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惠刚盈, 赵中华, 张弓乔

惠刚盈, 赵中华, 张弓乔. 基于林分状态的天然林经营措施优先性研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2016, 38(1): 1-10. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000--1522.20150358
引用本文: 惠刚盈, 赵中华, 张弓乔. 基于林分状态的天然林经营措施优先性研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2016, 38(1): 1-10. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000--1522.20150358
HUI Gang-ying, ZHAO Zhong-hua, ZHANG Gong-qiao. Priority of management measures for natural forests based on the stand state[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2016, 38(1): 1-10. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000--1522.20150358
Citation: HUI Gang-ying, ZHAO Zhong-hua, ZHANG Gong-qiao. Priority of management measures for natural forests based on the stand state[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2016, 38(1): 1-10. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000--1522.20150358





    惠刚盈,研究员,博士生导师。主要研究方向:森林经营。Email:hui@caf.ac.cn 地址:100091 北京市海淀区颐和园后中国林业科学研究院林业研究所。

Priority of management measures for natural forests based on the stand state

  • 摘要: 森林经营是林业发展的永恒主题。为揭示森林经营的奥秘,方便广大林业经营工作者对森林进行科学经营,本文首次探索了天然林优先经营措施选择,尝试了对森林进行类似于医学上“CT”的方法,并开具了天然林“经营处方”。研究认为:经营措施优先性是对许多可选经营措施优先执行顺序的安排;林分状态可通过反映森林结构、多样性和活力的林分空间结构、林分年龄结构、林分组成、林分密度、林分长势、顶极种或目的树种竞争、林分更新和林木健康等8个方面来描述;林分状态雷达图是进行经营问题诊断的简洁工具;基于林分状态组合的120种“经营处方”涵盖了天然林经营的主要方面。研究发现:结构化森林经营是解决天然林经营问题适用频率最高的集成技术;目标树培育技术在林分状态问题很多时,适用的可能性很低;促进天然更新、维护地力的技术措施与传统的抚育间伐措施具有几乎相同的适用频率。
    Abstract: Forest management is the eternal theme in the development of forestry sciences. In order to reveal the mysteries of forest management and facilitate the scientific management of forest, we explored the selection priority of management measures of natural forests for the first time and tried to implement the “medical computed tomography” method for the forest and propose advices for natural forest management in this paper. Studies suggest that the priority of management measures is the arrangement of priority order of available measures and it can be realized by evaluating the stand state to diagnose management problems. The stand state can be described by the following eight indices:forest stand spatial structure, stand age structure, stand composition, stand density, stand growth, climax species or purpose species competition, stand regeneration and forest health, which reflects the structure, diversity and vitality of forest. We can diagnose forest management problems by applying stand state radar chart. We propose 120 ‘management prescriptions’ based on a combination of stand state, which cover most of issues in natural forest management. Our study finds that the structure-based forest management is most frequently applied among integration technologies in solving the problem of natural forest management. The possibility of using the target tree cultivation technology is very low when there are many problems in stand state. The promotion of natural regeneration and maintenance of soil fertility have almost the same application frequency as the traditional technical measures of thinning.
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