Effects of amino acid addition on carbon and nitrogen content and CH4 emission in temperate dark brown soil under different water conditions
结果(1)氨基酸处理显著增加了土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC)含量、铵态氮(NH+4-N)含量及CH4排放速率。亮氨酸处理使DOC、NH+4-N含量分别升高21.39%、45.10%,CH4排放速率较CK升高3.20倍,甲硫氨基酸使DOC、NH+4-N含量分别升高21.39%、72.71%,CH4排放速率较CK升高7.00倍;(2)不同氨基酸对土壤硝态氮(NO−3-N)含量的影响存在差异。亮氨酸处理使土壤NO−3-N含量升高了8.41%,但其对于土壤硝化作用的影响可能存在滞后性,而甲硫氨基酸能够显著抑制土壤硝化作用,NO−3-N含量显著降低了37.90%;(3)土壤不同水分条件对土壤DOC、NH+4-N、NO−3-N含量及CH4排放速率均存在显著影响。90%WHC使DOC含量升高11.95% ~ 19.91%,使NH+4-N升高19.83% ~ 35.46%,使NO−3-N降低10.05% ~ 23.79%,使CH4排放速率升高至另外两种水分条件的1.48 ~ 2.06倍。60%WHC条件使NH+4-N升高13.05%,使NO−3-N含量升高24.62%。60%WHC可能是温带暗棕壤硝化作用的最适含水量,90%WHC条件有利于DOC积累,同时对NO−3-N的产生存在明显抑制作用;(4)土壤pH与NH+4-N含量呈极显著正相关,与NO−3-N含量呈正相关。CH4排放速率与NO−3-N含量呈极显著负相关,与NH+4-N含量呈负相关,与DOC含量呈极显著正相关。
Abstract:ObjectiveTo clarify the response of carbon and nitrogen content and CH4 emission to different soil moisture conditions and the additions of amino acid in the dark brown soil of temperate forests, this study analyzed the relationship between soil pH and nitrogen, CH4 emission rate and soil carbon and nitrogen content, to assist related research on water management, carbon and nitrogen transformation, and greenhouse gas emission in temperate forest dark brown soil.
MethodIn this study, an indoor soil incubation was conducted with 40%, 60%, and 90% of the soil water holding capacity (WHC). Additionally, the potential effects of adding two amino acids on soil carbon and nitrogen content and CH4 emissions were explored. The Pearson correlation analysis was used to analyze the correlation between soil carbon and nitrogen content, pH and methane emission rate.
Result(1) Amino acid addition increased soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content, and meanwhile significantly increased NH+4-N content and CH4 emission rate. Leucine treatment increased the contents of DOC and NH+4-N by 21.39%−45.10%, respectively, and the CH4 emission rate was 3.20 times higher than that of CK, methionine treatment increased the contents of DOC and NH+4-N by 21.39%−72.71%, respectively. and the CH4 emission rate was 7.00 times higher than that of CK. (2) The influence of different amino acids on soil NO−3-N content was different. Leucine treatment increased NO−3-N content in soil by 8.41%, but its effect on nitrification in soil may have a lag, while methionine can significantly inhibit nitrification in soil, and NO−3-N content was significantly reduced by 37.90%. (3) Different soil moisture conditions had significant effects on soil DOC, NH+4-N, NO−3-N and CH4 emission rates. 90% WHC increased DOC content by 11.95%−19.91%, NH+4-N by 19.83%−35.46%, NO−3-N by 10.05%−23.79%, and CH4 emission rate increased to 1.48−2.06 times of the other two water conditions. Under 60% WHC condition, NH+4-N increased by 13.05%, NO−3-N content increased by 24.62%. 60% WHC may be the optimum water content for nitrification in temperate dark brown soil. The 90% WHC condition was conducive to the accumulation of DOC, and had an obvious inhibitory effect on NO−3-N production. (4) Soil pH was significantly positively correlated with NH+4-N content, positively correlated with NO−3-N content. The CH4 emission rate was significantly negatively correlated with NO−3-N content and NH+4-N content, and significantly positively correlated with DOC content.
ConclusionAddition of different types of amino acids plays different roles on the carbon and nitrogen content and CH4 emissions of dark brown soil in temperate forests. Within a certain range, the increase of soil moisture content is beneficial to soil NH+4-N, NO−3-N, DOC accumulation and CH4 emission, but high soil moisture content inhibits the production of NO−3-N. Therefore, the role of amino acids and changes in moisture should be considered when studying carbon content, CH4 emissions and nitrogen transformation mechanisms in temperate forest dark brown soils.
图 1 不同水分条件下不同氨基酸处理土壤DOC含量变化
CK. 对照;Leu. 亮氨酸;Met. 甲硫氨基酸。WHC. 土壤饱和持水量。不同字母代表同一时间不同处理间存在显著差异(P < 0.05);ns代表无显著差异(P > 0.05)。误差线代表标准偏差。下同。CK, control; Leu, leucine; Met, methionine. WHC, water holding capacity. Different letters indicate significant differences between treatments at the same time (P < 0.05); ns indicates no significant differences between treatments at the same time (P > 0.05). Error bars show standard deviation. The same below.
Figure 1. Changes of soil DOC content under different water conditions and varied amino acid treatments
图 6 土壤碳氮含量、pH值及CH4排放速率的相关关系
CH4. CH4排放速率;***表示在0.001水平(双侧)上显著相关,*表示在0.05水平(双侧)上显著相关。红色和蓝色椭圆分别代表正相关和负相关,颜色越深,相关系数值越大。n = 162。CH4, methane emission rate; *** means significantly correlated at 0.001 level (bilateral), * means significantly correlated at 0.05 level (bilateral). Red and blue of the ellipse represent positive and negative correlation, respectively. The darker the color is, the larger the correlation coefficient value is. n = 162.
Figure 6. Correlations between soil carbon and nitrogen content, pH and methane emission rate conditions
表 1 氨基酸基本理化性质
Table 1 Physicochemical characteristics of amino acids
Amino acid name含氮量
Nitrogen content/%C/N 等电点
Iso-electric point侧链结构性质
Side-chain chemistry性质
Leucine10.7 5.14 5.98 1氨基1羧基
An amino group and a carboxyl group中性
Methionine9.4 4.29 5.74 1氨基1羧基(含S)
An amino group and a carboxyl group (including sulphur)含硫类
Sulfur-containing表 2 不同氨基酸处理对土壤碳氮含量、pH及CH4排放速率的影响
Table 2 Effects of different amino acid treatments on carbon and nitrogen content, pH and CH4 emission rate in soil
处理 Treatment 可溶性有机碳
NO−3-N/(mg·kg−1)pH 甲烷排放速率
CH4 emission rate/(mg·kg−1·d−1)CK 2.01 ± 0.86b 31.33 ± 9.48c 24.25 ± 12.24b 5.36 ± 0.06c 0.05 ± 0.65c Leu 2.44 ± 0.96a 45.46 ± 15.39b 26.29 ± 14.17a 5.45 ± 0.09b 0.21 ± 0.72b Met 2.44 ± 1.05a 54.11 ± 21.59a 15.06 ± 8.00c 5.52 ± 0.12a 0.40 ± 0.72a 注:不同字母代表同一列不同处理间存在显著差异(P < 0.05)。Note: different letters indicate significant differences between varied treatments in the same column (P < 0.05). 表 3 不同水分条件对土壤碳氮含量、pH及CH4排放速率的影响
Table 3 Effects of different water conditions on carbon and nitrogen content, pH and CH4 emission rate in soil
WHC/% 可溶性有机碳
NO−3-N/(mg·kg−1)pH 甲烷排放速率
CH4 emission rate/(mg·kg−1·d−1)40 2.26 ± 0.77b 37.56 ± 12.48c 21.30 ± 10.96b 5.43 ± 0.11b 0.18 ± 0.67b 60 2.11 ± 1.02c 42.46 ± 16.08b 25.14 ± 15.01a 5.42 ± 0.11b 0.25 ± 0.71ab 90 2.53 ± 1.08a 50.88 ± 23.50a 19.16 ± 11.06c 5.47 ± 0.12a 0.37 ± 0.76a 注:表中数据为平均值 ± 标准差。不同字母代表同一列不同水分条件间存在显著差异(P < 0.05)。Notes: data in the table are mean ± standard deviation. Different letters indicate significant differences between varied moisture conditions in the same column (P < 0.05). 表 4 氨基酸、土壤水分、培养时间对土壤碳氮含量、pH及CH4排放速率影响的方差分析
Table 4 ANOVA analysis for the effects of amino acids, soil moisture, and incubation time on soil carbon and nitrogen content, pH, and CH4 emission rate
因素 Factor 可溶性有机碳
NO−3-NpH 甲烷排放速率
CH4 emission rateF P F P F P F P F P 氨基酸 Amino acid 164.02 0.000 22 906.28 0.000 498.88 0.000 136.26 0.000 16.32 0.000 水分 Moisture 120.15 0.000 7 860.17 0.000 128.37 0.000 15.29 0.000 3.41 0.038 培养时间 Time 1 161.09 0.000 19 664.03 0.000 917.56 0.000 57.33 0.000 106.20 0.000 氨基酸 × 水分
Amino acid × moisture14.34 0.000 1 130.46 0.000 12.58 0.000 1.20 0.317 0.14 0.968 氨基酸 × 培养时间
Amino acid × time17.67 0.000 681.05 0.000 42.84 0.000 4.89 0.000 0.80 0.603 水分 × 培养时间
Moisture × time46.48 0.000 1 064.08 0.000 25.32 0.000 3.54 0.000 0.40 0.919 氨基酸 × 水分 × 培养时间
Amino acid × moisture × time22.184 0.000 65.55 0.000 4.68 0.000 0.42 0.986 0.07 1.000 -
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