Technology in preparation of ethanol from the enzymatic hydrolysate of Tara fiber residues.
摘要: 以塔拉纤维剩余物酶解液为原料,采用固定化酵母发酵方式制备乙醇,通过单因素和正交优化试验进行工艺优化。结果表明:最优工艺条件为海藻酸钠与酵母质量比1∶2.0、酵母用量1.5 g、底物糖质量分数30%。各个因素对发酵制乙醇影响的顺序为海藻酸钠与酵母质量比>底物糖质量分数>酵母用量。最优工艺条件下,乙醇产率为76.74%,酶解液中底物糖利用率达到97.18%。考虑到乙醇产率和发酵成本,固定化酵母可以重复使用3次。Abstract: In this study, ethanol was prepared by fermentation of immobilized yeast, with enzymatic hydrolysate of Tara residues as raw material, and the process was optimized by single factor and orthogonal experiments. The optimal experiment conditions were the concentration of substrate sugar 30%, dosage of yeast 1.5 g, and mass ratio of sodium alginate to yeast 1∶2.0. The impact of various factors on ethanol yield was ranked from high to low as: the mass ratio of sodium alginate to yeast concentration of substrate sugar yeast dosage. Under the optimum conditions, the ethanol yield was 76.74% and utilization of substrate sugar was 97.18%. Taking into account the cost and yield of ethanol production, the immobilized yeast was reused three times.
- Tara fiber residues /
- enzymatic hydrolysis /
- immobilized yeast /
- yield of ethanol
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