Analysis of mutual benefit and damage of interspecific association of plant species in sandy area in Yulin, Shaanxi of western China.
摘要: 不同植物种间有相互联结、互利共生、并肩生长,有疏远不接触,有单方寄生,还有种间相互排斥,致死对方,形成群落演替。如何识别在生态幅度极为狭窄的干旱贫瘠沙地中的植物种间关系对建立稳定固沙植物群落、提高固沙效益具有重要意义。本文利用2×2列联表求算植物种间联结概率, 可较准确地反映植物种间关系。榆林沙地主要固沙植物种间联结概率P≤0.05, 表示差异显著以及二者结合程度很小,说明植物种间没有必须联结生长的种间关系, 以分离独立生长为主。有的联结系数为负值,说明种间不仅不联结,反而相互排斥。榆林沙地是“半干旱沙漠”,土壤贫瘠,缺乏植物生存所需的水分和养分, 尤其同科同属植物生态习性相同, 所需土壤营养物质也基本相同, 因土壤缺乏生存所需物质,植物种间为生存而争夺有限的营养物质,形成强者生存、劣者被淘汰。因此,在干旱贫瘠的沙地,植物种的生存受生态幅度狭窄的制约,难以承受多种植物同时并肩生长。 榆林治理沙漠的主要经验就是时时事事都要遵循顺应自然规律,不可超越违逆自然,违逆自然就要吃恶果。Abstract: Interspecific association of plant species could bring mutual benefits to them. There are several forms of association, such as noncontact, parasitism, interspecific rejection and sometimes lethal damages to opponents, and as a result, community succession could be formed. A clear understanding of interspecific relationship of plants in drought, barren sandy area with very narrow niche breadth is important to build stable community of sand-fixing plant species, and improve sand-fixing benefits. In this study, we calculated probability of plant species association in the sandy area in Yulin, Shaanxi Province with a 2×2 contingency table, which could accurately explain the relationship between plant species. Results showed that the probability of association of main sand-fixing plants was smaller than 0.05 in this area. The low coefficient of association implies that plant species there have no connected growth, and they mainly grow independently. Negative coefficient of association indicates that plant species exclude each other instead of associating. Yulin sandy area is a semiarid desert, short of water and nutrients that plants need to survive, especially for those with similar ecological habit of same genera and same families. In order to survive, these plants compete for the very limited nutrients and thus the poor competitors are always eliminated. Therefore, in the drought area, survival of plants is restricted by narrow niche breadth, very hard to bear connected growth of many species. Our main experience of sand control in Yulin is to follow and adapt to the nature, instead of violating it.
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