Algorithm for leaf area index inversion in the Great Xing'an Mountains using MISR data and spatial scaling for the validation
摘要: 叶面积指数(LAI)是气候研究和生态研究中重要的植被冠层结构参数,遥感技术为快速获取大面积叶面积指数提供了有效途径。大兴安岭地区是我国重要的生态功能区,本文以大兴安岭为研究区域,根据森林林分特征,采用基于物理过程的4-Scale几何光学模型,利用多角度MISR遥感数据反演该区域叶面积指数数据。几何光学模型特点在于参数具有物理意义,考虑地面反射的热点效应,模型反演过程不依赖于样本数据适用于大区域反演研究,MISR数据提供同一区域多角度遥感数据,有效解决了单一观测角度植被指数和叶面积指数函数关系饱和点低的问题。由于地面验证数据空间尺度无法满足MISR数据的空间分辨率,本文采用TM数据对样地实测叶面积指数数据进行尺度转换,针对不用坡向叶面积指数空间异质性进行分析,讨论不同空间分辨率验证数据的合理性,研究表明大兴安岭区域使用600m空间分辨率验证数据对MISR数据反演结果检验最优,该分辨率下叶面积指数变化随空间尺度变化趋于稳定,并较好地避免了2种遥感数据几何配准带来的误差。结果表明:4-Scale几何光学模型适用于我国大兴安岭地区森林叶面积指数反演,实验中MISR数据反演叶面积指数的平均绝对误差为25.6%、均方根误差为0.622。本研究为大兴安岭地区叶面积指数大区域快速定量反演提供了研究基础。Abstract: Leaf Area Index (LAI) is an important parameter of vegetation canopy structure in the research of climate and ecology. Remote sensing technology provides an effective method for rapid acquisition of large-area leaf area index. The Great Xing'an Mountains are an important ecological function area of China, where the present study was conducted. According to the different forest characteristics, we used 4-scale geometrical optics model based on physical process. Simultaneously, we used the multi-perspectives MISR remote sensing data to inverse the leaf area index of this region. Geometrical optics model characterized by parameters have physical significance which considers the hot-spot effect of the ground reflection, and modelling inversion process is independent on sample data, suitable for inversion in a large area. The MISR remote sensing data provide multiple perspectives in the same region, which effectively address the question that LAI can only be observed at a single angle and the question of low level saturation point in the LAI function relationship. Because the scale of ground validation data cannot meet the spatial resolution requirement of the MISR data, TM data were used to scale transformation for plot-measured leaf area index data. We analyzed the heterogeneity of LAI in different slopes and discussed the validation data rationality at different spatial resolutions. Our study shows that the validation data at a 600m spatial resolution can obtain optimal inversion result of MISR data, and at such a resolution, the change of LAI with spatial scale tends to stabilize and successfully avoids the error caused by the geometric registration of the two remote sensing data. The results of our study showed that: 4-scale geometry model is suitable for LAI inversion in the Great Xing'an Mountains, MISR-inversed mean absolute error of LAI is 25.6% and RMSE (the root-mean-square error) is 0.622. This research provides foundation for rapid, quantitative inversion of LAI in the Great Xing'an Mountains.
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