Preparation and performance of hymexazol/lignin based amphoteric surfactant/bentonite slow-release formulation.
摘要: 农药缓释剂是减少环境污染的有效策略,为开发成本低廉且具有释放速度调节能力的农药缓释剂,同时提高木质素产品的附加值,以木质素两性表面活性剂(二甲基-正丁基-磺化木质素基氯化铵(DBSLAC))为改性剂、钠基膨润土为原料,通过与膨润土层间的金属离子进行离子交换,制备改性膨润土。以恶霉灵为药物释放的对象、改性膨润土为释放的主要载体,利用浸渍吸附的方法制备出恶霉灵缓释剂,研究其缓释性能,并通过FTIR表征其结构,采用XRD分析改性后膨润土的底面间距。结果表明:恶霉灵在有机膨润土上的吸附量随着DBSLAC的增加先增大后减小;当DBSLAC相当于膨润土可交换阳离子总量(CEC)的1.2倍时,制备的1.2 CEC改性膨润土(L-1.2Bt)吸附恶霉灵的效果最佳;与未改性膨润土相比,L-1.2Bt对恶霉灵的吸附效果增强。制备恶霉灵缓释剂的最佳工艺条件为L-1.2Bt用量0.02 g、吸附时间8 h、恶霉灵浓度500 mg/L、pH值为2,该条件下制备的恶霉灵缓释剂对恶霉灵的最大吸附量为406 mg/g。另外,药水比例和温度对恶霉灵缓释剂的缓释快慢有一定影响。Abstract: The use of slow-release formulation of pesticide is an effective strategy to reduce environmental pollution. In order to develop a slow-release formulation of low cost and with release regulation capability, and enhance the added value of lignin products, we used lignin-based amphoteric surfactant (dimethyl-butyl-sulfonated lignin ammonium chloride: DBSLAC) as modification agent to exchange the metal ions between the layer of sodium-based bentonite which was used as raw material, and prepared modified bentonite. Hymexazol was selected as the drug for release, and was loaded on modified bentonite. Hymexazol slow-release formulation was prepared by means of adsorption, its performance was studied, and its structure was characterized by FT-IR. The basal spacing of modified bentonite was analyzed with XRD. The results showed that with an increase of DBSLAC dosage, the adsorption capacity that modified bentonite adsorped hymexazol first increased and then decreased, and the optimum adsorption effect for acetaniprid was 1.2 CEC. Compared to the unmodified bentonite, the adsorption effect for hymexazol increased. The optimum adsorption conditions for hymexazol were L-1.2Bt dosage 0.02 g, adsorption time 8 h, mass concentration of acetaniprid 500 mg/L and pH 2. Under these conditions, the maximum adsorption capacity was 406 mg/g. The water soluble method indicated that potion proportion and temperature had certain effect on the accumulative release rate of L-1.2Bt.
- enzymatic hydrolysis lignin /
- bentonite /
- adsorption /
- hymexazol /
- slow release
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