Quantitative effect of topography and forest type on snow melting process in spring
摘要: 春季融雪是北方寒冷地区春季径流的主要来源,对缓解春旱具有重要意义。森林能够延缓春季融雪径流已成为共识,但流域内地形与植被等因素的不同使得森林对融雪速率的影响具有时空异质性,定量估算地形因素与植被因素对融雪过程的影响有助于提高流域水文模型的精度。本文采用山地小气候模型(MTCLIM)的方法计算了地形对太阳辐射的分配以及雪蒸发的模拟,采用经地形与植被修正的气温日数法计算融雪量,从而定量探讨了地形与植被因素对融雪的综合影响效果。结果表明:流域内融雪的模拟计算能够较好地反映地形与植被对融雪的影响,计算值与观测值之间的相关系数为0.90。流域内植被对融雪过程的影响要远大于地形的影响,仅考虑地形的影响时,平均融雪速率为1.91 mm/d,与空旷平地融雪速率1.95 mm/d相近,而仅考虑植被影响情境下,融雪速率为1.26 mm/d,仅为空旷平地融雪速率的64.6%。但具体到坡面某点,模拟的准确性还有待提高。雪蒸发的模拟结果较差,说明仅考虑地形与植被的Priestly-Taylor方法无法正确模拟雪蒸发的时空分布。Abstract: Snow melting is a main source of river flow and contributes to diminishing drought in spring time in cold regions of northern China. The fact that forest can delay snowmelt runoff has been well known; however, tempo-spatial heterogeneity of snow melting resulted from topography and vegetation still remains unclear. In addition, quantitative estimation of the effect of vegetation and topography on snow ablation would improve the accuracy of watershed hydrology model. In this study, the method of MTCLIM(Mountain microclimate simulation model)was used to calculate or simulate snow evaporation and influence of topography on radiation, the degree day approach modified by topography and vegetation was used to calculate or simulate snow melting rate. The results showed that simulation can reflect the integrated influence of topography and vegetation on snowmelt just as the correlation coefficient of simulation and observation was 0.90. Furthermore, the effect of vegetation on snow melting was greater than that of topography, specifically, regardless of topography, the average snow ablation rate of the entire watershed was 1.26 mm/d which was only 64.6% of that of open plain (1.95 mm/d). However, topography accordingly resulted in a mean snow ablation rate of 1.91 mm/d, almost equal to that of open plain. It should also be noted that simulation accuracy related to specific site still need be enhanced. Snow evaporation cannot be simulated by Priestly-Taylor method based on topography and vegetation, and other factors such as wind need to be taken into account.