Spatial distribution patterns of rare and endangered species richness and hotspot analysis in giant panda distribution areas
摘要: 分析物种丰富度格局和热点区是保护生物多样性的有效手段和途径。本文基于珍稀濒危物种名录信息,结合遥感影像、文献信息和专家经验,研究了大熊猫分布区内珍稀濒危物种及中国特有珍稀濒危物种的丰富度空间格局,确定了物种丰富度热点区,分析了大熊猫保护区对热点区保护的有效性。结果表明:大熊猫分布区内,与大熊猫同域分布的珍稀濒危物种有293种,包括哺乳动物109种、鸟类58种、爬行动物18种、两栖动物35种、高等植物73种;其中,IUCN极危物种11种、濒危物种48种、易危物种111种、近危物种74种,列入CITES附录Ⅱ2种,国家一级保护植物7种,国家二级保护植物36种;293种珍稀濒危物种中,133种为中国特有,19种为大熊猫分布区特有。大熊猫分布区中,岷山的文县和平武,邛崃山的汶川、宝兴和康定珍稀濒危物种丰富度最高,达到15~19种/km2,物种密集区呈块状或线状破碎化分布;秦岭山系、岷山山系和邛崃山系为中国特有珍稀濒危物种丰富度最高的集中分布区,丰富度为5~6种/km2;海拔1400~1600m和1800~2000m,分别为珍稀濒危物种和中国特有珍稀濒危物种丰富度最高的海拔区段,物种丰富度达186种和77种;800~2800m是珍稀濒危物种和中国特有珍稀濒危物种分布最密集的海拔范围,分别覆盖了88.4%的珍稀濒危物种和87.2%的中国特有珍稀濒危物种。大熊猫分布区有6个珍稀濒危物种丰富度热点区,占分布区总面积的10.5%,覆盖了分布区85%的珍稀濒危物种;中国特有珍稀濒危物种热点区,占分布区总面积的17.2%,覆盖了85%的中国特有珍稀濒危物种。大熊猫保护区,覆盖了27.6%的珍稀濒危物种热点区和21.4%的中国特有珍稀濒危物种热点区,保护了71.7%的珍稀濒危物种和70.7%的中国特有珍稀濒危物种。本研究结果可为提高大熊猫保护区的有效性和维护大熊猫种群的持续生存提供科学依据。
- 大熊猫分布区 /
- 珍稀濒危物种 /
- 中国特有珍稀濒危物种 /
- 丰富度格局 /
- 热点区
Abstract: Analyzing spatial distribution pattern of species richness and hotspots is an effective means for protecting biodiversity. We studied the spatial distribution patterns of richness of rare and endangered (RE) species and those endemic RE species to China in the giant panda distribution areas based on the directory of RE species, remote sensing images, data from references and expert experiences. We determined the richness hotspot areas and identified the hotspots of RE species and endemic RE species, and then analyzed the performance of the nature reserves established for giant panda conservation. We found that: 1) 293 RE species occurred in the giant panda distribution areas, including 109 mammals, 58 birds, 18 reptiles, 35 amphibians, 73 higher plants, among which 11 species were Critically Endangered (CR), 48 Endangered (EN), 111 Vulnerable species, 74 Near Threatened on IUCN Red List, and 2 included in CITES Plant Category II, 7 under CategoryⅠof state protected plants, and 36 under Category II of state protected plants, 133 endemic to China and 19 endemic to the giant panda distribution areas; 2) Amongst the giant panda distribution areas, Wenxian and Pingwu in Minshan Mountain, Wenchuan, Baoxing and Kangding in Qionglai Moutain have the richest RE species with 15-19 species/km2, and Qinling, Minshan and Qionglai Mountains have the richest endemic RE species with 5-6 species/km2. For the vertical distribution pattern, the elevation ranges between 1400-1600m and 1800-2000m have the richest RE species (186 species) and endemic RE species richness (77 species), respectively, and 88.4% of RE species and 87.2% of endemic RE species were covered at elevation of 800-2800m; 3) There were six RE species hotspots, which covered 10.5% of the giant panda distribution areas and 85% of the RE species were distributed in the hotspots. At the same time, there were six endemic RE species hotspots, which covered 17.2% of the giant panda distribution area and 85% of the endemic RE species were distributed in the hotspots; 4) The nature reserves established for giant panda covered 27.6% of the RE species hotspots and 21.4% of the endemic RE species hotspots, and protected 71.7% of the RE species and 70.7% of the endemic RE species, respectively. Our results would provide scientific basis for improving effectiveness of giant panda nature reserves and maintaining sustainable existence of the wild giant panda population. -
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