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吴菲, 高章伟, 张睿博, 时蓉喜, 刘梦洁, 胡健, 汪辉, 周青平

吴菲, 高章伟, 张睿博, 时蓉喜, 刘梦洁, 胡健, 汪辉, 周青平. 增温对高寒草甸土壤微生物多样性及功能潜力的影响[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2025, 47(1): 29-38. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20240064
引用本文: 吴菲, 高章伟, 张睿博, 时蓉喜, 刘梦洁, 胡健, 汪辉, 周青平. 增温对高寒草甸土壤微生物多样性及功能潜力的影响[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2025, 47(1): 29-38. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20240064
Wu Fei, Gao Zhangwei, Zhang Ruibo, Shi Rongxi, Liu Mengjie, Hu Jian, Wang Hui, Zhou Qingping. Effects of warming on soil microbial diversity and functional potential in alpine meadows[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2025, 47(1): 29-38. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20240064
Citation: Wu Fei, Gao Zhangwei, Zhang Ruibo, Shi Rongxi, Liu Mengjie, Hu Jian, Wang Hui, Zhou Qingping. Effects of warming on soil microbial diversity and functional potential in alpine meadows[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2025, 47(1): 29-38. DOI: 10.12171/j.1000-1522.20240064


基金项目: 四川若尔盖高寒湿地生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站开放课题(ZAW01),国家自然科学基金项目(32171593),西南民族大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项(2023NYXXS087)。

    吴菲。主要研究方向:生态系统功能与全球变化。 地址:610225 四川省成都市双流区航空港开发区大件路文星段168号


    周青平,教授。主要研究方向:牧草育种栽培、草地培育改良和高原草地生态环境治理。 地址:同上。

  • 中图分类号: S812.2

Effects of warming on soil microbial diversity and functional potential in alpine meadows

  • 摘要:



    基于为期6年的野外增温控制试验,利用不同功率红外加热设置对照、增低温(+1.5 ℃)和增高温(+2.5 ℃) 3个温度处理。增温6年后于2020年8月采集土壤表层样品,利用微生物高通量测序,分析土壤细菌和真菌群落对增温的响应。


    (1)增低温和增高温处理分别使土壤表层温度升高了1.4 ℃和2.4 ℃(P < 0.05),土壤湿度分别下降了11%和17%(P < 0.05)。相比对照,土壤硝态氮含量在增低温和增高温处理下分别降低了66%和72%(P < 0.05),而土壤有效磷含量仅在增高温处理下显著增加36%(P < 0.05)。(2)增温处理显著降低了土壤细菌α多样性及谱系多样性,并改变了细菌群落结构(P < 0.05);相比之下,土壤真菌以上指标均未表现出显著变化。(3)土壤细菌群落中,碳水化合物代谢及全局概览图等功能分类在增高温处理下明显增强,而土壤真菌共生营养型、病理营养型以及腐生营养型的功能丰度并未受显著影响。(4)土壤细菌功能潜力与土壤总氮含量和土壤有效磷含量呈显著正相关(P < 0.05),真菌功能潜力仅与谱系多样性呈显著正相关(P < 0.05),且与土壤理化性质无显著相关性。




    This study aimed to explore the response patterns of soil microbial diversity and their functional potentials to different warming levels in an alpine ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of western China.


    We conducted a field manipulation warming experiment using infrared heating methods to set three warming treatments, including control, low-level warming (+1.5 ℃) and high-level warming (+2.5 ℃). Through soil microbial high-throughput sequencing analysis, we investigated the general patterns and mechanisms underlying soil bacterial and fungi communities in response to field warming.


    (1) Low-level warming and high-level warming significantly increased soil temperature in the topsoil by 1.4 and 2.4 ℃, and decreased soil moisture by 11% and 17%, respectively (P < 0.05). In contrast to the control, soil nitrate nitrogen content under low-level warming and high-level warming decreased by 66% and 72% (P < 0.05), respectively, while only high-level warming significantly stimulated soil available phosphorus content by 36% (P < 0.05). (2) Compared with control, warming significantly reduced soil bacterial α diversity and phylogenetic diversity, with notable differences in bacterial community structure (P < 0.05). But soil fungi community did not show any changes in these indicators. (3) In the soil bacterial community, functional categories such as carbohydrate metabolism and global overview map were significantly improved due to warming, while the abundance of three trophic types (i.e. symbiotroph, pathtroph and saprotroph) of soil fungi did not change under warming. (4) Soil bacterial functional potentials were mainly and positively correlated with soil total nitrogen and available phosphorus, while fungal functional potentials were positively associated with fungal Shannon diversity index.


    In conclusion, warming significantly reduces soil bacterial α diversity and phylogenetic diversity, alters its β diversity. Warming promotes the expression of functional potentials such as carbohydrate metabolism in the bacterial community by regulating soil available phosphorous. In contrast, warming does not influence soil fungal diversity, community structure, and functional potentials. Our findings highlight the differential temperature sensitivities of soil bacterial and fungal communities, which may affect ecosystem functions differently.

  • 我国水果生产和消费能力均排名世界第一,但多数果园种植在丘陵山地,果树修整枝、疏花疏果、果实套袋和采收等作业主要依靠人工架梯来完成,劳动强度大、作业效率低、安全风险高[1-3],采摘器等辅助人工摘果装备同样存在作业效率低的问题[4-5]。丘陵山地地形地貌变化大,普通车辆很难进入,为了克服地形的影响,农业车辆多采用调平的方式来应对[6-9]。因此,设计研发一款可调平的果园升降作业平台对于提高果园机械化水平和作业效率,降低工作风险具有重要意义。

    国外果园机械研究起步较早,北美自20世纪50年代开始把高空作业平台应用到果园中,发展至今已具有较高水平[10];意大利N.P.SEYMOUR公司生产的Windegger Picking Platform系列可全轮转向,工作台两级升降、角度可调,适用性较广[11];韩国SUNGBOO公司生产的SB系列采用纯电力能源,工作台可调角度10°,可满足缓丘陵作业需求[12-13]

    国内对于果园升降机械的研究起步较晚,主要因为果园种植模式以家庭分散种植为主,规模小,不利于果园机械的发展[14]。近些年,果园的主要种植模式为矮砧和密植,为果园机械化发展提供了前提条件。刘西宁等[15]研发了国内第一台果园升降平台,但不具备调平功能,不适合在丘陵山地作业。崔志超等[16]针对温室果蔬机械化低,传统燃油作业平台污染大等问题,设计制造了一款小型电动履带作业平台,采用电能作为动力,绿色环保,使用远程和在线的双操作系统。樊桂菊等[17-18]以拖拉机为载体加装工作台来实现调平,通过融合卡尔曼滤波的模糊PID控制系统实现自动调平,最大载荷150 kg,举升高度1.5 m,但是工作平台较小,在大规模果园作业时效率偏低。刘大为等[19-20]以南方丘陵山区柑橘园为对象研制了小型果园升降平台,通过“二次调平”方法,由液压缸伸缩进行调平,使用履带底盘,转向半径小、稳定性高、结构紧凑、操作简单,但调平方式为人工手动调平,调平精度低,而且作业效率不高。邱威等[21]根据中国南方果园多丘陵山区及果园作业的特点研制了一款折臂升降可调平平台,通过理论计算,仿真分析及样机试验分析验证了在丘陵山区的倾翻稳定性,并且利用正交试验分析了极限静态侧翻角的影响因子权重占比,在作业操作及相关机械的设计中有一定的借鉴意义。


    丘陵果园因地形特点,其种植模式主要有依山就势的缓坡模式和“坡改梯”的梯田模式两种。在这类果园中作业和转场对农业车辆的动力底盘要求很高,应具备良好的通过性和爬坡能力,本机选用越障能力强、转弯半径小的履带底盘。经查阅文献[22]和实地观测,苹果园一般株距1.0 ~ 1.5 m,行距3.5 ~ 4.0 m,树高不超过3.5 m。结合实际生产过程,可调平平台具体设计要求如表1所示。

    表  1  果园作业平台设计参数
    Table  1.  Design parameters of orchard operating platform
    参数 Parameter数值 Value
    整机尺寸 Overall size 1 900 mm × 1 400 mm × 2 000 mm
    整机质量 Overall mass/kg 1 200
    最大载质量 Maximum load/kg 300
    升降高度 Lifting height/mm 0 ~ 1 150
    转弯半径 Turning radius/m 3
    行驶速度 Drving speed/(km·h−1) 0 ~ 5
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    图  1  果园作业平台结构示意图
    1. 护栏 Guardrail,2. 工作台 Work platform,3. 俯仰调平机构 Pitch leveling mechanism,4. 机架 Frame,5. 侧倾调平机构 Roll leveling mechanism,6. 履带底盘Tracked chassis,7. 操作台 Control panel,8. 剪叉机构Scissor mechanism,9. 动力集成 Integrated power.
    Figure  1.  Diagram of the structure of orchard operating platform

    因剪叉式升降机构具有较高的稳定性和承载能力[23-24],同时考虑到缓丘陵果园地形特点(坡度 ≤ 15°),以及矮砧密植型苹果树高一般不超过3.5 m,结合GB10000—1988《中国成年人人体尺寸标准》[25]可知平台升降高度达2 m即可满足果园作业要求,故选择单级剪叉升降机构,并在此基础上改进为折臂剪叉式俯仰调平机构(图2)。升降液压缸PQ伸长,工作台随之上升,反之工作台下降;俯仰液压缸MN伸长,俯仰臂O1DO1点旋转,工作台DE仰起一定角度θ(如图2中红色部分),反之工作台俯下一定角度−θ,达到俯仰调平目的。该调平方式没有额外增加过多机构,节省空间、简单可靠。

    图  2  升降及俯仰调平机构原理
    OO1分别为升降、俯仰调平机构坐标系原点;DE为工作台,PQ为升降液压缸,MN为俯仰液压缸;ODEH为剪叉臂,其中OBBDEBBH长度相等(mm);AC两点为升降液压缸上下两端与剪叉臂的连接点,且APEH垂直,CQ与OB垂直;OE分别为剪叉臂与机架、工作台的铰接点;DH两点为铰接滑轮,滑轮与机架、工作台的滑轨相切,B点是两剪叉臂铰接点;h为工作台升起高度(mm);G为工作台和被载物体的总重(N);α为剪叉臂与水平面夹角(°);βMO1O1B的夹角(°);φ为俯仰臂O1DO1点转动的角度(°);θ为工作台与水平面夹角,即平台俯仰角(°);F1为升降液压缸推力(N);F2为俯仰液压缸推力(N)。O is the origin of lifting coordinate system, and O1 is the origin of pitch leveling mechanism coordinate system. DE is the platform, PQ is lifting hydraulic cylinder, MN is pitch hydraulic cylinder; OD and EH are scissor arms, and the lengths of OB, BD, EB and BH are equal (mm). A is the connection point between the upper end of lifting hydraulic cylinder and scissor arm, C is connection point between the lower end of lifting hydraulic cylinder and scissor arm, and AP is perpendicular to EH, and CQ is perpendicular to OB. O is hinge point between scissor arm and frame, E is the hinge point of scissor arm and platform; D and H are hinged pulleys, the pulley is tangent to slide rail of the rack and platform, B is hinge point of two scissor arms. h is lifting height of platform (mm). G is total mass of platform and the loaded object (N). α is the angle between scissor arm and horizontal plane (°). β is the angle between MO1 and O1B (°). φ is the angle that tilt arm O1D rotates around O1 point (°). θ is platform pitch angle between platform and horizontal plane (°). F1 is the thrust of lifting hydraulic cylinder (N). F2 is thrust of pitch hydraulic cylinder (N).
    Figure  2.  Principles of lifting and pitch leveling mechanism


    {xPQ=lCQsinα+lBCcosαlABcosα+lAPsinαyPQ=lCQcosα+lBCsinα+lABsinα+lAPcosαlPQ=xPQ2+yPQ2h=lEHsinα (1)



    F1dlPQdα=Gdhdα (2)


    F1=G2lEHcosαasin2α+bsin2α+ccos2α(ac)sin2α+2bcos2α (3)




    F2=GlO1Dcos(α+φ)lO1M2+lO1N2+2lO1MlO1Ncos(φβ)2lO1MlO1Nsin(βφ) (4)

    式中:F2为俯仰液压缸推力(N);lO1DlO1MlO1N分别为俯仰调平机构部分O1DO1MO1N的长度(mm);βMO1O1B的夹角(°);φ 为俯仰臂O1DO1点转动的角度(°)。


    表  2  升降及俯仰调平机构尺寸
    Table  2.  Dimensions of lifting and pitch leveling structures
    参数 Parameter数值 Value
    lAB/mm 220
    lBC/mm 702
    lAP/mm 70
    lCQ/mm 97
    lEH/mm 1 722
    lO1N/mm 411
    lO1M/mm 163
    lO1D/mm 561
    β/(°) 88
    注:lABlBClAPlCQ分别为升降机构ABBCAPCQ的长度;lEH为剪叉臂EH的长度;lO1NlO1MlO1D分别为俯仰调平机构部分O1NO1MO1D的长度;βMO1O1B的夹角。Notes:lAB, lBC, lAP and lCQ are length of lifting mechanism AB, BC, AP and CQ, respectively. lEH is the length of scissor arm EH. lO1N, lO1M and lO1D are length of pitch leveling mechanism O1N, O1M and O1D, respectively. β is angle between MO1 and O1B.
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    {xOD1=lOO1cosα+lO1D1cos(α+φ)yOD1=lOO1sinα+lO1D1sin(α+φ) (5)



    θ=arctan(lOO1lEH)sinα+lO1D1sin(α+φ)lOO1cosα+lO1D1cos(α+φ) (6)


    φ=arccoslO1M2+lO1N2(lMNy)22lO1MlO1N (7)




    图  3  侧倾调平机构原理
    I1J1IJ为侧倾液压缸;α1为侧倾液压缸I1J1与水平面的夹角(°);β1为侧倾液压缸IJ与水平面的夹角(°);θ1为平台与水平面的夹角,即平台侧倾角(°);O2为原点,II1O3为底盘上的固定点;O3J1J为机架;O3R1与侧倾液压缸I1J1垂直,O3R与侧倾液压缸IJ垂直;e为机架上方总重G1X2轴平行方向上与O2的距离,(mm);F3F4为侧倾液压缸的推力(N)。I1J1 and IJ are the roll hydraulic cylinders, α1 is angle between roll hydraulic cylinder I1J1 and the horizontal plane (°). β1 is angle between roll hydraulic cylinder IJ and horizontal plane (°). θ1 is the angle between platform and horizontal plane, i.e. the platform roll angle (°). O2 is the origin, I,I1 and O3 are the fixed points on chassis, O3J1J is frame. O3R1 is perpendicular to the roll cylinder I1J1, O3R is perpendicular to roll cylinder IJ. e is the distance between total mass G1 and O2 in the direction parallel to X2 axis. F3 and F4 are thrust of roll hydraulic cylinder (N).
    Figure  3.  Principle of roll leveling mechanism


    {IO3R=β1IO3O2lO3R=lIO3cosIO3RI1O3R1=α1I1O3O2lO3R1=lI1O3cosI1O3R1F3lO3R+F4lO3R1=G1e (8)


    根据选用的启创液压科技公司HSG-40系列工程油缸得1.45F3 = F4,则:

    F4=G10.6elIO3cos(β1IO3O2)+lI1O3cos(α1I1O3O2) (9)



    θ1=arctanlIJsinβ1lI1J1sinα1lI1J1cosα1+lI1I+lIJcosβ1 (10)


    从式(10)中可以看出侧倾液压缸的长度和安装位置是影响平台调平角度的主要因素。结合设计要求与结构特点选取合适的尺寸,侧倾角度达 ± 8°。具体尺寸数据见表3

    表  3  侧倾调平结构尺寸
    Table  3.  Dimensions of roll leveling structures
    参数 Parameter数值 Value
    α1/(°) 28 ~ 70.5
    lIO3/mm 264
    lIJ/mm 320 ~ 390
    lI1I/mm 373
    注:α1为侧倾液压缸I1J1与水平面的夹角;lIO3为侧倾调平机构部分IO3的长度;lIJlI1I分别为IJI1I的长度。Notes: α1 is the angle between roll hydraulic cylinder I1J1 and horizontal plane. lIO3 is length of tilting leveling mechanism IO3. lIJ and lI1I are the lengths of IJ and I1I, respectively.
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    G1(s)=I(s)Θ(s)=Ke1 (11)
    G2(s)=I(s)Θ(s)=Ke2 (12)


    选用北京尚泰合力液压科技公司生产固有角频率69 rad/s的STPLS系列电液比例阀。建立电液比例阀的传递函数时,如果系统中存在固有角频率较大的动力元件选用二阶震荡环节[28-29]。所以电液比例阀的传递函数为:

    G3(s)=Xv(s)I(s)=Kvs2ωv2+2ξvωvs+1 (13)

    式中:ωv为比例阀固有角频率(rad/s),ξv 为比例阀阻尼比,Xv为比例阀芯位移(m),Kv比例阀增益。


    G4(s)=Xp(s)Xv(s)=KqAps(s2ωh2+2ξhωhs+1) (14)

    式中:液压固有角频率ωh=4βeAp2Vtm(rad/s);液压阻尼比ξh=KceApβemVtm为活塞及其负载总质量(kg);Kq为流量增益系数;Ap为无杆腔活塞有效面积(m2);Kce为总流量压力系数;Vt为阀腔、液压缸和管道总容积(m3);βe 为有效体积弹性模量(Pa);Xp为液压缸活塞位移量(m)。


    G5(s)=θ(s)Xp(s)=Kl1 (15)
    G6(s)=θ(s)Xp(s)=Kl2 (16)



    {Kg (17)

    将确定的液压系统元件参数带入俯仰、侧倾系统开环传递函数,令开环增益K = 1,绘制其Bode图。此时,俯仰系统幅值裕度Kg = 39.3 dB,相位裕度γ = 88.9°;侧倾系统Kg = 38.1 dB,γ =88.8°。可见系统不满足稳定性要求。利用公式(18)对开环增益校正,取Kg = 10 dB,则俯仰系统K = 29.2,γ = 54.6°,侧倾系统K = 25.3,γ = 58.4°,此时系统满足稳定性要求。可反推放大器比例系数Ke1Ke2以设计电路部分。

    20\lg \! K = {K_{{\rm{g}}1}} - {K_{\rm{g}}} (18)



    \begin{aligned} & {G_f}(s) = \frac{{\theta (s)}}{{\Theta (s)}} = \\ & \frac{{29.2}}{{8.4 \! \times \! {{10}^{ - 10}}{s^5} \! + \! 9.68 \times {{10}^{ - 8}}{s^4} \! + \! 2.16 \! \times \! {{10}^{ - 4}}{s^3} \! + \! 2 \! \times \! {{10}^{ - 2}}{s^2} \! + \! s}} \end{aligned} (19)


    \begin{aligned} & {G_{\rm{c}}}(s) = \frac{{\theta (s)}}{{\Theta (s)}} =\\ & \frac{{25.3}}{{5.25 \! \times \! {{10}^{ - 9}}{s^5} \! + \! 6.17 \! \times \! {{10}^{ - 7}}{s^4} \! + \! 2.46 \! \times \! {{10}^{ - 4}}{s^3} \! + \! 2.06 \! \times \! {{10}^{ - 2}}{s^2} \! + \! s}} \end{aligned} (20)


    图  4  控制系统框图
    Figure  4.  Block diagram of control system


    \begin{aligned} u(k) = \; & u(k - 1) + {K_{\rm{p}}}(e(k) - e(k - 1)) + {K_{\rm{i}}}e(k) +\\ & {K_{\rm{d}}}(e(k) - 2e(k - 1) + e(k - 2)) \end{aligned} (21)


    在Simulink建立调平平台仿真模型,使用零阶保持器,采样时间0.02 s;通过试验法确定俯仰系统比例、积分和微分调节系数分别为0.65、0.04、0,侧倾系统比例、积分和微分调节系数分别为0.85、0.04、0。丘陵山地果园坡度变化平缓,因此干扰选择5°的阶跃信号模拟路面凹坑等突变;因最大工作台俯仰和侧倾调平角度分别为10°、8°,调平角速度0.07 rad/s;确定频率0.1 Hz,幅值为10和8的正弦信号模拟连续坡度变化,此时处于平台极限工作状态。仿真结果如图5图6所示。

    图  5  俯仰系统不同干扰下工作台角度变化
    Figure  5.  Changes of platform angle under different interferences of pitch system
    图  6  侧倾系统不同干扰下工作台角度变化
    Figure  6.  Platform angle changes under different disturbances of roll system

    从图5、图6中可以看出:俯仰、侧倾控制系统在阶跃干扰信号下能使工作台很快回到水平位置,调平时间分别为1.6、2.1 s,超调量均为0;俯仰、侧倾控制系统在正弦干扰信号下能使工作台始终保持在0°附近,波动范围分别在0.15°、0.19°内。仿真验证了平台调平的可行性,并且在不同干扰下调平性能较好,工作台角度变化较平稳,满足调平平台设计要求。

    为测试平台的安全性和工作台调平对倾翻坡度的影响,根据结构和参数在SolidWorks中建立调平平台三维模型,导入Adams并建立倾翻实验台(图7)。实验台以一定角速度转动,平台以纵向、斜向、横向这3种不同姿态,以0、220、440、660、880、1 100 mm不同升降高度和不同载质量情况下进行仿真。当履带所受支持力为0时,实验台倾角δ记为极限倾翻角度(°),仿真结果如图8

    图  7  不同姿态下的倾翻仿真图
    实验台倾角δ记为极限倾翻角度。Tilt angle δ of experimental platform is recorded as limit tilt angle.
    Figure  7.  Tilting simulation diagram under different postures
    图  8  不同姿态下倾翻仿真结果
    Figure  8.  Tilting simulation results under different postures


    总体来说,无调平时最大和最小极限倾翻角度分别为49.85°和20.27°;有调平时最大极限倾翻角度为48.78°,最小为25.29°。整体来讲,最大极限倾翻角度(纵向、升降高度0 mm、载质量0 kg时)降低了2.15%,最小极限倾翻角度(当横向、升降高度1 100 mm、载质量300 kg时)增加了24.77%,平台安全性明显提高。



  • 图  1   增温对土壤理化性质的影响

    CK.对照;LW.增低温(+1.5 ℃);HW.增高温(+2.5 ℃)。不同小写字母表示不同增温处理间差异显著 (P < 0.05)。下同。

    Figure  1.   Effects of warming on physical and chemical properties of soil

    图  2   增温对土壤细菌与真菌Shannon多样性、丰富度以及谱系多样性的影响

    *表示增温处理间差异显著(P < 0.05)。

    Figure  2.   Effects of warming on Shannon diversity, richness and phylogenetic diversity of soil bacterial and fungi

    图  3   增温对土壤细菌与真菌β多样性的影响

    Figure  3.   Effects of warming on β diversity of soil bacterial and fungi

    图  4   增温对土壤细菌(a)和真菌(b)功能潜力的影响

    Figure  4.   Effects of warming on functional potentials of soil bacteria (a) and fungi (b)

    图  5   土壤细菌与真菌功能潜力与环境因子、微生物多样性的关系

    *、**、***分别表示在P < 0.05、P < 0.01、P < 0.001水平上显著相关。

    Figure  5.   Relationship between functional potential of soil bacteria and fungi, environmental factors, as well as microbial diversity

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