Creating a new germplasm of aneuploid Populus tomentosa with insect-resistance based on hybridization of transgenic 741 poplar and P. alba var. pyramidalis
Abstract:ObjectiveArtificial hybridization was carried out using transgenic triploid 741 poplar with BtCry3A as the female parent and diploid Populus alba var. pyramidalis as the male parent, in order to quickly obtain new germplasm of aneuploid Populus tomentosa with insect-resistance.
MethodCollecting female flower branches of transgenic 741 poplar and male flower branches of P. alba var. pyramidalis, hybrid progenies were obtained by embryo rescue technique from the inflorescence that was about to fall off. The seedlings with BtCry3A were identified by polymerase chain reaction, and further expression of BtCry3A was measured via real-time fluorescent quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Subsequently, conducted ploidy analysis of these hybrid progenies using flow cytometry method. Finally, preliminary phenotypic analysis of the offsprings was performed.
Result(1) Eight hybrid individuals were successfully generated by combing artificial hybridization and embryo rescue techniques, among which six hybrid offsprings showed good growth status. Five offsprings inherited the BtCry3A gene from the mother plants. (2) The BtCry3A gene exhibited enhanced expression levels in the offsprings compared with maternal parent, with individual 3# demonstrating a 12-fold increase. (3) 1# was hyper-tetraploid, 2#, 4# and 8# were aneuploid, while 3# may be aneuploid or tetraploid. (4) The hybrid offsprings exhibited diverse phenotype, the five hybrid individuals were different in leaf shape, leaf size and pitch spacing, with 3# and 8# showing superior growth vigor compared with parental lines.
ConclusionEmploying artificial hybridization between triploid 741 poplar with BtCry3A and diploid P. alba var. pyramidalis, we creat the novel germplasms of aneuploid P. tomentosa with BtCry3A and diverse phenotypic variation. Offspring 3# has significantly higher anti-insect gene expression than their mothers, and growth potential is better than parents. It can be used as an excellent potential aneuploid hair poplar new germplasm for subsequent insect resistance tests.
图 2 杂交子代中BtCry3A基因PCR(a)和RT-PCR(b)检测
a图中0为质粒,1为转基因741杨,2为新疆杨,3为野生型741杨,4 ~ 9为1#、2#、3#、4#、6#、8#子代。b图中1为新疆杨,2为野生型741杨,3为转基因741杨,4 ~ 9为1#、2#、3#、4#、6#、8#子代。 In figure a, 0 means plasmid, 1means transgenic 741 poplar, 2 means P. alba var. pyramidalis, 3 means wild type 741 poplar, 4−9 mean 1#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 6#, and 8# hybrids. In figure b, 1 means P. alba var. pyramidalis, 2 means wild type 741 poplar, 3 means transgenic 741 poplar, 4−9 mean 1#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 6#, and 8# hybrids.
Figure 2. Identification of BtCry3A in hybrid offsprings by PCR (a) and RT-PCR (b)
图 6 亲本与杂交子代幼苗表型差异分析
*表示与新疆杨相比在0.05水平上存在显著差异,**表示与新疆杨相比在0.01水平上存在极显著差异。下同。* means significant difference at 0.05 level compared with P. alba var. pyramidalis, ** means extremly significant difference at 0.01 level compared with P. alba var. pyramidalis. The same below.
Figure 6. Analysis of phenotypic difference between parents and hybrid offsprings
表 1 流式细胞分析法对杂交子代的倍性检测结果
Table 1 Detection results of nuclear ploidy of hybrid offsprings by flow cytometry method
Relative fluorescence intensityF值
F value新疆杨 P. alba var. pyramidalis 6.96 ± 0.12 13 251.00 ± 21.23 2.00 741杨 741 poplar 6.07 ± 0.21 19 731.00 ± 129.25 2.98 1# 5.41 ± 0.28 28 297.33 ± 36.97 4.27 2# 5.86 ± 0.14 16 786.67 ± 129.60 2.53 3# 5.67 ± 0.19 26 006.67 ± 86.44 3.93 4# 6.56 ± 0.79 15 659.00 ± 259.90 2.36 8# 5.95 ± 0.22 24 763.00 ± 270.82 3.74 -
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