Influences of exogenous additives on culture of biological soil crusts
摘要: 生物土壤结皮(以下简称“生物结皮”)在防风固沙,改善土壤环境以及生态系统修复等方面扮演着重要的角色,目前正受到广泛关注,然而由于受到水分、养分的限制以及风蚀的影响,其发育演替和恢复仍然较为缓慢。本研究以毛乌素沙地自然发育的生物结皮为种源,采用全因子试验设计进行了室外人工培养试验,探究高吸水性树脂(SAP)、硝酸铵、葡萄糖、沙蒿胶及其交互作用对生物结皮形成发育的影响。结果显示,SAP对生物结皮的形成发育无显著性影响,硝酸铵和葡萄糖显著增加了结皮叶绿素a含量,沙蒿胶显著增加了结皮的抗压强度,低用量的沙蒿胶显著增加了结皮叶绿素a含量,高用量的沙蒿胶对结皮叶绿素a含量无显著性影响。研究结果还显示,硝酸铵、葡萄糖以及少量的沙蒿胶的混合添加极大地提高了结皮的叶绿素a含量。结果表明:外源氮、碳添加有助于生物结皮的形成发育,沙蒿胶能够提高结皮的抗蚀能力,同时加入适量的氮、碳及沙蒿胶,有利于生物结皮的快速形成。Abstract: Biological soil crusts (BSCs) have been proved to play an important role in stabilizing desert, improving soil environment and restoring ecosystem, and are attracting wide interest. However, the succession and restoration of BSCs progress slowly due to the limitation and influence of water, nutrient and wind erosion. This paper explores the effects of superabsorbent polymer (SAP), ammonium nitrate, glucose, and Artemisia sphaerocephala Krasch. gum (ASG) and their interaction on the formation and development of BSCs, using a full factorial field design. SAP did not have a significant effect on the formation and development of BSCs. Ammonium nitrate and glucose significantly increased the content of chlorophyll a in BSCs. ASG significantly enhanced compressive strength of BSCs; low dosage of ASG notably raised the content of chlorophyll a in BSCs, while high dosage had no remarkable effect on it. The results also showed that the mixture of ammonium nitrate, glucose and ASG significantly enhanced the content of chlorophyll a in BSCs. The results indicate that the exogenous addition of nitrogen and carbon can promote the formation and development of BSCs. ASG can improve the resistance of BSCs to wind erosion, and mixed addition of nitrogen, carbon and ASG are helpful to the rapid formation of BSCs.
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