Test of sound frequency treatment in timber and the hypothesis of trees’ sound principle.
摘要: 为探究声波技术在林业生产上的应用前景,2013—2014年,采用植物声频发生器对若干树种分别进行了苗圃与林地试验,结果显示:声波能促进树木的生长,如油松、侧柏苗木的高生长分别比对照增加了32.4%、49.7%;杉木林的材积生长量是对照的2.16倍;能促进豆目树种根瘤的繁殖,声波区刺槐苗根瘤量是对照的7.1倍。声波还能增强树势,提高树木的抗病虫害能力,并有增加化学防治效果的作用。试验结果表明,声波技术在林业生产上有着广泛的推广应用前景。关于树木是如何发声、声波为什么能增强树木的光合速率从而促进树木生长等问题,本文第一作者提出了一个树木发声原理的假说来解释这些问题,即基于运动产生摩擦振动的发声原理:树木的发声主要源于水分在树木木质部导管或管胞中流动的振动信号;蒸腾拉力是树木水分流动的主要动力,也是树木发声的主要动力。Abstract: To explore application of acoustic wave technology in forestry production, we used acoustic frequency generator of plant to carry out a number of nursery and woodland tests on different plant species during the year 2013 and 2014. The results showed that the acoustic wave can promote the growth of trees. It increases the height of Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis seedlings by 32.4% and 49.7%, respectively, and improves the volume growth of Cunninghamia lanceolata forest by 2.16 times, compared to the control. It can also promote the breeding of Rhizobium legume species and the amount of nodule volume of Robinia pseudoacacia seedlings is 7.1 times that of the control group. Besides, sonic wave can also enhance vigor, improve the capacity of pest-resistance of trees and increase the effects of chemical control. The results have shown that there is a wide range of promotion prospects about sonic technology in the forestry production. Nevertheless, questions such as how the trees sound, and why the sonic wave can enhance the photosynthetic rate of trees and promote the growth of trees still remain unclear. We come up with a hypothesis to explain these issues. Based on the sound principles, the sound of trees comes from the vibration of water passing through the xylem vessels and tracheids. Transpirational pull is not only the driving force of water flowing of trees, but also the main driver of vocalization of trees.
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