GB/T 26424—2010)对树木径阶进行分级,以CI作为衡量竞争强度的标准进行统计(表4)。大径级林木的竞争指数显著低于小径级林木且生长量显著高于小径级林木,随树木径级的增大,其所承受的竞争强度不断变小且趋于稳定。各多样性指数呈现出缓慢增加的趋势,说明随着树木径级的增大,对象木周围的树种、径阶、树高分布逐渐变得复杂。随着树木径级的增大,树木的材积生长量表现为增加趋势,增长幅度也趋于稳定。中径级的树木材积生长率明显高于其他两个径级的树木,生长势头最好,大径级林木生长势头中等,而小径级林木生长势头表现最差。
表 4 各径级邻近木多样性指数、竞争指数与生长量统计Table 4. Diversity index, competition index, and growth statistics of neighboring trees at different diameter levels径级
Diameter class指标
growth rate径阶
diversity index树种
diversity index树高
diversity index竞争指数
Small-diameter class
(5 cm ≤ DBH < 13 cm)均值 ± 标准误
Mean ± SE0.009 ± 0.001 (4.592 ± 0.154)% 1.114 ± 0.015 0.873 ± 0.021 0.981 ± 0.013 9.016 ± 0.662 标准差
Standard deviation0.016 0.029 0.275 0.382 0.324 15.207 变异系数
Coefficient of variation/%177.778 63.181 24.686 43.757 33.028 168.680 中径级
Medium-diameter class
(13 cm ≤ DBH < 25 cm)均值 ± 标准误
Mean ± SE0.041 ± 0.002 (6.046± 0.155)% 1.197 ± 0.016 0.884 ± 0.024 1.004 ± 0.020 2.864 ± 0.266 标准差
Standard deviation0.033 0.024 0.236 0.343 0.288 4.822 变异系数
Coefficient of variation/%80.488 39.670 19.716 38.801 28.685 168.390 大径级
Large-diameter class
(DBH ≥ 25 cm)均值 ± 标准误
Mean ± SE0.081 ± 0.004 (5.379 ± 0.167)% 1.252 ± 0.034 0.921 ± 0.031 1.056 ± 0.024 1.064 ± 0.112 标准差
Standard deviation0.041 0.017 0.314 0.357 0.258 1.339 变异系数
Coefficient of variation/%50.617 31.604 25.080 38.762 24.432 125.820 竞争指数变异系数大于100%的情况,可能是因为在结构稳定的天然云冷杉林中,林分结构复杂,不同林木受到的竞争压力本身差异偏高,且CI的计算涉及距离[24],当树木距离非常近时,CI的结果会出现非常高的情况,导致数据明显偏离均值。而小径级树木由于所受竞争压力不同,且树木年龄可能较小,生长能力差别较大,材积生长出现较大分化,变异系数超过100%也存在一定合理性。
2.3 邻近木多样性与竞争对生长的影响
2.3.1 结构方程模型的评价与修正
图 5 各观测变量Spearman相关性ΔV. 材积生长量;Δg.胸高断面积生长量;Hd. 径阶多样性指数;Hs.树种多样性指数;Hh.树高多样性指数。 **代表在 P < 0.05 水平上显著相关,***代表在 P < 0.01 水平上显著相关。ΔV, volume increment; Δg, basal area increment; Hd, diameter class diversity index; Hs, tree species diversity index; Hh, tree height diversity index. ** represents significant correlation at P < 0.05 level, *** represents significant correlation at P < 0.01 level.Figure 5. Spearman correlations for each observed variable表 5 信度检验和效度检验结果Table 5. Results of reliability and validity tests潜变量
Latent variable显变量个数
Number of explicit variable克朗巴哈系数
Cronbach’s alpha coefficientKMO检验
KMO testBartlett球形检验
Bartlett’s sphericity test多样性 Diversity 3 0.297 0.516 0 竞争 Competition 3 0.874 0.712 0 生长量 Growth 2 0.876 0.500 0 图 6 结构方程模型修正路径图竞争与生长量右上角数字为其方差;箭头表示影响关系;箭头上的数据为相应的路径系数,e1 ~ e5分别为相应观察变量的测量误差。Numbers in the upper right corner of competition and growth quantities are their variance; arrows indicate influence relationships; data on the arrows are corresponding path coefficients; e1 to e5 are measurement errors of corresponding observed variables, respectively.Figure 6. Structural equation model correction path diagram修正后模型的χ2显著性概率为0.230,χ2/df为1.442,RMSE为0.026,NFI、RFI和TLI分别为为0.996、0.958和0.987,模型与观测数据适配,综合评价模型整体拟合效果良好。
2.3.2 邻近木多样性与竞争对生长的影响
表 6 各指数路径间直接效应、间接效应和总效应及适配性Table 6. Direct, indirect and total effects and fitness between index pathways变量因果关系
Causality of variables直接影响系数
Direct impact coefficient间接影响系数
Indirect effect coefficient总影响系数
Total impact coefficientP值
P value树种多样性→竞争
Tree species diversity→Competition−0.250 0 −0.250 < 0.001 树高多样性→竞争
Tree height diversity→ Competition−0.150 0 −0.150 < 0.001 竞争→生长量
Competition→Growth−0.489 0 −0.489 < 0.001 径阶多样性→生长量
Diameter class diversity→Growth0.166 0 0.166 < 0.001 树种多样性→生长量
Tree species diversity→Growth−0.123 0.122 −0.001 < 0.001 树高多样性→生长量
Tree height diversity→Growth0 0.073 0.073 < 0.001 注:“→”表示影响,箭头的指向代表一个因子对另一个因子的影响关系。Notes: “→” indicates impact, pointing of arrow represents the relationship of a factor to the influence of another factor. 2.3.3 邻近木单元内不同径级邻近木竞争与生长状况
表 7 不同径级对象木邻近木径级分布的竞争与生长状况Table 7. Competition and growth status of neighbouring tree diameter distribution of subject trees of different diameter classes邻近木径级分布
Diameter class distribution
of neighboring tree指标
Index对象木径级 Diameter class of subject tree 小径级
Small-diameter class中径级
Medium-diameter class大径级
Large-diameter class总体 Total 竞争 Competition 9.902 ± 0.938 2.572 ± 0.283 1.106 ± 0.131 材积生长量 Volume increment/m3 0.009 ± 0.001 0.041 ± 0.002 0.081 ± 0.004 材积生长率 Volume growth rate/% 4.589 ± 0.151 6.049 ± 0.157 5.377 ± 0.181 全为小径级林木
All small class diameter tree竞争 Competition 14.668 ± 2.665 2.391 ± 0.796 1.232 ± 0.386 材积生长量 Volume increment/m3 0.009 ± 0.001 0.041 ± 0.005 0.082 ± 0.074 材积生长率 Volume growth rate/% 5.461 ± 0.388 6.109 ± 0.541 5.687 ± 0.345 小径级林木为主
Small diameter class tree predominant竞争 Competition 10.484 ± 1.122 2.296 ± 0.003 1.025 ± 0.004 材积生长量 Volume increment/m3 0.009 ± 0.001 0.042 ± 0.003 0.081 ± 0.005 材积生长率 Volume growth rate/% 4.827 ± 0.239 6.213 ± 0.259 5.277 ± 0.354 大径级林木为主
Large diameter class tree predominant竞争 Competition 7.264 ± 0.946 3.136 ± 0.531 1.471 ± 0.038 材积生长量 Volume increment/m3 0.010 ± 0.002 0.038 ± 0.004 0.079 ± 0.011 材积生长率 Volume growth rate/% 4.183 ± 0.219 5.877 ± 0.219 5.461 ± 0.235 3. 讨 论
3.1 竞争对树木生长的影响
3.2 多样性对树木生长的影响
4. 结 论
图 2 邻近木空间结构单元
Pi为对象木,i为对象木序号,Pi1、Pi2、Pi3为Pi的最邻近木。圆圈大小表示胸径,圆圈类型表示树种。Pi is the subject tree, i is an order number of subject tree, Pi1, Pi2 and Pi3 are the nearest neighbours. The size of circle is proportional to the size of trees, and circle type indicates tree species.
Figure 2. Spatial structural unit of neighboring trees
图 5 各观测变量Spearman相关性
ΔV. 材积生长量;Δg.胸高断面积生长量;Hd. 径阶多样性指数;Hs.树种多样性指数;Hh.树高多样性指数。 **代表在 P < 0.05 水平上显著相关,***代表在 P < 0.01 水平上显著相关。ΔV, volume increment; Δg, basal area increment; Hd, diameter class diversity index; Hs, tree species diversity index; Hh, tree height diversity index. ** represents significant correlation at P < 0.05 level, *** represents significant correlation at P < 0.01 level.
Figure 5. Spearman correlations for each observed variable
图 6 结构方程模型修正路径图
竞争与生长量右上角数字为其方差;箭头表示影响关系;箭头上的数据为相应的路径系数,e1 ~ e5分别为相应观察变量的测量误差。Numbers in the upper right corner of competition and growth quantities are their variance; arrows indicate influence relationships; data on the arrows are corresponding path coefficients; e1 to e5 are measurement errors of corresponding observed variables, respectively.
Figure 6. Structural equation model correction path diagram
表 1 林分树木生长状况
Table 1 Tree growth status in the stand
Tree species密度/(株·hm−2)
Average DBH/cm平均高
Average height/m平均材积/(m3·hm−2)
Average volume/(m3·ha−1)平均材积生长量/(m3·hm−2)
Average volume
increment/(m3·ha−1)臭冷杉 Abies nephrolepis 458 16.5 11.5 0.19 0.011 鱼鳞云杉 Picea jezoensis
红皮云杉 Picea koraiensis150 19.9 12.1 0.29 0.015 红松 Pinus koraiensis 95 20.9 12.0 0.33 0.013 紫椴 Tilia amurensis 113 11.7 9.8 0.09 0.005 青楷槭 Acer tegmentosum 108 9.9 9.9 0.11 0.008 枫桦 Betula costata 155 10.8 11.3 0.07 0.006 白桦 Betula platyphylla 56 17.3 13.2 0.18 0.018 花楷槭 Acer ukurunduense 33 7.9 8.8 0.05 0.004 色木槭 Acer pictum 25 12.6 11.1 0.09 0.005 黄檗 Phellodendron amurense 4 15.2 11.8 0.11 0.011 青杨 Populus cathayana 3 15.6 12.5 0.14 0.042 水曲柳 Fraxinus mandshurica 2 7.0 7.1 0.02 0.001 蒙古栎 Quercus mongolica 1 10.2 8.8 0.04 0.006 春榆 Ulmus japonica 1 5.5 7.8 0.01 0.002 其他 Others 86 9.8 10.1 0.06 0.004 合计或均值 Total or average 1 290 14.8 11.2 0.17 0.010 表 2 单木竞争指数
Table 2 Individual tree competition index
指数 Index 公式 Formula 说明 Remark Hegyi竞争指数[4]
Hegyi competition index (CI)CIi=∑ni=1(DjDi⋅1Dij) Di为对象木i胸径,Dj为邻近木j的胸径,Dij为对象木与邻近木之间的距离,n为邻近木数量,n = 3
Di is DBH of subject tree i, Dj is DBH of neighbouring tree j, and Dij is distance between subject tree and neighbouring tree, n is number of neighbouring tree, n = 3树冠投影面积竞争指数[17] Crown cross-sectional competition index (BDC) BDCi=∑ni=1(CjCi⋅1Dij) Ci是对象木的树冠投影面积,Cj为邻近木树冠投影面积
Ci is projected crown area of subject tree and Cj is projected crown area of neighbouring tree树冠竞争指数[18]
Crown competition index (CCI)CCIi=∑ni=1(HjHi⋅¯Wi+¯Wj−Dij¯Wi) Hi为对象木树高,Hj为邻近木的树高,¯Wi为对象木的平均冠幅半径,¯Wj 为邻近木的平均冠幅半径
Hi is height of subject tree, Hj is height of neighbouring tree, ¯Wi is average crown radius of subject tree, ¯Wj is average crown radius of neighbouring tree表 3 各竞争指数的统计
Table 3 Statistics of each competition index
Competition index最小值
Min. value最大值
Max. value平均值 ± 标准误
Mean ± SE标准差
SD标准化后的平均值 ± 标准误
Standardized mean ± SE标准化后的标准差
Standardized SDCCI 0 11.321 2.965 ± 0.066 1.673 0.262 ± 0.006 0.148 BDC 0.055 221.545 9.382 ± 0.793 0.564 0.038 ± 0.004 0.091 CI 0.187 168.515 6.391 ± 0.544 13.825 0.038 ± 0.003 0.082 表 4 各径级邻近木多样性指数、竞争指数与生长量统计
Table 4 Diversity index, competition index, and growth statistics of neighboring trees at different diameter levels
Diameter class指标
growth rate径阶
diversity index树种
diversity index树高
diversity index竞争指数
Small-diameter class
(5 cm ≤ DBH < 13 cm)均值 ± 标准误
Mean ± SE0.009 ± 0.001 (4.592 ± 0.154)% 1.114 ± 0.015 0.873 ± 0.021 0.981 ± 0.013 9.016 ± 0.662 标准差
Standard deviation0.016 0.029 0.275 0.382 0.324 15.207 变异系数
Coefficient of variation/%177.778 63.181 24.686 43.757 33.028 168.680 中径级
Medium-diameter class
(13 cm ≤ DBH < 25 cm)均值 ± 标准误
Mean ± SE0.041 ± 0.002 (6.046± 0.155)% 1.197 ± 0.016 0.884 ± 0.024 1.004 ± 0.020 2.864 ± 0.266 标准差
Standard deviation0.033 0.024 0.236 0.343 0.288 4.822 变异系数
Coefficient of variation/%80.488 39.670 19.716 38.801 28.685 168.390 大径级
Large-diameter class
(DBH ≥ 25 cm)均值 ± 标准误
Mean ± SE0.081 ± 0.004 (5.379 ± 0.167)% 1.252 ± 0.034 0.921 ± 0.031 1.056 ± 0.024 1.064 ± 0.112 标准差
Standard deviation0.041 0.017 0.314 0.357 0.258 1.339 变异系数
Coefficient of variation/%50.617 31.604 25.080 38.762 24.432 125.820 表 5 信度检验和效度检验结果
Table 5 Results of reliability and validity tests
Latent variable显变量个数
Number of explicit variable克朗巴哈系数
Cronbach’s alpha coefficientKMO检验
KMO testBartlett球形检验
Bartlett’s sphericity test多样性 Diversity 3 0.297 0.516 0 竞争 Competition 3 0.874 0.712 0 生长量 Growth 2 0.876 0.500 0 表 6 各指数路径间直接效应、间接效应和总效应及适配性
Table 6 Direct, indirect and total effects and fitness between index pathways
Causality of variables直接影响系数
Direct impact coefficient间接影响系数
Indirect effect coefficient总影响系数
Total impact coefficientP值
P value树种多样性→竞争
Tree species diversity→Competition−0.250 0 −0.250 < 0.001 树高多样性→竞争
Tree height diversity→ Competition−0.150 0 −0.150 < 0.001 竞争→生长量
Competition→Growth−0.489 0 −0.489 < 0.001 径阶多样性→生长量
Diameter class diversity→Growth0.166 0 0.166 < 0.001 树种多样性→生长量
Tree species diversity→Growth−0.123 0.122 −0.001 < 0.001 树高多样性→生长量
Tree height diversity→Growth0 0.073 0.073 < 0.001 注:“→”表示影响,箭头的指向代表一个因子对另一个因子的影响关系。Notes: “→” indicates impact, pointing of arrow represents the relationship of a factor to the influence of another factor. 表 7 不同径级对象木邻近木径级分布的竞争与生长状况
Table 7 Competition and growth status of neighbouring tree diameter distribution of subject trees of different diameter classes
Diameter class distribution
of neighboring tree指标
Index对象木径级 Diameter class of subject tree 小径级
Small-diameter class中径级
Medium-diameter class大径级
Large-diameter class总体 Total 竞争 Competition 9.902 ± 0.938 2.572 ± 0.283 1.106 ± 0.131 材积生长量 Volume increment/m3 0.009 ± 0.001 0.041 ± 0.002 0.081 ± 0.004 材积生长率 Volume growth rate/% 4.589 ± 0.151 6.049 ± 0.157 5.377 ± 0.181 全为小径级林木
All small class diameter tree竞争 Competition 14.668 ± 2.665 2.391 ± 0.796 1.232 ± 0.386 材积生长量 Volume increment/m3 0.009 ± 0.001 0.041 ± 0.005 0.082 ± 0.074 材积生长率 Volume growth rate/% 5.461 ± 0.388 6.109 ± 0.541 5.687 ± 0.345 小径级林木为主
Small diameter class tree predominant竞争 Competition 10.484 ± 1.122 2.296 ± 0.003 1.025 ± 0.004 材积生长量 Volume increment/m3 0.009 ± 0.001 0.042 ± 0.003 0.081 ± 0.005 材积生长率 Volume growth rate/% 4.827 ± 0.239 6.213 ± 0.259 5.277 ± 0.354 大径级林木为主
Large diameter class tree predominant竞争 Competition 7.264 ± 0.946 3.136 ± 0.531 1.471 ± 0.038 材积生长量 Volume increment/m3 0.010 ± 0.002 0.038 ± 0.004 0.079 ± 0.011 材积生长率 Volume growth rate/% 4.183 ± 0.219 5.877 ± 0.219 5.461 ± 0.235 -
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