

    Distribution of wintering waterbirds and assessment of their habitat in Dongting Lake, China.

    • 摘要: 洞庭湖越冬水鸟具有种类多、种群数量大、密集度高的特点。因洞庭湖在迁徙水鸟保护方面的重要意义,该区共有3块湿地被指定为国际重要湿地。由于三峡大坝的运行,洞庭湖越冬水鸟的生态安全受到严重威胁。准确掌握洞庭湖越冬水鸟分布和栖息地质量信息是越冬水鸟保护科学决策的基础。本研究依据洞庭湖保护区的边界,将洞庭湖湿地分为3块区域:东洞庭湖、南洞庭湖和西洞庭湖。以20082012年洞庭湖环湖鸟类同步调查数据为基础,分析了3块区域越冬水鸟的丰富度,包括:物种数、种群大小和珍稀濒危水鸟种群数量。此外,以2013年1月环境小卫星在洞庭湖区的影像为基础,运用遥感技术解译研究区内越冬水鸟栖息地分布数据。将3块区域的越冬水鸟丰富度和栖息地质量数据进行对比发现:东洞庭湖区域水鸟栖息地保存最为完好,越冬水鸟丰富度最高;而大规模的杨树林和芦苇种植则导致西洞庭和南洞庭栖息地破碎化严重,是西洞庭和南洞庭水鸟物种单一和种群丰富度低的主要原因。在此基础上提出现存良好的候鸟栖息地是洞庭湖越冬水鸟仅存的庇护所,应当严格保护。对于洞庭湖区一些已经被开发利用的洲滩湿地,应采取合理规划措施逐步恢复其原有的水文过程和湿地生态功能,以促进洞庭湖越冬水鸟及其栖息地的保护。研究结果可为洞庭湖越冬水鸟保护工作提供参考。


      Abstract: The wintering waterbirds in Dongting Lake have features of rich species, abundant populations and high density. There are totally three wetlands in Dongting Lake listed as Ramsar sites due to their significance in conservation of migratory waterbirds. However, the habitats of the wintering waterbirds are threatened by hydrological projects such as the operation of the Three Gorges Dam. Understanding the current distribution and habitat quality are fundamental for conservation of wintering waterbirds. In this study, we divided the whole Dongting Lake wetland into three areas based on the boundary of the reserve: East Dongting Lake, South Dongting Lake and West Dongting Lake. Waterbirds richness (species, population size and population of rare and endangered species) in these three parts were calculated with synchronous bird survey data during the period of 20082012. Land cover of the study site at 30 m resolution for 2013 winter was mapped. Comparing waterbird richness and landscape pattern between these three areas, we found that the waterbird richness was the highest at the East Dongting Lake, which is consistent with its best preservation of habitats integrity. By contrast, habitat fragmentation caused by planting of poplar trees and reeds reduced the waterbird richness of the South and West Dongting Lake. The results indicated that only remaining well-preserved habitat in the Dongting Lake is the crucial refuge for wintering waterbirds and should be protected strictly. The wet meadows that were developed to plant poplar trees and reeds should be restored gradually. The results have direct conservation implications for future conservation and management of wintering waterbirds in the Dongting Lake.


