Nitrogen transfer in the litter-soil interface continuum of the temperate forest
摘要: 凋落物-土壤界面连续体是森林生态系统的最重要部分,也是氮素生物地球化学循环最活跃的场所。土壤氮元素的生物地球化学循环广义上可分为转运和转化2个环节,真菌和细菌分别在这2个环节上扮演重要角色。降雨、氮沉降和温度等变化能够改变森林生态系统的氮生物地球化学循环过程,在全球变化加剧背景下,深入了解凋落物-土壤界面连续体内氮的转运和转化过程和机制尤为重要。本文综述了凋落物-土壤界面连续体的研究现状,通过应用N示踪、分子生物学测序和N-DNA-SIP分子探针技术,研究氮转运和转化的微生物群落及其过程的可行性,并提出今后森林生态系统凋落物-土壤界面连续体的氮循环模式,强调了真菌的转运和细菌的转化过程在氮固持中的贡献,有助于森林生态系统氮固持力和机制系统认知,为开展温带森林生态系统管理和氮排放控制提供了思路。
- 氮转移 /
- 凋落物-土壤界面连续体 /
- 森林 /
- 真菌 /
- 土壤
Abstract: Litter-soil interface continuum is the most important component of the belowground ecosystem, which is also the most active area of nitrogen biogeochemistry cycling for the temperate forest. Nitrogen cycling in belowground ecosystems can always be considered to involve two processes: transfer and transformation, and fungi and bacteria play important roles in these two ways. Precipitation, nitrogen deposition and warming can change the nitrogen cycling, however, the mechanism of microbial communities driving nitrogen transfer and transformation still remains unclear. Herein, we review the contribution of nitrogen transfer and transformation to the nitrogen cycling, and highlight the response of the microbial community driving the both processes to nitrogen deposition and precipitation in terrestrial ecosystem. Our review has important implications for the nitrogen deposition and precipitation in the temperate forest ecosystem. We also suggest that the leaf litter labeled with N and measurement of the fungi and bacteria communities with N-DNA-SIP technique should be future research focus.-
- nitrogen transfer /
- litter-soil interface continuum /
- forest /
- fungi /
- soil
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