

    Application of computer color matching technology in dyestuffs recycled wood dyeing

    • 摘要: 为了解决木材染色过程中染色废水的污染问题,实现木材连缸染色,该研究选用毛白杨单板为试材,使用6种酸性染料,通过真空加压的方法进行单拼色和多拼色的木材连缸染色实验.结果表明:利用计算机配色技术对木材进行连缸染色是可行的;在进行木材的单拼色染色时,染料是按照染液浓度的比例上染的,而多拼色染色时,各染料并不是按照染液中的比例上染的,反映出不同染料与木材的亲和能力和渗透能力之间的差异.


      Abstract: This study was to find out a cost-efficient way to dye wood with recycled dyes so as to reduce the water pollution generated during dyeing process and improve dyeing efficiency.The Populus tomentosa veneer, which was dyed with six acid dyes, was selected as the dyeing sample.The vacuum-pressure dyeing method was applied to conduct monochromatic dyeing and mixed dyeing.Results show that it is feasible to dye wood with recycled dyes under the assistance of computer color matching system.It is also indicated that when dying with single dye, the dye uptake is in proportion with the dye density of dyeing solutions;while in the case of mixed dyeing, the different dyes do not uptake in proportion with their respective densities in the dyeing solutions, and this demonstrats the differences of bonding and penetrating ability of wood with different dyes.


