

    Site quality evaluation of Larix olgensis plantations based on potential productivity in Jilin Province of northeastern China

    • 摘要:
      目的 为验证基于林分潜在生长量的立地质量评价方法的可行性,并优化此方法,采用潜在生长量法估算林分断面积和蓄积潜在生产力,为长白落叶松人工林立地质量评价和抚育经营提供科学依据。
      方法 基于吉林省一类调查和二类调查局级固定样地数据,采用广义代数差分法建立长白落叶松人工林优势高生长模型,根据地位指数划分立地等级。建立含立地等级哑变量的断面积和蓄积生长模型,利用黄金分割法搜索最优密度,求解潜在生产力,并通过自然稀疏线进行验证;以现实林分年龄和林分密度指数计算现实生产力;结合现实生产力和潜在生产力两者差异综合评估生产力提升空间。
      结果 (1)长白落叶松人工林的优势高、断面积、蓄积生长模型拟合效果良好,调整决定系数为0.877、0.985、0.966;均方根误差为1.037 m、0.886 m2/(hm2·a)、9.756 m3/(hm2·a);相对均方根误差为7.353%、6.588%、11.890%。5个立地等级的地位指数平均值大小为19.8、17.8、15.7、13.5和11.6 m。(2)同一林龄,断面积和蓄积潜在生产力对应的最优林分密度指数不同。基准年龄30年时断面积潜在生产力为0.861 ~ 0.941 m2/(hm2·a),蓄积潜在生产力为5.319 ~ 8.775 m3/(hm2·a)。与近熟林、成熟林、过熟林相比,中龄林和幼龄林现实生产力与潜在生产力差异较大,表明它们具有较大的生产力提升空间。(3)在林分生长过程中,潜在生产力对应的最优密度始终不大于林分自然稀疏的最大密度。
      结论 约束林分初始株数后计算的潜在生产力更符合实际,进一步验证了基于潜在生长量的立地质量评价方法的可行性。在中幼龄阶段,长白落叶松的现实生产力与潜在生产力差异显著,该差异随立地质量的下降而增大。研究结果给出了潜在生产力对应的最优林分密度,可为长白落叶松人工林的抚育经营提供依据。


      Objective This paper verifies the feasibility of site quality evaluation method based on potential annual increment of forest and optimize this method. The potential annual increment method was used to estimate the potential productivity of basal area and stand volume, providing a scientific basis for site quality evaluation and silvicultural management of Larix olgensis plantations.
      Method The dominant height growth model of L. olgensis plantations was developed using generalized algebraic difference method based on the permanent sample plot data from the national forest inventory and forest management unit-level inventory in Jilin Province of northeastern China. Site grades were ranked according to the site index. The growth models of basal area and volume, incorporating site grades as dummy variables, were constructed, and the optimal stand density index was searched using golden section method. The corresponding potential productivity was calculated and verified by self-thinning line. Realized productivity was calculated from the actual stand age and stand density index. The productivity improvement gap was comprehensively evaluated by combining the difference between realized and potential productivity.
      Result (1) The models of dominant height, basal area and volume growth of L. olgensis plantations showed good performance. The adjusted coefficients of determination values were 0.877, 0.985 and 0.966. The root mean square error values were 1.037 m, 0.886 m2/(ha·year) and 9.756 m3/(ha·year), while the relative root mean square error values were 7.353%, 6.588% and 11.890%. The average site index values for the five site grades were 19.8, 17.8, 15.7, 13.5 and 11.6 m, respectively. (2) For the same stand age, the optimal stand density index differed for basal area and volume potential productivity. At the base age of 30 years, the potential productivity for stand basal area ranged from 0.861 to 0.941 m2/(ha·year), while the potential productivity for volume ranged from 5.319 to 8.775 m3/(ha·year). The productivity gap between realized and potential productivity was larger in young and middle-aged stands compared with near-mature, mature and overmature stands, indicating a greater potential for productivity improvement. (3) During stand growth, the optimal stand density corresponding to potential productivity was always less than or equal to the maximum density determined by self-thinning process.
      Conclusion The potential productivity calculated after constraining the initial stand density is more realistic, further validating the feasibility of site quality evaluation method based on potential mean annual increment. During the young and middle-aged stages, the realized productivity of L. olgensis differs significantly from its potential productivity, with the difference increasing as site quality declines. The results provide the optimal stand density corresponding to potential productivity, offering a basis for tending operations and management of L. olgensis plantations.


