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张英楠, 芦静, 张启昌, 王国胜, 邵殿坤, 施莹

张英楠, 芦静, 张启昌, 王国胜, 邵殿坤, 施莹. 9个能源柳无性系的生物量、热值和能量现存量[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2016, 38(9): 55-61. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20150223
引用本文: 张英楠, 芦静, 张启昌, 王国胜, 邵殿坤, 施莹. 9个能源柳无性系的生物量、热值和能量现存量[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2016, 38(9): 55-61. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20150223
ZHANG Ying-nan, LU Jing, ZHANG Qi-chang, WANG Guo-sheng, SHAO Dian-kun, SHI Ying. Biomass,caloric value and standing crop energy of nine energy willow clones.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2016, 38(9): 55-61. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20150223
Citation: ZHANG Ying-nan, LU Jing, ZHANG Qi-chang, WANG Guo-sheng, SHAO Dian-kun, SHI Ying. Biomass,caloric value and standing crop energy of nine energy willow clones.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2016, 38(9): 55-61. DOI: 10.13332/j.1000-1522.20150223







Biomass,caloric value and standing crop energy of nine energy willow clones.

  • 摘要: 采用直接收获法、快速灰化法和量热法对引进的4种7个能源柳无性系(钻石柳AS625、AS287,旱白柳AAUSC、AAUSL,欧洲红皮柳AFC190、AFC189,毛枝柳ASV1)和2个对照本地柳(旱柳和杞柳)的生物量、灰分含量、去灰分热值和能量现存量进行研究。结果表明:以AAUSC的生物量最高,为92.9 t/hm2,其次是AAUSL,生物量为65.13 t/hm2,AS287的生物量最小,仅为4.31 t/hm2。不同器官的灰分含量为:树叶8.28%~12.70%,树枝1.98%~4.17%,干2.51%~3.82%;去灰分热值为树叶15 636.29~18 840.77 J/g,树枝18 162.30~19 124.39 J/g,干17 219.71~18 756.31 J/g。7个能源柳无性系不同器官的灰分含量和去灰分热值差异均极显著(P0.01)。引进的能源柳中能量现存量最高的无性系为AAUSC(15.84108 kJ/hm2),其次为AAUSL(11.88108 kJ/hm2),AS287最小(0.77108 kJ/hm2)。能源柳的能量现存量为乔木柳高于灌木柳,引进的能源柳高于本地柳。
    Abstract: We studied the biomass, ash content, caloric value, and standing crop energy of seven exotic energy willow clones (AS625 and AS287 of Salix eriocephala, AAUSC and AAUSL of S. matsudanaS. alba, AFC190 and AFC189 of S.purpurea, ASV1 of S. dasyclados) and two native willow species of S. matsudana and S. integra by methods of direct harvesting, fast ashing and caloric value measurment in Qianan County in Jilin Province, northeast China. The results showed that biomass of AAUSC was the highest (92.9 t/ha), followed by that of AAUSL (65.13 t/ha), and that of AS287 was the lowest one (4.3 t/ha). Ash contents of different organs were 8.28%-12.70% for leaves, 1.98%-4.17% for twigs, and 2.51%-3.82% for stems. Ash-free caloric values were 15 636.29-18 840.77, 18 162.30-19 124.39, and 17 219.71-18 756.31 J/g for leaves, twigs, and stems, respectively. Ash contents and ash-free caloric values differed significantly (P0.01). The standing crop energy of AAUSC was the highest among the seven exotic energy willow clones, that of AAUSL followed, and that of AS287 was the lowest. The standing crop energy of arbor willows were higher than that of shrub willows, and that of exotic willows clones were higher than that of native willows species.
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  • 收稿日期:  2015-06-17
  • 发布日期:  2016-09-29


