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刘淑玟, 郭素娟

刘淑玟, 郭素娟. 板栗‘燕山早丰’柱头可授性和最适授粉时间[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2025, 47(1): 85-94. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20230368
引用本文: 刘淑玟, 郭素娟. 板栗‘燕山早丰’柱头可授性和最适授粉时间[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2025, 47(1): 85-94. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20230368
Liu Shuwen, Guo Sujuan. Stigma receptivity and optimal pollination time of chestnut ‘Yanshanzaofeng’[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2025, 47(1): 85-94. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20230368
Citation: Liu Shuwen, Guo Sujuan. Stigma receptivity and optimal pollination time of chestnut ‘Yanshanzaofeng’[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2025, 47(1): 85-94. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20230368


基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFD2200400),林业和草原科技成果国家级推广项目(2020133118)。

    刘淑玟。主要研究方向:经济林(果树)培育与利用。Email:2661242172@qq.com 地址:100083 北京市海淀区清华东路 35 号北京林业大学林学院


    郭素娟,教授。主要研究方向:经济林(果树)培育与利用。Email:gwangzs@263.net 地址:同上。

  • 中图分类号: S664.2

Stigma receptivity and optimal pollination time of chestnut ‘Yanshanzaofeng’

  • 摘要:



    以河北省迁西县主栽板栗品种‘燕山早丰’为母本,选择与其花期相近且具有多粒、矮化等特异性状的‘王钱大栗’‘短枝芽变’‘三屯红栗’为父本,分别于雌雄盛花期不同时段进行人工授粉试验。首先,采用联苯胺–过氧化氢法和MTT染色法测定柱头可授性,TTC、I2-KI、醋酸洋红染色法和离体萌发法测定花粉活力。然后,在此基础上,于盛花期单日08:00—18:00每隔2 h取样,通过分析柱头可授性和花粉活力的日变化规律、坐果率和结实率等指标,探究‘燕山早丰’的最适授粉时间。






    The objective of this study is to investigate the effective detection method and variation law of stigma receptivity of chestnut ‘Yanshanzaofeng’ and hybrid pollen viability, and to screen the optimal pollination time of chestnut ‘Yanshanzaofeng’, so as to provide a theoretical basis for the realization of efficient hybrid breeding.


    The main chestnut variety ‘Yanshanzaofeng’ in Qianxi County, Hebei Province of northern China was selected as the female parent, and varieties ‘Wangqiandali’, ‘Duanzhiyabian’ and ‘Santunhongli’ were selected as the male parents with feature such as multi-seed and dwarf, and the artificial pollination experiments were carried out at different time of flowering periods. Firstly, benzidine-hydrogen peroxide and MTT staining were used to determine stigma receptivity, TTC, I2-KI and magenta acetate staining and in vitro germination method were used to determine pollen viability, and then on this basis, samples were taken every 2 h from 08:00 to 18:00 on a single day during the full flowering period. The optimal pollination time of ‘Yanshanzaofeng’ was explored by analyzing the variation law of stigma receptivity and pollen viability, fruit setting rate and seed setting rate.


    (1) Benididine-hydrogen peroxide and MTT staining were used to detect the stigma receptivity of ‘Yanshanzaofeng’, the former had a rapid response and a large number of bubbles appeared on the stigma, and the latter took a long time for stigma to change color. (2) Magenta acetate staining had the best effect on pollen viability, with the pollen viability above 75%, followed by I2-KI staining, and the effect of other methods was not obvious. (3) The stigma receptivity and pollen viability were best from 10:00 to 12:00 in the full flowering period. (4) Among different hybrid combinations, the highest seed setting rate occurred during the pollination period from 08:00 to 12:00, and the seed setting rate of ‘Wangqiandali’ and ‘Santunhongli’ as the male parents was the highest.


    The most suitable hybrid pollination time for chestnut ‘Yanshanzaofeng’ is 10:00−12:00 on a single day during the full flowering period. The results of this study will provide theoretical guidance for the success of artificial cross-breeding of chestnut, and great significance for analyzing the reproductive biological characteristics and reproductive mechanism of chestnut.

  • 图  1   不同方法测定‘燕山早丰’花粉活力效果

    a. 清水对照;b. 0.5%TTC染色法;c. 2%TTC染色法;d. 醋酸洋红染色法;e. I2-KI染色法;f. 离体萌发法

    Figure  1.   Effects of different methods on measuring pollen viability of ‘Yanshanzaofeng’

    图  2   联苯胺–过氧化氢法(a)和MTT染色法(b)检测‘燕山早丰’柱头可授性

    Figure  2.   Detecting stigma receptivity of ‘Yanshanzaofeng’ according to benzidine hydrogen peroxide method (a) and MTT method (b)

    图  3   联苯胺–过氧化氢法检测‘燕山早丰’盛花期单日柱头可授性

    a. 08:00—10:00;b. 10:00—12:00;c. 12:00—14:00;d. 14:00—16:00;e. 16:00—18:00

    Figure  3.   Detecting single day stigma receptivity during blooming period of ‘Yanshanzaofeng’ by benzidine-hydrogen peroxide method

    图  4   各授粉组合盛花期单日不同时段授粉结果

    a.‘燕山早丰’♀ × ‘王钱大栗’♂;b.‘燕山早丰’♀ × ‘短枝芽变’♂;c.‘燕山早丰’♀ × ‘三屯红栗’♂;d.‘燕山早丰’♀ × ‘燕山早丰’♂。不同小写字母表示同一授粉组合单日内不同时间授粉后结实情况存在显著差异(P < 0.05)。

    Figure  4.   Pollination results of different combinations at varied times in a single day during blooming period

    表  1   不同板栗品种盛花期花粉活力变化

    Table  1   Changes in pollen viability of different chestnut cultivars at full flowering stage %

    时段 ‘燕山早丰’ ‘短枝芽变’ ‘王钱大栗’ ‘三屯红栗’
    08:00—10:00 84.78ab 90.47a 83.71b 88.58a
    10:00—12:00 90.71a 91.32a 87.26a 88.97a
    12:00—14:00 80.65ab 88.93a 75.34c 82.23a
    14:00—16:00 81.14ab 90.63a 79.49c 83.76a
    16:00—18:00 78.63b 86.89a 78.26c 80.53a
    注:不同小写字母表示同一品种单日内不同时间花粉活力存在显著差异(P < 0.05)。下同。
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    表  2   联苯胺–过氧化氢法检测‘燕山早丰’盛花期单日不同时间柱头可授性

    Table  2   Detecting single day stigma receptivity during full flowering period of ‘Yanshanzaofeng’ by benzidine-hydrogen peroxide method

    08:00—10:00浸泡在溶液中3 ~ 5 min后,柱头表面出现大量气泡,且体积较大+++
    10:00—12:00浸泡溶液3 min左右,柱头表面出现大量气泡,气泡密集且体积较大+++
    12:00—14:00浸泡溶液5 min后,柱头表面出现少量气泡,体积较小+
    14:00—16:00浸泡溶液5 min后,柱头表面出现气泡,气泡密集+++
    16:00—18:00浸泡溶液5 min后,柱头表面出现大体积气泡,但数量较少++
    注:+++. 柱头可授性极强;++. 柱头可授性较强;+. 柱头具可授性。
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    表  3   各授粉组合盛花期单日不同时间授粉结实情况

    Table  3   Pollination and seed setting at different times of a single day during blooming period of each pollination combination

    授粉组合 授粉时段 结实率(1粒)/% 结实率(2粒)/% 结实率(3粒)/% 总结实率/%
    ‘燕山早丰’♀ × ‘王钱大栗’ 08:00—10:00 10.76a 14.71a 53.83a 79.30a
    10:00—12:00 9.64a 15.62a 55.10a 80.36a
    12:00—14:00 12.24a 17.78a 30.58b 60.60bc
    14:00—16:00 5.21a 20.96a 44.24ab 70.42ab
    16:00—18:00 12.35a 12.92a 29.86b 55.12c
    ‘燕山早丰’♀ × ‘短枝芽变’ 08:00—10:00 10.59a 8.07ab 40.69a 59.35a
    10:00—12:00 4.98a 7.40ab 43.72a 56.10a
    12:00—14:00 7.13a 3.25b 26.20ab 36.59b
    14:00—16:00 5.67a 12.61a 34.56a 52.85a
    16:00—18:00 7.28a 8.01ab 23.62ab 38.90ab
    ‘燕山早丰’♀ × ‘三屯红栗’ 08:00—10:00 3.25b 19.76a 53.41a 76.42a
    10:00—12:00 10.60a 17.28ab 50.98a 78.86a
    12:00—14:00 14.65a 17.31ab 29.02b 60.98ab
    14:00—16:00 13.82a 17.32ab 39.06ab 70.20ab
    16:00—18:00 11.38a 16.50b 29.02b 56.91b
    ‘燕山早丰’♀ × ‘燕山早丰’ 08:00—10:00 23.80a 4.70a 2.82a 31.32a
    10:00—12:00 21.12a 4.17ab 2.50ab 27.79ab
    12:00—14:00 17.63a 3.25ab 1.95ab 22.83ab
    14:00—16:00 20.07a 3.96ab 2.38ab 26.40ab
    16:00—18:00 16.84a 2.73b 1.64b 21.21b
    注:不同小写字母表示同一授粉组合单日内不同时段授粉后结实情况存在显著差异(P < 0.05)。
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  • 收稿日期:  2023-12-21
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