

    Root development and genetic regulation in Populus euphratica under salt stress

    • 摘要:
      目的 探究胡杨主根分别在正常和盐胁迫条件下的生长适应性模式,有效定位影响胡杨根系表型性状的显著数量性状座位(QTL),将遗传调控网络可视化,进一步探究胡杨根系表型性状在盐胁迫下的遗传调控机制。
      方法 基于胡杨在正常和盐胁迫条件下的表型与基因型数据,运用主成分分析、方差分析和动态模型拟合等统计方法分析表型变化规律,采用功能作图方法定位显著QTL,将根系在盐胁迫下表型性状的遗传调控网络可视化。
      结果 (1)相关性分析表明,胡杨根系性状在正常条件下表现出高度协同作用,而在盐胁迫下通过减少根数量来增加平均根长;基于主成分分析确定了主根长、主根表面积和主根数量作为研究的主要表型性状;与正常条件相比,盐胁迫对主根长、主根表面积和主根数量3种表型性状产生了抑制作用。比较拟合优度R2发现,相较于Logistic、Richards和Weibull生长方程,Gompertz模型表现最优。(2)在正常条件下,分别定位到100、89、85个调控主根长、主根表面积、主根数量的显著QTLs,主要分布于连锁群1、4、5、14和15;在盐胁迫下,分别定位到91、85、87个调控以上3个性状的显著QTLs,集中分布于2、3、5、13和18连锁群。(3)遗传效应分析显示,两种条件下影响主根长度的显著 QTLs 遗传效应均随时间持续上升;影响主根数量的显著 QTLs主要表现为持续上升,部分位点表现为先升后降或先降后升的趋势;影响主根表面积的显著 QTLs 在正常条件下呈现3种模式—先升后降、持续波动上升和先升后降再升,而在盐胁迫下大多持续上升。(4)正常条件下,分别注释到影响主根长、主根表面积、主根数量表型性状的21、14、14个候选基因,主要集中于基本的代谢过程、生长素转运、染色体分离等;盐胁迫下分别注释到19、17、15个候选基因,主要富集于胁迫响应、氧化还原平衡、铁离子运输和tRNA修饰等。(5)可视化遗传网络发现,枢纽基因(LOC105114908)和(LOC105120566)可能参与胡杨盐胁迫响应。
      结论 盐胁迫显著影响了胡杨根系的生长发育。运用多种统计模型,本研究定位到影响根系生长的显著QTLs,揭示了其遗传效应随环境变化的动态特征。研究结果为理解胡杨适应盐胁迫的遗传调控基础提供了新见解,并为林木遗传改良研究提供了方法支持。


      Objective This paper studies the growth adaptability pattern of Populus euphratica root under normal and salt stress conditions, effectively locates the significant quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting the phenotypic traits of P. euphratica root, visualizes genetic regulation network, and explores the genetic regulation mechanism of phenotypic traits of P. euphratica root under salt stress.
      Method Based on phenotypic and genotypic data of P. euphratica under normal and salt stress conditions, statistical methods such as principal component analysis, variance analysis, and dynamic model fitting were used to analyze phenotypic variation patterns, locate significant QTL by functional mapping, and visualize the genetic network of phenotypic traits in root system under salt stress.
      Result (1) Correlation analysis showed that P. euphratica root traits exhibited high synergy under normal conditions, but under salt stress, the roots reduced in number while increased in average length. PCA identified main root length, main root surface area, and main root number as the primary phenotypic traits for study. Compared with normal conditions, salt stress inhibited the growth of these three traits. Comparison of goodness-of-fit R2 revealed that the Gompertz model performed best among Logistic, Richards, and Weibull growth equations. (2) Under normal conditions, 100, 89, and 85 significant QTLs regulating main root length, main root surface area, and main root number were identified, respectively, mainly distributed on linkage groups 1, 4, 5, 14, and 15. Under salt stress, 91, 85, and 87 significant QTLs regulating these three traits were located, concentrated on linkage groups 2, 3, 5, 13, and 18. (3) Genetic effect analysis showed that the significant QTLs affecting main root length exhibited continuously increasing genetic effects over time under both conditions. The significant QTLs influencing main root number mainly showed a continuous increase, with some loci displaying trends of first increasing then decreasing or first decreasing then increasing. The significant QTLs affecting main root surface area exhibited three patterns under normal conditions: first increasing then decreasing, continuously fluctuating upwards, and first increasing then decreasing before increasing again, while most showed a continuous increase under salt stress. (4) Under normal conditions, 21, 14, and 14 candidate genes were annotated for traits of main root length, main root surface area, and main root number, respectively, mainly involved in basic metabolic processes, auxin transport, and chromosome segregation functions. Under salt stress, 19, 17, and 15 candidate genes were annotated for these traits, respectively, primarily enriched in stress response, redox balance, iron ion transport, and tRNA modification functions. (5) The genetic network was visualized, revealing hub genes (LOC105114908 and LOC105120566) might involve in P. euphratica’s response to salt stress.
      Conclusion Salt stress significantly affects the growth and development of P. euphratica roots. Using various statistical models, significant QTLs influencing root growth are located, demonstrating their dynamic genetic effects with environmental changes. The results provide new insights into understanding the genetic regulatory basis of P. euphratica’s adaptation to salt stress and offer methodological support for forest tree genetic improvement research.


