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赵青, 吕肖斐, 朱晓冉, 张娜, 郭庆启

赵青, 吕肖斐, 朱晓冉, 张娜, 郭庆启. 紫丁香多酚提取工艺优化及抗氧化活性的研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2015, 37(10): 125-129. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20140174
引用本文: 赵青, 吕肖斐, 朱晓冉, 张娜, 郭庆启. 紫丁香多酚提取工艺优化及抗氧化活性的研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2015, 37(10): 125-129. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20140174
ZHAO Qing, Lu Xiao-fei, ZHU Xiao-ran, ZHANG Na, GUO Qing-qi. Optimization of extraction technology for lilac polyphenols and their antioxidant activity.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2015, 37(10): 125-129. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20140174
Citation: ZHAO Qing, Lu Xiao-fei, ZHU Xiao-ran, ZHANG Na, GUO Qing-qi. Optimization of extraction technology for lilac polyphenols and their antioxidant activity.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2015, 37(10): 125-129. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20140174





    赵青。主要研究方向:食用植物资源。Email: 15642766453@qq.com 地址:150040黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区和兴路26号东北林业大学林学院。 责任作者: 郭庆启,博士,讲师。主要研究方向:天然产物化学。Email:qingqiguo@nefu.edu.cn 地址同上。

    赵青。主要研究方向:食用植物资源。Email: 15642766453@qq.com 地址:150040黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区和兴路26号东北林业大学林学院。 责任作者: 郭庆启,博士,讲师。主要研究方向:天然产物化学。Email:qingqiguo@nefu.edu.cn 地址同上。

Optimization of extraction technology for lilac polyphenols and their antioxidant activity.

  • 摘要: 以紫丁香为原料,对紫丁香多酚的提取及抗氧化活性进行了研究,得到最适提取工艺条件为:乙醇浓度55%、料液比1∶50、浸提温度70 ℃、浸提时间50 min,此工艺条件下紫丁香多酚的得率为(1.73±0.05)mg/g。采用生物活性追踪法研究发现紫丁香多酚中抗氧化活性最强组分的极性为弱极性,当这部分样液质量浓度为70 μg/mL时,总还原能力为0.64±0.01,DPPH自由基的清除能力为(79.44±0.67)%。研究发现经人工胃液处理后,紫丁香多酚抗氧化活性最强组分的抗氧化能力上升,而经人工肠液处理后其抗氧化能力下降。
    Abstract: We extracted polyphenols from lilac (Syringa oblate) and tested their antioxidant activity. The optimal extraction conditions were found to be ethanol concentration of 55%, material/liquid ratio of 1∶50, extraction temperature of 70 ℃ and extraction time of 50 min. Under these conditions, the yield of lilac polyphenols was (1.73±0.05) mg/g. With the biological activity tracking method it was found that the polarity of the strongest antioxidant fraction in lilac polyphenols was weak, the total reducing capacity was 0.64±0.01 and DPPH free radical scavenging capacity was (79.44±0.67)% when the concentration of the sample solution was 70 μg/mL. The study revealed that the capacity of the strongest antioxidant fraction of lilac polyphenols was increased after the treatment by artificial gastric solution, while decreased after the treatment by artificial intestinal solution.
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  • 收稿日期:  2014-06-18
  • 发布日期:  2015-10-30


