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戴睿, 段帅帅, 肖士奎, 卫志鹏, 吕淑芳, 史国安, 吴疆, 范丙友

戴睿, 段帅帅, 肖士奎, 卫志鹏, 吕淑芳, 史国安, 吴疆, 范丙友. 芍药切花内参基因筛选及乙烯生物合成关键基因表达分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2025, 47(1): 106-115. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20240054
引用本文: 戴睿, 段帅帅, 肖士奎, 卫志鹏, 吕淑芳, 史国安, 吴疆, 范丙友. 芍药切花内参基因筛选及乙烯生物合成关键基因表达分析[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2025, 47(1): 106-115. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20240054
Dai Rui, Duan Shuaishuai, Xiao Shikui, Wei Zhipeng, Lü Shufang, Shi Guoan, Wu Jiang, Fan Bingyou. Screening of internal reference genes of cut flowers of Paeonia lactiflora and expression analysis of key genes of ethylene biosynthesis[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2025, 47(1): 106-115. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20240054
Citation: Dai Rui, Duan Shuaishuai, Xiao Shikui, Wei Zhipeng, Lü Shufang, Shi Guoan, Wu Jiang, Fan Bingyou. Screening of internal reference genes of cut flowers of Paeonia lactiflora and expression analysis of key genes of ethylene biosynthesis[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2025, 47(1): 106-115. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20240054


基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2018YFD1000400),国家自然科学基金项目(U1204323)。

    戴睿。主要研究方向:植物分子生物学。Email:1026019364@qq.com 地址: 471023 洛阳市洛龙区开元大道263号河南科技大学农学院


    吴疆,博士,教授。主要研究方向:生物信息学。Email:wujiang@yulinu.edu.cn 地址:719000陕西省榆林市崇文路51号榆林学院信息工程学院。

    范丙友,博士,教授。主要研究方向:植物分子生物学。Email:fanbingyou2005@163.com 地址: 471023 洛阳市洛龙区开元大道263号河南科技大学农学院。

  • 中图分类号: S682.1+2

Screening of internal reference genes of cut flowers of Paeonia lactiflora and expression analysis of key genes of ethylene biosynthesis

  • 摘要:





    (1)在芍药切花开放至衰老的不同时期,geNorm分析表明GAPDHRAN3表达稳定性最好;NormFinder分析显示RAN3表达最稳定;BestKeeper分析表明18S rRNA表达稳定性最好;RefFinder综合分析表明RAN3和GAPDH为最适内参基因。(2)在盛开期芍药切花花器官不同组织中,geNorm分析表明ARFPP2A表达稳定性最好;NormFinder分析显示UBQ表达最稳定;BestKeeper分析表明GAPDH表达稳定性最好;RefFinder综合分析表明UBQARF为最适内参基因。(3)在芍药切花开放至衰老过程中,ACS基因表达量显著低于ACO基因表达量,是调控乙烯合成的开关;ACO主要在切花开放前期(瓶插0 ~ 12 h)发挥作用;ACS表达量在绽口期和衰败期(瓶插6 h和144 h)均发挥重要作用,并在盛开期对乙烯合成起到限制作用;(4)在芍药切花盛开期不同组织中,ACS基因表达量显著低于ACOACSACO基因的表达存在组织差异性,且均在茎和花萼中表达较高。




    This study aims to select the most suitable reference genes, which are stably expressed during the process from the opening to senescence and different tissues in blooming period of peony cut flowers, and to deeply analyze the function of ACS and ACO genes in ethylene-mediated process of peony cut flower opening to senescence.


    (1) With cultivar ‘Taohuafeixue’ as materials, the variations of expression levels of 13 candidate internal reference genes at different stages from blooming to senescence and in different tissues of the full bloom stage in herbaceous peony cut flowers were analyzed by qRT-PCR. The expression stability of 13 candidate internal reference genes was assessed by ΔCt and 3 softwares including geNorm, NormFinder, and BestKeeper. The comprehensive rankings of expression stability of candidate internal reference genes were obtained by online RefFinder analysis. (2) Based on the selected double internal reference genes, the expression profile of ACS and ACO, key genes of ethylene biosynthesis were quantitatively analyzed at different stages from blooming to senescence and in different tissues of full bloom stage in herbaceous peony cut flowers.


    (1) geNorm analysis showed that the expression stability of GAPDH and RAN3 at different stages was best. NormFinder analysis indicated that the expression stability of RAN3 was optimal. BestKeeper analysis illustrated that 18S rRNA expression was the most stable. RefFinder analysis indicated that RAN3 and GAPDH were the best suitable internal reference genes at different stages. (2) geNorm analysis indicated that the expression of ARF and PP2A in different tissues had the best expression stability. NormFinder analysis showed that the expression of UBQ was the most stable. BestKeeper analysis illustrated that GAPDH was best. RefFinder analysis indicated that UBQ and ARF were the best internal reference genes in different tissues in herbaceous peony cut flowers. (3) From opening to senescence process of peony cut flowers, the expression of ACS gene was significantly lower than that of ACO gene, and ACS was the ‘switch’ for the regulation of ethylene synthesis. ACO mainly played a role in pre-opening stage of cut flowers (0−12 h). ACS expression played an important role both in the bloom stage and in the senescence stage (6 h and 144 h), and played a limiting role in ethylene synthesis during the bloom stage. (4) ACS expression was significantly lower than ACO in different tissues of peony cut flowers during blooming period, there was tissue variability in the expression of ACS and ACO, and both of them were higher in stems and calyxes.


    This study screens double internal reference gene combinations for qPCR quantitative expression analysis in different tissues of herbaceous peony cut flowers at varied periods from opening to senescence (RAN3, GAPDH) and at full bloom (UBQ, ARF). ACO gene, a key gene of ethylene biosynthesis mainly plays a role in the blooming process, and ACS plays an important role in both blooming and senescence process in herbaceous peony cut flowers. The finding will provide a reference for the improvement of cut flower longevity.

  • 图  1   13个候选内参基因PCR产物的熔解曲线

    Figure  1.   Melting curves of PCR products of 13 candidate internal reference genes

    图  2   内参基因Ct分布箱式图

    Figure  2.   Box plot of Ct distribution of internal reference genes

    图  3   13个内参基因表达稳定性的geNorm分析结果

    Figure  3.   geNorm analysis results of expression stability of 13 internal reference genes

    图  4   标准化的内参基因个数的geNorm分析结果

    Figure  4.   geNorm analysis results of standardized internal reference gene number

    图  5   13个内参基因表达稳定性BestKeeper分析结果

    Figure  5.   BestKeeper analysis result of expression stability of 13 internal genes

    图  6   芍药切花开放至衰老不同时期花瓣中ACSACO基因相对表达水平

    不同大写字母表示同一基因不同瓶插时间之间差异显著(P < 0.05);不同小写字母表示不同基因相同瓶插时间之间差异显著(P < 0.05)。

    Figure  6.   Relative expression level of ACS and ACO genes at different developmental stages from blossoming to senescence in herbaceous peony cut flowers

    图  7   ACSACO基因在芍药切花不同组织中的定量表达分析

    不同大写字母表示同一基因不同组织之间差异显著(P < 0.05);不同小写字母表示不同基因相同组织之间差异显著(P < 0.05)。

    Figure  7.   Quantitative expression analysis of ACS and ACO genes in different tissues during full bloom stages in herbaceous peony cut flowers

    表  1   qRT-PCR引物信息

    Table  1   Information for qRT-PCR primers

    基因 引物序列 产物长度/bp
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    表  2   内参基因PCR引物序列及相关信息

    Table  2   PCR primer sequences and related information for internal reference genes

    18S rRNA1.8110.999 29
    ACT11.9780.999 39
    ACT21.9650.999 59
    RPL401.9030.999 21
    GAPDH1.9540.999 27
    UBQ1.9260.999 25
    UBQ-L102.0370.999 14
    ARF1.9580.999 21
    EF1α1.9890.999 37
    PP2A1.9810.999 26
    RAN31.9940.999 27
    RPL231.9310.999 25
    TUA1.9240.999 55
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3   13个内参基因表达稳定性的NormFinder分析结果

    Table  3   NormFinder analysis result of expression stability of 13 internal reference genes

    基因 切花开放至衰老不同时期 盛开期不同组织
    稳定值(M 排名 M 排名
    18S rRNA 1.204 12 1.311 12
    ACT1 0.357 4 0.328 4
    ACT2 0.743 10 0.236 2
    RPL40 0.959 11 0.862 8
    GAPDH 0.454 6 0.978 9
    UBQ 0.481 7 0.116 1
    UBQ-L10 1.699 13 1.903 13
    ARF 0.222 3 0.333 5
    EF1α 0.391 5 0.760 7
    PP2A 0.173 2 0.509 6
    RAN3 0.160 1 0.274 3
    RPL23 0.504 8 1.205 10
    TUA 0.665 9 1.240 11
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    表  4   13个内参基因在‘桃花飞雪’切花开放至衰老不同时期花瓣中的表达稳定性综合排名

    Table  4   Overall ranking of expression stability values of 13 internal reference genes in petals at different times from opening to senescence

    基因 ΔCt Bestkeeper NormFinder geNorm RefFinder
    18S rRNA 12 1 12 11 9
    ACT1 7 6 4 8 7
    ACT2 10 11 10 10 11
    RPL40 11 12 11 12 12
    GAPDH 4 4 6 1 2
    UBQ 6 3 7 3 4
    UBQ-L10 13 13 13 13 13
    ARF 2 9 3 5 3
    EF1α 5 5 5 6 6
    PP2A 3 10 2 7 5
    RAN3 1 8 1 1 1
    RPL23 8 7 8 4 10
    TUA 9 8 9 9 8
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  5   13个内参基因在‘桃花飞雪’不同组织中的表达稳定性综合排名

    Table  5   Overall ranking of expression stability values of 13 internal reference genes in different tissues

    18S rRNA1211121212
    下载: 导出CSV
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