

    Effects of scale and structure of urban forest in lowering air temperature and increasing humidity in summer in Beijing.

    • 摘要: 城市化进程加快引发了城市热岛效应等一系列环境问题,城市森林的温湿效应能有效缓解城市热岛,是居民夏季户外活动舒适及健康的保障。以北京城市公园内17处片状林为研究对象,以林分面积和林内到林缘的距离(林内不同深度,L)作为林分规模的参数、以叶面积指数(LAI)作为表征林分结构的参数,对城市森林面积、L、LAI等参数与城市森林降温、增湿程度及温湿指数的关系进行了研究。结果表明,森林规模和林分结构对城市森林的温湿效应有显著影响:1)城市森林温湿效应随林分面积增大而增高,61.67%的相对降温程度(dT)、69.44%的相对增湿程度(dRH)、55.63%的相对温湿指数(dTHI)变化是由城市森林面积引起的;2)城市森林降温效应随LAI的增大而增高,城市森林的降温效应58.98%来自于LAI;3)林分面积和LAI对城市森林降温效应有显著的交互影响,随面积增加LAI对降温程度的影响逐渐下降;4)城市森林dT随L的加大而增高,L对dT的解释程度为57.26%。因此,在城市森林规划与建设中,重视大规模林地的建设并注重增加林分覆盖度才能发挥稳定的温湿效应,有效缓解热岛。


      Abstract: Urbanization has triggered a series of environmental problems, such as the urban heat island (UHI). Previous studies have shown that the cooling and humidifying effects of urban forests can alleviate the UHI effectively and provide comfort and healthy environment for outdoor activities of the public. In this study, we chose 17 plots of urban forests in Beijing’s urban parks as our research targets. The forest area and the distance from inside to the edge of the forest (L) were used as parameters to represent forest scale, and leaf area index (LAI) was used to characterize forest structure. The relationships between forest area, L, LAI and air temperature reduction percentage (dT),relative air humidity increase percentage (dRH), thermal humidity index reduction percentage (dTHI) were explored, respectively. The results showed that: 1) with forest area increasing, the cooling and humidifying effects were strengthened, which led to 61.67% of dT, 69.44% of dRH and 55.63% of dTHI. 2) When LAI of urban forest increased, the cooling effect was strengthened, contributing 58.98% of the cooling effect. 3) There was an interactive impact between forest area and LAI on dT, i.e., as the forest area increased, the effect of LAI on dT was weakened. 4) dT ascended with the increase of L, and 57.26% of the dT was caused by the latter. Therefore, with the purpose of relieving the UHI, it is important to develop large areas of urban forests and maintain high forest coverage during the urban planning in order to enlarge their cooling and humidifying effects.


