

    Selection of superior hybrid larch families and growth rhythm analysis

    • 摘要: 以黑龙江省林口县青山林场10年生杂种落叶松家系试验林为研究对象,对生长性状调查数据进行分析。变异分析结果显示:杂种落叶松生长性状家系内存在较丰富的变异,树高方面,日本落叶松5×兴安落叶松12(K5×G12)、日本落叶松3×兴安落叶松2(K3×G2)、日本落叶松12×兴安落叶松9(K12×G9)、日本落叶松3×兴安落叶松9(K3×G9)这4个家系变异系数平均值比总平均值高出26.09%,高出对照(CK)1.04倍,高出长白落叶松白刀山种源37.88%,高出小北湖种源16.23%,高出兴安落叶松乌伊岭种源42.02%;胸径方面,K5×G12、K3×G2、K12×G9、兴安落叶松6×长白落叶松6这4个家系变异系数平均值比总平均值高出24.94%,高出CK 20.39%,高出长白落叶松白刀山种源23.39%,低于小北湖种源2.14%,高出兴安落叶松乌伊岭种源32.10%。对杂种落叶松家系进行差异性分析,方差分析结果显示,树高与胸径家系间差异均达到显著水平。杂种落叶松家系各组分生物量分配比例分析结果显示:日本落叶松5×兴安落叶松9(K5×G9)与日本落叶松11×兴安落叶松2(K11×G2)这2个家系总生物量高于其他参试家系,且具有更大比重的树干生物量,树叶生物量所占比例相对较小。结合以上结果与生态适应指数分析结果,最终选择K5×G9与K11×G2为杂种落叶松优良家系,树高方面,K5×G9家系比生长较慢的K5×G12家系高出24.91%,高出家系总平均值12.23%,高出CK 2.87%;胸径方面,K5×G9家系比生长较慢的K5×G12家系高出40.68%,高出家系总平均值21.51%,高出CK 8.50%。生长节律分析结果显示,与参试家系平均生长节律相比,优良家系生长期相对更长,且在快速生长阶段表现出更快的生长速度。


      Abstract: Taking 10-year-old hybrid larch test plantation in Linkou County of Heilongjiang Province as the research object, we surveyed and analyzed the growth traits of larch. The variation analysis showed that there were great variations in growth traits. In term of the height, the mean of four families (Larix kaempferi 5 × L. gmelini 12, L. kaempferi 3 × L. gmelini 2, L. kaempferi 12 × L. gmelini 9, L. kaempferi 3 × L. gmelini 9) was 26.09% higher than that of total families, 104% higher than CK, 37.88% higher than Baidaoshan provenance, 16.23% higher than Xiaobeihu provenances (L. olgensis), and 42.02% higher than Wuyiling provenance (L. gmelini). In term of the DBH, the mean of four families (L. kaempferi 5 × L. gmelini 12, L. kaempferi 3 × L. gmelini 2, L. kaempferi 12 × L. gmelini 9, L. gmelini 6 × L. olgensis 6) was 24.94% higher than that of total families, and 20.39% higher than CK. The analysis of variance showed that differences between families were significant. Analysis of ratio of biomass in each part showed that the L. kaempferi 5 × L. gmelini 9 and L. kaempferi 11 × L. gmelini 2 had more trunk biomass, but foliage biomass was lower than other families. Combining the results of multiple comparison and ecological adaptation index analysis, we considered L. kaempferi 5 × L. gmelini 9 and L. kaempferi 11 × L. gmelini 2 as the superior families. In term of height, L. kaempferi 5 × L. gmelini 9 was 24.91% higher than L. kaempferi 5 × L. gmelini 12, 12.23% higher than the mean of total families, and 2.87% higher than CK. In term of DBH, L. kaempferi 5 × L. gmelini 9 was 40.68% higher than L. kaempferi 5 × L. gmelini 12, 21.51% higher than the mean of total families, and 8.50% higher than CK. The analysis of growth rhythm showed that, compared with other families, superior families had a longer growing period, and had a higher growth rate than other families during the rapid growing period of larch.


