Genetic diversity of Machilus pauhoi assessed by SRAP markers.
摘要: 采用相关序列扩增多态性分子标记方法,对7个省份23个种源的刨花润楠进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明:1)12对引物组合共扩增出157条带,其中115条为多态性条带,占总条带数的73.24%;2)12对引物的多态性指数介于0.406~0.502,平均值为0.476;3)通过分子方差分析发现,刨花润楠种源内差异占总差异的72.19%,种源间差异占总差异的27.81%,种源内差异为刨花润楠差异的主要来源;4)基于遗传距离的聚类分析显示,23个种源的刨花润楠可分为4类:第1类为湖南、广东、广西的所有参试种源和江西多数种源,第2类为浙江参试的3个种源,第3类为江西婺源和安徽黄山2个种源,第4类为福建参试的4个种源,分类结果表现出明显的地理趋势。本研究结果为刨花润楠种质资源的保存及良种选育提供了一定理论基础。
- 刨花润楠 /
- 相关序列扩增多态性(SRAP) /
- 遗传多样性
Abstract: The sequence-related amplified polymorphism(SRAP)markers were used to assess the genetic diversity and relationship of 23 Machilus pauhoi Kanehira provenances from seven provinces. Twelve primers were screened out which were used for SRAP-PCR. The results showed that: 1) a total of 157 clear bands were amplified, and 115 bands were polymorphic (the percentage of polymorphic band, PPB=73.24%); 2) the polymorphism information content (PIC) values ranged from 0.406 to 0.502, with an average of 0.476; 3) the molecular variance analysis (AMOVA) revealed that genetic variation mainly existed within provenance (72.19%) and few among provenances (27.81%), showing that the variation of M. pauhoi within provenances was the major source of genetic diversity; 4) the cluster analysis results suggest that 23 provenances should be divided into four categories: provenances from Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi and Jiangxi are clustered in the same group; all provenances from Zhejiang Province are together; Wuyuan and Huangshan provenances are classed together; and all provenances from Fujian Province are clustered into one group, The classification results reflect geographic trends significantly. The result of this study provides theoretical basis for germplasm resources preservation and breeding programs of M. pauhoi. -
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