

    Effects of Broad-Leaved Transformation on Stand Structure of Pinus massoniana Forest in Subtropical Area

    • 摘要:
      目的 林分结构是林木生长和稳定性的重要影响因素,分析马尾松纯林改造对林分结构的影响,可为马尾松林的质量优化和可持续经营提供理论参考。
      方法 以建德市马尾松次生林轻度间伐无补植(LTNP)、中度间伐无补植(MTNP)、重度间伐无补植(HTNP)、中度间伐补阔(MTP)、重度间伐补阔(HTP)、皆伐补阔(CCP)后的林分为对象,探究间伐和补植两类措施对林分空间和非空间结构的影响,并对不同改造模式的林分结构进行综合评价。
      结果 (1)间伐和补阔改变了林分内树种组成。随间伐强度增加,树种多样性呈先增后降的趋势,林分胸径结构由“单峰”向“多峰”结构转变。林分中小径阶林木占比提高,在同等间伐强度下,补阔林分内大径阶林木占比高于无补植林分。(2)CCP的角尺度显著低于其他改造林分,LTNP的混交度显著低于其他改造林分。随着间伐强度增加,开敞度逐渐增加,林层指数先增加后降低,大小比数和竞争指数逐渐减小,且在重度间伐强度下,补阔林分的大小比数和竞争指数均低于未补植林分。(3)不同改造模式的林分结构综合评价值排序为MTP > HTNP > CCP > HTP > MTNP > LTNP。
      结论 马尾松中度间伐补阔(浙江樟、浙江楠)后,整体林分结构最佳,对于马尾松林结构优化,促进其向针阔混交和阔叶混交林演替有重要作用。


      Objective Forest structure plays a crucial role in tree growth and stability. Analyzing the impact of transformation practices on the structure of Pinus massoniana forests can provide theoretical reference for forest quality improvement and sustainable management.
      Method The different transformation treatments of secondary P. massoniana forests, including mild thinning without replanting (LTNP), moderate thinning without replanting (MTNP), heavy thinning without replanting (HTNP), moderate thinning with broadleaf replanting (MTP), heavy thinning with broadleaf replanting (HTP), and clear cutting with broadleaf replanting (CCP) were selected as research objects in Jiande county, Zhejiang province. We explored the effects of thinning and replanting on both spatial and non-spatial stand structures, and provided comprehensive evaluation of stand structure under different transformation treatments.
      Result (1) The results indicated that thinning and broadleaf replanting significantly altered the forest species composition. With the increasing of the thinning intensity, tree species diversity initially increased and then decreased. The DBH structure of the stand changed from “single peak” to “multi-peak”. The proportion of small or medium diameter trees raised and non-replanted stands having a higher proportion than replanted stands under the same thinning intensity. (2) In terms of space structure, the uniform angle index of CCP was significantly lower than that of other transformation types, and the mingling degree of LTNP was markedly lower compared to others. As thinning intensity increased, stand openness gradually increased, the forest layer index initially increased and then decreased. Additionally, both the dominance and competition index gradually decreased, and these two indexes are lower in broadleaf-replanted stands than in non-replanted ones under the heavy thinning intensity. (3) The rank of comprehensive evaluation value of stand structure was: MTP > HTNP > CCP > HTP > MTNP > LTNP.
      Conclusion Moderate thinning combined with broadleaf replanting (e.g., Cinnamomum japonicum, Phoebe chekiangensis), had the most favorable stand structure. This approach had particularly effective in optimizing the structure of P. massoniana forests and promoting their succession towards mixed coniferous-broadleaf or broadleaf-dominated forest.


