Climate response in cell characteristics of Picea crassifolia along elevation gradient in Qilian Mountains, northwestern China
摘要: 为探明木材细胞结构对气候因子的响应,以祁连山中部3个海拔高度的青海云杉为研究对象,利用Silviscan-3测定了青海云杉的木材细胞结构参数(管胞径向直径、管胞个数、管胞壁厚);在掌握木材细胞结构随海拔高度和年际变化的基础上,借鉴树木年轮气候学研究方法,建立木材细胞结构差值年表,分析木材细胞结构与月均温度和降雨量的关系。结果表明:管胞径向直径随海拔的增加而增加,管胞个数随海拔的增加而减少,管胞壁厚在3个海拔上无明显的变化规律。管胞径向直径与温度呈负相关,与降雨量呈正相关。管胞个数与温度呈正相关,与降雨量呈负相关;温度和降雨量对管胞个数的影响时间段与管胞径向直径相似,均与6、7月温度显著相关,与5、6月降雨量显著相关。管胞壁厚与温度呈正相关,与降雨量呈负相关,与温度显著相关的月份明显多于与降雨量显著相关的月份,表明温度对管胞壁厚的影响比降雨量强。温度对管胞径向直径、个数和壁厚的影响在3个海拔上没有明显变化;而与降雨量的关系随海拔的增加而减弱,甚至在高海拔处,管胞径向直径、个数、壁厚与降雨量的相关性均不显著。这表明温度不是限制祁连山青海云杉海拔分布的主要因子,而降雨量是限制其分布的主要因子。Abstract: In order to investigate the climate response of wood cell characteristics of Picea crossifolia at three elevations in the Qilian Mountains, northwestern China, we measured radial diameter, number and wall thickness of tracheids of P. crossifolia using Silviscan-3. Residual chronologies of radial diameter, number and wall thickness of tracheids were established by dendrochronological methods based on variation of cell characteristics with elevation and calendar year. Relationships between cell characteristics and monthly mean temperature and monthly total precipitation were analyzed. The results indicated that radial diameter of tracheids increased but the number of tracheids decreased with the rise of elevation; there was no obvious change in wall thickness at three elevations. Radial diameter of tracheids was negatively correlated with temperature, but positively associated with precipitation. The number of tracheids was positively correlated with temperature, but negatively with precipitation. Temperature in June and July, and precipitation in May and June had a significant influence on radial diameter and number of tracheids. Tracheid wall thickness was positively correlated with temperature, but negatively with precipitation. Temperature had a stronger effect on tracheid wall thickness than precipitation. Effect of temperature on cell characteristics was consistent at three elevations, while the impact of precipitation decreased with the rise of elevation. Our findings suggest that precipitation, instead of temperature, is the main factor restricting the distribution of P. crossifolia along elevation gradient.
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