

    Site quality evaluation of broadleaved mixed forest in Xiaoxing’an Mountains of northeastern China based on volume potential productivity

    • 摘要:
      目的 立地质量评价是森林经营规划和决策的重要基础。建立林分蓄积生长模型,引入林分蓄积潜在生产力,对小兴安岭阔叶混交林进行立地质量评价,旨在为该地区森林生长收获预测、森林经营规划以及可持续经营提供科学依据。
      方法 利用黑龙江省2010—2015年两期连续清查中的小兴安岭阔叶混交林数据,建立林分平均高和蓄积生长模型,划分立地等级,并计算各立地等级阔叶混交林林分蓄积潜在生产力。结合林分现实生产力及其与蓄积潜在生产力之间的差异,对当前林龄林分的实际状况和可提升空间进行评价。
      结果 (1)小兴安岭阔叶混交林林分蓄积生长模型拟合效果较好,林分基准年龄(30 a)时,各立地等级的蓄积潜在生产力范围为3.87 ~ 6.10 m3/(hm2·a);阔叶混交林林分平均可提升空间介于50.78% ~ 62.97%之间,且随着立地等级的降低而逐渐增大。(2)小兴安岭阔叶混交林林分蓄积潜在生产力随林龄的增大而逐渐减小,最终趋于平缓。其与现实生产力的差异随林龄的增大而逐渐减小。(3)各林龄林分蓄积潜在生产力和现实生产力均呈现随立地等级降低而下降的趋势,立地质量中等的林分占总样本量的77.24%,且各个立地等级的林分蓄积潜在生产力始终大于现实生产力。
      结论 林分蓄积潜在生产力可以作为小兴安岭阔叶混交林立地质量评价的指标。针对小兴安岭阔叶混交林,各立地等级处于发育初期的林分蓄积潜在生产力比近成熟林的更大,且林分可提升空间也更大;随着立地质量的降低,林分可提升空间逐步扩大。因此,应根据林分发育时期和立地条件,采取差异化抚育措施,且需注重立地质量中等的林分,优先进行中幼龄林抚育,提升林分的整体生产力。


      Objective Site quality evaluation is an important foundation for forest management planning and decision-making. This article introduces the potential productivity of stand volume by establishing a stand volume growth model to evaluate the site quality of broadleaved mixed forest in the Xiaoxing’an Mountains of northeastern China, providing a scientific basis for predicting forest growth and harvest, forest management planning, and sustainable management in the region.
      Method Using data from the two consecutive inventory periods of the Xiaoxing’an Mountains broadleaved mixed forest in Heilongjiang Province from 2010 to 2015, a model for average tree height and volume growth of the forest stand was established. Site levels were classified, and potential productivity of each site level for broadleaved mixed forest stands was calculated. We evaluated the actual condition and potential improvement space of the current aged stand based on the difference between actual productivity of the forest and its potential productivity for accumulation.
      Result (1) The fitting effect of volume growth model of broadleaved mixed forest in the Xiaoxing’an Mountains was good, and the range of potential productivity at the baseline age of forest was between 3.87−6.10 m3/(ha·year). The average improvement space of broadleaved mixed forest ranged from 50.78% to 62.97%, and gradually increased with decrease of site level. (2) The potential productivity of broadleaved mixed forest in Xiaoxing’an Mountains gradually decreased with increase of stand age, and eventually tended to flatten out. The difference between realized productivity and the potential productivity gradually decreased with increase of stand age. (3) The potential productivity and realized productivity of each age group showed a decreasing trend with decrease of site grade. Forests with moderate site quality accounted for 77.24% of total sample size, and potential productivity of each site grade was always greater than the realized productivity.
      Conclusion The potential productivity of stand volume can serve as an indicator for site quality evaluation of broadleaved mixed forest in the Xiaoxing’an Mountains. For the broadleaved mixed forest in Xiaoxing’an Mountains, stands at the initial stage of development within various site classes exhibit greater potential productivity of stand volume compared with those nearing maturity, and the potential for improvement in stand productivity is also larger. As site quality decreases, the scope for stand improvement gradually expands. Therefore, differentiated management measures should be adopted based on stand development stage and site conditions, with emphasis on stands of medium site quality. Priority should be given to tending of middle-aged and young forests to enhance overall stand productivity.


