

    Carbon storage and carbon sink capacity of major arbor forest types in Heilongjiang Province of northeastern China

    • 摘要:
      目的 黑龙江省是中国的林业大省,在碳达峰、碳中和战略中占有重要地位,估算全省主要乔木林类型的碳储量和碳汇能力,旨在为黑龙江省未来的森林经营提供理论支持。
      方法 基于黑龙江省主要乔木林类型的固定样地数据,计算样地碳密度,并运用空间代替时间法构建各类乔木林的林龄–碳密度的生长曲线,结合黑龙江省森林面积数据估算基准年和目标年各类乔木林各龄组的碳密度和碳储量。对各类样地按10年间隔进行分级,计算每级碳密度最高值与平均值之差,得到该级现实固碳潜力,利用样地数量加权计算得到该乔木林类型的总现实固碳潜力,并对计算结果进行分析。
      结果 (1)黑龙江省乔木林碳储量总量为878.73 Tg,其中中龄林和近熟林的碳储量占比最大,分别为37.85%和24.21%,乔木林总平均碳密度为52.599 t/hm2,总现实固碳潜力为27.719 t/hm2。(2)主要乔木林类型中,起始年份2015年时阔叶混交天然林总碳储量的占比最大,其次是蒙古栎天然林,分别占44.65%和17.02%;2060年碳储量最大的两个类型没有变化,但碳储量占比有所下降。2015年总平均碳密度最大的两类乔木林依次是蒙古栎天然林和阔叶混交天然林,总平均碳密度为82.545和60.699 t/hm2。2060年总平均碳密度最大的两类是蒙古栎天然林和山杨天然林,总平均碳密度分别为103.659和92.255 t/hm2。(3)各类乔木林中,山杨天然林、针叶混交人工林和樟子松人工林碳密度增长速度较高,到2060年时较起始年份的碳密度增长值分别为36.805、40.505、40.809 t/hm2。(4)各类乔木林的总现实固碳潜力中,阔叶混交天然林的总现实固碳潜力最高,为31.536 t/hm2,人工林中针阔混交人工林总现实固碳潜力最高,为27.674 t/hm2,各龄组中中龄林的总现实固碳潜力最高,为29.179 t/hm2
      结论 本研究估算了黑龙江省主要乔木林2015年各类型各龄组的碳密度、碳储量和现实固碳潜力以及未来2060年时的碳密度、碳储量。对于碳储量和现实固碳潜力高、同时未来碳密度增长量较低的乔木林类型如阔叶混交天然林、针阔混交人工林等,应加强对林分的抚育以促进其碳密度增长。未来的新造林规划应在满足适地适树等条件的前提下,更多地选取未来碳密度增长量较高的人工林类型,如樟子松人工林、针叶混交人工林等,天然林的更新规划应以山杨天然林等未来碳密度增长量较高的天然林类型为重点。该结论对未来黑龙江省森林碳汇经营具有一定的理论指导意义。


      Objective Heilongjiang Province in northeastern China is a major forestry province of China, which plays an important role in strategy of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. The estimation of carbon storage and carbon sequestration capacity of major arbor forest types in Heilongjiang Province can provide theoretical support for future forest management of Heilongjiang Province.
      Method Carbon density was calculated based on the fixed sample plot data of major arbor forest types in Heilongjiang Province, and forest age-carbon density growth curves of various arbor forests were constructed by spatial-temporal method. Based on forest area data of Heilongjiang Province, the carbon density and carbon storage of each age group of various arbor forests in Heilongjiang Province were estimated in base year and target year. The sample plots were classified according to the 10-year interval, and the current carbon sequestration potential of each class was obtained by calculating the difference between the highest value and the average value of carbon density of each class. The average total current carbon sequestration potential of each arbor forest type was calculated by weighting of the number of sample plots, and the calculation results were analyzed.
      Result (1) The total carbon storage of arbor forest in Heilongjiang Province was 878.73 Tg, in which the proportion of carbon storage of middle-aged forest and near-mature forest was the largest, accounting for 37.85% and 24.21%, respectively. The total average carbon density was 52.599 t/ha, and total current carbon sequestration potential was 27.719 t/ha. (2) Among the major arbor forest types, broadleaved mixed nature forest accounted for the largest proportion of total carbon storage in 2015, followed by Quercus mongolica natural forest, accounting for 44.65% and 17.02%, respectively. In 2060, the two types with the largest carbon storage did not change, but the proportion of carbon storage declined. In 2015, the two arbor forests with the highest total average carbon density was Quercus mongolica natural forest and broadleaved mixed natural forest, with carbon density of 82.545 and 60.699 t/ha. The two forests with the highest total average carbon density in 2060 were Quercus mongolica natural forest and Populus davidiana natural forest, with carbon density of 103.659 and 92.255 t/ha, respectively. (3) Among all kinds of arbor forests, Populus davidiana natural forest, coniferous mixed plantation, and Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantation had higher carbon density growth, and compared with the initial year, carbon density growth value of 2060 was 36.805, 40.505 and 40.809 t/ha, respectively. (4) The total current carbon sequestration potential of all kinds of arbor forest was the highest in broadleaved mixed natural forest (31.536 t/ha), and the highest was mixed coniferous and broadleaved plantation (27.674 t/ha). In all age groups, the total current carbon sequestration potential of middle-aged forest was the highest of 29.179 t/ha.
      Conclusion This study estimates the carbon density, carbon storage and current carbon sequestration potential of various age groups of major types of arboral forest in Heilongjiang Province from 2015 to 2060. For those arbor forests with high carbon storage and real carbon sequestration potential, but low carbon density growth in the future, such as broadleaved mixed natural forest and mixed coniferous and broadleaved plantation, it is necessary to strengthen the forest tending to promote the carbon density growth. The future new afforestation planning should be based on the conditions of suitable land and trees, and selecting more plantation types with higher carbon density growth in the future, such as Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantation and coniferous mixed plantation, etc. The renewal of natural forests should also focus on natural forest types with higher carbon density growth in the future, such as Populus davidiana natural forest. The conclusion can provide theoretical guidance for forest carbon sink management in Heilongjiang Province in the future.


