

    Growth ring characteristics, growth pattern and age structure of warm temperate broadleaf forest in central Taiwan

    • 摘要: 台湾目前对于阔叶树种的生长轮少有研究,尤其对于天然阔叶林的生长趋势与模型的相关研究更是缺乏,许多资料仍相当不足,有鉴于此,本研究将针对台湾中部地区的典型暖温带阔叶林进行生长轮的研究与探讨。神木溪保护林于2003年已设置完成18个长期观察的森林动态样区,本研究采用第13~18共6个样区内所有胸径大于6 cm之阔叶树,依据林分特征调查结果,钻取大于6 cm胸径林木,钻取高度约在胸径位置,共取得22科33属39种合计448支树芯。年轮分析运用实体显微镜配合CCD拍摄,目视各树种内年轮的变异,并加以分类,作为年轮目视判视与计数年轮的依据,并用Velmax系统量测年轮宽度,应用树冠级模式(CCM)、定期生长量模式(PAI)及混合模式(Mixed)建立各冠层生长趋势,并解析各树种树龄结构,以提供台湾最大面积、分布最广之楠槠及栎林带林分经营之参考。年轮特征上,属于散孔材树种占79%;半环孔材树种占18%;环孔材树种占3%。生长趋势上,所有树种的平均生长速率统计结果为3.53 mm/a。冠层产生垂直层次分化作用明显,显示出其生长的趋势,上主冠层直径增长情形最快,平均生长率为4.47 mm/a;主冠层其次,平均生长率为2.95 mm/a;底冠层速率最慢,平均生长率为2.92 mm/a。PAI模式显示大部分树种的生长趋势是呈现年轮宽度随树龄增加而增加或线性常数的情形。树龄估算以树冠级模式、PAI模式和混合模式3种模式估算,全部平均年龄分别为55、60、59年。混合模式的利用可以降低单独使用树冠级模式或PAI模式的误差率。树龄结构上,依树冠级模式、PAI模式及混合模式龄级分布结果,本样区充满耐阴性树种前生苗与灌木,逐渐形成典型的复层林。树龄出现2种分群,第1种大多为耐阴性树种的小苗,树木建立时间为20世纪后期;第2种在1900年左右形成了1个独立的单峰。年轮不明显区别造成类型分类的困难,轮宽不规则也无法明确定年,PAI模式需要大量的各龄阶树芯数据建立回归模式,所得到的模型才具有足够之代表性,混合模式虽解决了部分树龄推估的误差,但仍有其他问题,因此日后应更进一步进行探讨与分析,方能对森林生态系之永续经营与发展产生一定程度的帮助。本研究提供暖温带阔叶林林分径向生长与树龄结构信息,以供森林收获采伐和森林永续经营参考。


      Abstract: Few studies focus on the growth ring of broadleaf trees in Taiwan at present, especially lack of researches in modeling growth rate of natural broadleaf forest. This study thus aims at studying the growth ring of typical warm temperate broadleaf forest in central Taiwan. The 18 long-term forest dynamics plots in shenmuhsi reserved forest were established since 2003. Trees with DBH 6 cm in 6 plots of 13--18 were coring at breast height. 448 cores in total from 39 species 33 genera 22 families were obtained based on the stand characteristics. Microscope and CCD were used for tree-ring analysis. The transition point between successive annual rings was ditermined and classified visually, and then was used as the basis for visual determination and calculation of growth ring. We measured ring width using Velmax system. The crown-class model (CCM), PAI regression model, and mixed model were used to describe a crown trend and to analyze the age structures of species, which could be served as the references for the stand management on most widely distributed Machiluscastanopsis and Quercus with largest area in Taiwan. Regarding the character of growth ring, 79% samples are diffuse-porous species, 18% semi-ring-porous and 3% ring-porous. Average growth rate for all species is 3.53 mm/a. The significant vertical difference happened in canopy level. The average growth rate is 4.47 mm/a in overstory (upper) trees, which is the fast growing one, 2.95 mm/a in overstory (main) trees, and 2.92 mm/a in understory trees. PAI model denotes that the ring width linearly increases over time in most of the species. With 3 models of crown-class, PAI and mixed the estimated average age was 55, 60 and 59 respectively. The use of mixed model could lower error percentage than using PAI mode and crown-class model. The distribution of age group from CCM, PAI and mixed model revealed that this area is full of shade-tolerant seedlings and shrubs, and then gradually typical multi-layer forest is formed. The trees by age could be divided into two groups. The first group is mostly shade-tolerant seedlings originated at the late 20th century, and the second group formed an independent peak in 1900. Invisibility of growth ring caused the difficulty on classification. Irregularity of ring width resulted in the no way to determine age. PAI model needs large sample data of tree cores from different tree ages to do regression for being representative. Other problems still remain although the mixed model could lower estimation error of tree age. Therefore, it is necessary to further discuss and analyze the information and methodologies for the sustainable management and development of forest ecosystem. The study provides a sample of radial growth and age structure of warm temperate broadleaf stand for better understanding of forest management in this area.


