

    Investigation on germination and flower period of 84 walnut germplasm resources

    • 摘要:
      目的 针对核桃生产中春季频发晚霜和雌雄花期不相遇等问题,探究河北省秦皇岛地区84份核桃种质资源萌芽期、雌雄花盛期起始时间,旨在为选育避晚霜品种、合理配置授粉树、提高核桃产量提供参考。
      方法 2024年对河北省秦皇岛市昌黎县84份核桃种质资源进行萌芽期、雌雄花盛期起始时间调查,并记录此时期温度,计算萌芽和开花期起始所需≥10 ℃有效积温。
      结果 (1)84份核桃种质资源萌芽期起始时间为3月24日—3月31日,所需平均≥10 ℃有效积温为6.12 ℃;雄花盛期起始时间为4月17日—5月10日,所需平均≥10 ℃有效积温为103.69 ℃;雌花盛期起始时间为4月18日—5月15日,所需平均≥10 ℃有效积温为109.25 ℃。(2)84份核桃种质资源雌雄花期可划分为3大类:早花期(4月17日—4月26日),中花期(4月27日—5月6日),晚花期(5月7日及之后)。(3)在未来核桃育种工作中,可选择萌芽较晚的品种(‘中核3号’‘西洛7号’‘金薄香2号’‘金薄香4号’‘西林1号’‘绿香’‘晋香’‘花生1号’‘中核2号’等),以避开春季晚霜危害(≤0 ℃);可合理搭配早中晚花资源,‘礼品2号’(雌花早花)搭配‘西岭’(雄花早花),‘绿岭’(雌花中花)搭配‘西林1号’(雄花中花),‘小果黑核桃’(雌花晚花)搭配‘黑核桃’(雄花晚花),提高授粉率和坐果率。
      结论 本研究明确了84份核桃种质资源在河北省秦皇岛地区萌芽期和雌雄花盛期起始时间,研究结果为84份核桃种质资源的有效开发及利用,合理有效配置授粉品种,筛选和选育避晚霜品种,预测萌芽期和花期以提前采取防寒措施,产业增产增效提供了重要依据。


      Objective To solve frequent late frosts in spring and the mismatch of male and female flowering periods in walnut production, this study investigates the starting time of germination and flower period of 84 walnut germplasm resources in Qinhuangdao, Hebei, aiming to provide a reference for breeding late frost-resistant varieties, optimizing the arrangement of pollinator trees, and enhancing walnut yield.
      Method In 2024, the starting time of germination and flower period of 84 walnut germplasm resources in Changli County, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, were investigated, and atmospheric temperatures during this period were recorded. The effective accumulated temperature of ≥10 ℃ required for germination and flowering was calculated.
      Results (1) The germination period of 84 walnut germplasm resources started from March 24 to March 31, requiring an average ≥10 ℃ effective accumulated temperature of 6.12 ℃; the peak period for male flowers started from April 17 to May 10, requiring an average ≥10 ℃ effective accumulated temperature of 103.69 ℃; the peak period for female flowers started from April 18 to May 15, requiring an average ≥10 ℃ effective accumulated temperature of 109.25 ℃. (2) The 84 germplasm resources were categorized into three groups: early-flowering group (April 17 − April 26), mid-flowering group (April 27 − May 6), and late-flowering group (May 7 and later). (3) In future walnut breeding work, we can select cultivars with late germination period such as ‘Zhonghe3hao’ ‘Xiluo7hao’ ‘Jinboxiang2hao’ ‘Jinboxiang4hao’ ‘Xilin1hao’ ‘Lvxiang’ ‘Jinxiang’ ‘Huasheng1hao’ ‘Zhonghe2hao’ to avoid the late frost in spring (≤0 ℃); and combine reasonably of cultivars with early, mid, and late flowers, such as ‘Lipin2hao’ (female early-flowering group) with ‘Xiling’ (male early-flowering group), ‘Lvling’ (female mid-flowering group) with ‘Xilin1hao’ (male mid-flowering group), ‘Small fruit black walnut’ (female late-flowering group) with ‘Black walnut’ (male late-flowering group) to improve the pollination rates and fruit setting rates.
      Conclusion The findings of this research provide important basis for the effective development and utilization of 84 walnut germplasm resources, optimizing the arrangement of pollinator varieties,screening and breeding late frost-resistant varieties, predicting germination and flower period to implement preemptive frost prevention measures, and promoting increased production and efficiency in the walnut industry.


